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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Lord, make Panzer Leader look at this. That should shut him up about talking about nakedness and his betters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not so sure about that. Enigma intercepts disciphered this, this evening from dePantsLederhosen <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

My wife is pestering me to come to bed, and I am (to be -ed) whipped, so I will finish this tomorrow!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Draw your own conclusions.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martyr:

Oh, and Berli, I have to admit that two digits is very impressive. I bow respectfully.


Hmmmmm......'bout time you got into the 21'st century isn't it?

Try using some KY-Y2K - alows 4 digits to fit where only 2 did before.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martyr:

I've been out, I've had a few beers and the odd whisky-sour, and all I ask a wee bit of challenge. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lord love a duck! That is about as lame a challenge as I have ever seen. Hint: first post

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I passed on my birthday greetings to Kitty yesterday, just to beat the rush of slobbering sycophants.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess that makes you part of the group of we slobbering sycophants, 'cause Berli got his greetings to Kitty a couple of days ago!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berli:

Mace, you do realize that you are seriously unbalanced, don't you?


Funny, the voices in my head mentioned that just the other day.


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Yeh, *noticing the various articles referenced from the one page*, I've been very, very naughty!

Processing CMBO turns does take time, on top of that I have my sleazy and degenerate lifestyle to pursue.

So given a limited amount of leisure time I'll have during incarceration, something will have to give, so no more CMBO PBEMs for Macey ;)


PS Hey Kitty, any chance of we sharing the same cell?

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by some ssn:


Right here, you gibbering twit! Piss off, and take those other illiterate idjit SSNs who've been populating the 'Pool in my absence with you. Bunch of prattling incompetents: "ooh, I'm thingy-obsessed," "dur-de-dur, I can't understand the simplest 'Pool precept of sounding off like ya gotta pair," "duh, I'd single someone out and insult them viciously and creatively, but I'm too bloody stupid!" (Yes, please quote them all out of context to my detriment; I'm sure something so obvious is all you can manage.)

Cripes, I should've stayed in Venice. Hell, the all-day meeting I sat through yesterday (the day after the 9-hour flight back) was better than this!


How the feck can there be any updates? I've been on fecking vacation for a week! You're still all a bunch of useless bloody loonies, but I suppose at least the telephones are clean.

Seanachai is killing me, and I am dying. However, I captured a veteran Vickers, so that gives me a moral victory. Damn him and his rigged map--I hate him most of all.

Leeo is killing me, but I am not dying as much as he is lately. I've flogged my balky attackers close to one VL, killed his AT gun, killed his PzIV, and pretty soon I'm going to kill him. I hate him most of all.

Goanna, that scaly little lizard-faced git, is lurking somewhere in the snowy dark ahead of me. Good thing I bought all FT HTs. I hate fighting in snow, but I hate him most of all.

That lower-cased abomination stevetherat is advancing with all the subtlety of a troop of Morris-dancers. He's bought 29 Humber SCs, which are barely a step up from MG Jeep recon. I'd knock them out, but I know the gamey wretch would use the crews for a last-turn flag rush. How I hate him--I hate him most of all.

I'm playing some other drooling lackwits, too, but they haven't sent turns in forever, for which I hate them most of all. Whoever you are, send your feckin' turns!

As for the rest of you, I hate you most of all.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to remind everyone that Croda is a brainless prat. I hate him most of all.]

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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I weep from laughing at the biting wit of my predecessor Squire Agua Perdido. I too hate you most of all.

I weep from the constant annoyance that are the SSN's. Please, challenge someone specific. Somehow they can type, but cannot read, oh the tragedy...

I weep from Panzy Litter's continued borish posts.

I weep for Mace's unrequited love.

I weep because I have 6 more hours of work.

Now please, everyone together, go die-a-lot.


ps Happy Birthday Kitty!

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Some people have nothing to say and others have nothing useful to say. Imagine which one of those groups you would find my furry face in.

I'd like to start this day with a note of concern at Lorak's absence. Having Panzerleader post 10 times instead of having Lorak post once leaves me feeling empty and cheated. Its like drinking MGD light. The taste is disappointing and you know you'll have to drink close to 30 of them to get a buzz. Granted, Panzerleader can be entertaining sometimes, just not in the Peng thread. I think he broaches subjects in a creative way and is excellent at gathering information that can help us in the future regarding Combat Mission, but he is like a titsi fly in the Cesspool. He wants nothing more than to sit in your stool and feast on the peanuts that made it all the way through unscathed. The sad thing is that I've understood every single one of Panzerleader's posts where there are approximately 18 of Lorak's posts I've sent out for translation. My gynecologists are working round the clock to discover the truths and various profundities in some of Seanachai's posts. His synopsis is for another day.

So, Lorak, I hope that you are still reading this drivel on an almost daily basis. Understand that we miss you. You could stop marking down each of my losses and I would still enjoy having you around because you confuse me quickly and effectively. I remember when you used two big words in a row one time and I went catatonic for twenty minutes. My cats ate the rest of my Cocoa Puffs and tipped my coffee over. The little bastards.

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Was it just a hallucination inspired by the musical ecstasy that is Amnesiac, or did I just hear Panty Liner fantasising about seeing Emma naked, Stuka and Speedbump drooling over Denise "pneumatic bimbo" Richards, and MrSpnkr getting all worked up about Erika "pneumatic bimbo" Eleniak?

Sorry, I thought this was the mighty Peng Thread, but it appears I've walked in on a male onanistic orgy (I suppose that's what happens when you spend time prowling around the dank recesses of civilisation). Yes, I know Mace just burst out of a large cake and performed a striptease, but for someone with an unhealthy affection for sheep that seems refreshingly normal.

You lot, I gather there are plenty of websites for that sort of business, and this isn't one of them, so zip up and let's resume the noble art of killing people and blowing stuff up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Was it just a hallucination inspired by the musical ecstasy that is Amnesiac, or did I just hear Panty Liner fantasising about seeing Emma naked, Stuka and Speedbump drooling over Denise "pneumatic bimbo" Richards, and MrSpnkr getting all worked up about Erika "pneumatic bimbo" Eleniak?

You lot, I gather there are plenty of websites for that sort of business, and this isn't one of them, so zip up and let's resume the noble art of killing people and blowing stuff up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Someone sounds like he is just a wee bit tired of the Plump Page 3 girls available in