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The Newbie Tournaments

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Toran:

So you're a paintballer, too? I never appreciated the first-person shooters or even the limited exposure to wargames until I played paintball - that's a rush and a half!<hr></blockquote>

I like paintball as well, I've been on three 1-day outings on Long Island. Buying a no-fog mask made all the difference b/w a somewhat crappy 1st time out and a fun 2nd time out. I got no confirmed kills the 1st time, but got my first "mark" the 2nd time: with a left hook I managed to sneak behind their whole "D" and "surrender" one person by tapping them on the shoulder from their "six," and shoot two more b4 they knew I was there...what fun.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash:

Now boys,

I know SuperTed has not asked for this specifically but it would be nice if you brought in some reports from your (very) distant battles.<hr></blockquote>

If you insist, Senor...

I was the FJ's vs. Flammenwerfer's Poles in Blind Man's Bluff. The 1st action was on my left where I killed 1 of his platoons, losing 2/3 of my own platoon.

Then on the right, I caught 3 of his squads moving through the woods (my platoon was *not* moving) and killed 30+ men for only about 15 of my own. In truth, it was sheer luck that his men stumbled upon mine while my boys happened to not be moving.

I then spotted (and fired 1 ammo round at) what appeared to be 2 platoons (they could have been Split Squads) running laterally across the map to try and bash the one 1/3 strength platoon i had there...which, unbeknownst to him, was a good idea...if he tried to attack the platoon that had just ambushed & killed his 3 squads, he would have been in for a surprise, since I had a 2nd, hidden platoon lying in wait.

I gave the order to have the survivors of my left platoon 'fast move' back towards my start area (his exit) to escape his onrushing platoons (I had a 3/10 squad, and a 3/4 Platoon HQ). I was delighted to see my "pinned" squad succeed in running away b4 his lead elements made their lethal appearance from out of the fog.

After falling back 100m or so, I picked a spot he was likely to pass while heading for the exit, and set up another ambush, albeit with only 6 men. My squad then killed one running unit, but due to the FOW I had no idea what it was until the AAR/"map" phase. Then 1 of his 2 pursuing platoons showed up and killed my squad (3 healthy squads firing on 1 depleted one), and only 1 of the 3 remaining men in the Platoon HQ escaped, and he managed to exit.

Final tally was: a draw, I "won" by 54-46...


Edited for better readability and for the tons of typos I make while 'Net-sneaking at work ;>

Edited again to remove info that would spoil the Fog of War for those still playing.

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> The 1st action was on my left where I killed 1 of his platoons, losing 2/3 of my own platoon.<hr></blockquote>


Just for the record-in the first action I lost 1/2 a platoon, 3 half squad paratroopers after they succesfully sneaked by your advancing platoon and than had to back-track.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> He then raced 2 platoons to my left, to try and bash the 1 reduced strength platoon i had there...if he tried to attack the platoon the had just ambushed & killed his 3 squads, he would have been in for a surprise, since I had a 2nd, hidden platoon lying in wait. <hr></blockquote>

Those 2 platoons were not attacking they were lying in ambush in the center of the map and lucky for him I lost patience and changed tactics.

btw where's the set-up?

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Flammenwerfer ]

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Flammenwerfer ]</p>

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Aw Boys,

It's truly heartening -- and the clarification!

Keep 'em coming!

SuperTed loves these things and I know f'r sure that the best one wins the wild card spot for the bash off between super newbie and those paltry merely newbies.

You hear it here first!

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Just a gentle reminder - some of these AARs are coming dangerously close to revealing information that may help (or hurt) people still playing scenarios. Remember - even revealing what kind of units you have can be giving away valuable intelligence to somone still playing the scenario.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash:

Aw Boys,

It's truly heartening -- and the clarification!

Keep 'em coming!

SuperTed loves these things and I know f'r sure that the best one wins the wild card spot for the bash off between super newbie and those paltry merely newbies.

You hear it here first!<hr></blockquote>

Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YankeeDog:

Just a gentle reminder - some of these AARs are coming dangerously close to revealing information that may help (or hurt) people still playing scenarios. Remember - even revealing what kind of units you have can be giving away valuable intelligence to somone still playing the scenario.<hr></blockquote>

Woops, I apologize for putting too much detail into my AAR...I have edited my post. Those still playing must still peer into the dark foggy night to identify their tormentors....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YankeeDog:

Just a gentle reminder - some of these AARs are coming dangerously close to revealing information that may help (or hurt) people still playing scenarios. Remember - even revealing what kind of units you have can be giving away valuable intelligence to somone still playing the scenario.<hr></blockquote>

Gentle yes and we appreciate it. But as this is also a learning experience I am going to blow this wide open.

Within the first 10 posts it was known that the allies were not just Poles but Polish Airborn.

Within the next 10 it came out the axis with those pansy boys with big guns.

If you go to the unit tables and points all is revealed. Once the type is known it is easy to determine strength by comparing point cost.

Personally (just for my own sensibilities) I ignored the intel until I personally identified my first pansy boy - but once identified i knew exactly how many were out there.

In one respect CM is not about realism. If it were real you wouldn't come to the fight relatively even handed (if you could help it).

Now for Mighty Mouse it is known that Axis sport Puma's (there I said it again -- we need a whistle smiley - I'd use that alot!)

part of the fun is telling and not telling so let me pronounce (in speculative mode only) that the allies are those wimpy tail between the legs thingy mabobs. Ooww so fast and quick and pretty but sooo wimpy.

I see an HE prob with this but I'll get back to you once I consult my graphs and Pfc Dunsel's pitching from the mound.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? t...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).<hr></blockquote>

Ooo SuperTed -- I'm so evil


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I know for a fact that the losers of that pitiable Newbie and so called Alternate Newbie Tournaments - (pathetic labels for pathetic creatures) -- could not even begin to conceive of winning against that most illustrious breed of Super Newbies.

I cannot decribe any Super Newbie as a loser so words fall me...

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RedBastard vs Mortar

Twas a dark and stormy night...

On seeing the map and the conditions I figured that whatever action there was, was going to be quick and brutal. So I decided to link up all my squads and push up one side of the map. My thinking being, mass as much fire power up front so that if I made contact with part of Mortar's forces I could make quick work.

During my advance I met up with a Inf. sound contact, which was kinda creepy as this Ghostly soldier marched calmly through my squads.

Nearing the last 1/3 of the map, my far left squad came under fire and took a few minor causulties. I quickly tried to turn my troops to face the threat and was greeted by 2 more of Mortar's squads who marched calmly into my line of fire. 2 squads lost their lives and the 3rd, chewed up nicely, broke and ran.

Figuring their might be more where they came from on the left, I moved a few more squads over. Right into the waiting arms of the rest of Mortar's men who had gotten around behind me .

Needless to say, I had my ass handed to me. After blasting my squad leader and most of 3 squads the poles vanished into the night giggling quitely to themselves.

O'well. Maybe I can make it up in Mighty Mouse. Allthough after the first couple of turns, it doesn't look good. Sure is fun though. :D


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Well, Most people better be a good way through Blind Man's Bluff, so here's my AAR.

Newlife: Polish

Bog: Germans

At the start of the action one of my Plts stumbles across a stray German and makes quick work of em. At about the same time, a german Plt walks within 2 meters of one my own scouts and never sees him. That is until he disobeys orders and decides to fire on a Lt. Damit, he had strict orders to stay hidden. Ended up getting himself killed.

Well, his insubordination did allow us to figure out which direction that German Plt was headed and get one my own Plts into ambush position. The ambush didn't turn out entirely as hoped, but we sure bloodied those krauts before we slipped away. Unfortunately not everyone made it. One of the squads broke and we didn't have time to track him down. Ended up going MIA (Left on the Map).

Meanwhile, things started to heat up on the left. Two of my plts joined up in a clump of woods just as a few half squads came into the thicket as well. Pretty soon we had two entire German plts bearing down us. Gerry seemed to be everywhere. Fortunately for us, the attack came piecemeal and we were able to concentrate our fire as they came in. We took a pounding, but held out.

Cappy finally shows up with the last Plt just in time to mop up the remains of the Plt we routed. (Figures he shows after the really dangerous part is over) The other German plt never fully closed with us and decided they had a previous engagment somewhere else. Not that we weren't wanting to bug out ourselves.

The whole encounter lasted 5 minutes at the most. BANG! they were on top of us, and then it was over. All in all, is was good the Cappy showed up because two of the Lts bit it. Cappy claims we won that round, but you could have fooled me. Just look at how many men made it back to the lines that night.

Thankfully we found a fair number of the Company the next morning after we reformed and pushed forward. But we definately weren't overstrength anymore and we lost our two best officers.

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Hey redbastard - excellent AAR for the Blind Man Bluff scenario. Couldn't have said it better myself. Although those last few squads of poles weren't giggling as they were running away into the night. I think what you heard were their cries of terror as they made a mad dash for the exit zone on the other side of the map. smile.gif

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Boo hoo hoo. *sniff* Ted *choking on tears* has forgoten all about me fellow newbies. I guess *sniff sniff* that AAR on our battle is never to be. . . *sobbs out of control and crys like a baby* :(

Where are you Ted! :confused: I know you're busy, but I figured we would exchange at leat one file before calling it quits! :D

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).<hr></blockquote>


Did you say...another...tournament? :eek:

It's worth considering...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Boo hoo hoo. *sniff* Ted *choking on tears* has forgoten all about me fellow newbies. I guess *sniff sniff* that AAR on our battle is never to be. . . *sobbs out of control and crys like a baby* :(

Where are you Ted! :confused: I know you're busy, but I figured we would exchange at leat one file before calling it quits! :D

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]<hr></blockquote>


My apologies, good sir. I went to see Lord of the Rings this evening. On my there, I picked up some tickets to Sunday's game at Lambeau Field. So, I will be MIA for about ten hours on Sunday. On the bright side, I have a lot of free time on Saturday.

Yes, I am always busy (actually, Charles Moylan is my pen name ;) ). But, I promised steady play and I shall endeavor to deliver.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Okay. I guess. :rolleyes: I'm spost ta see it tomorrow night myself. I'm sure it'll rock. smile.gif

I'm at work most of the day before that. I'm sure we'll exchange a file or two though.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]<hr></blockquote>


The file's on the way!

Enjoy the movie!

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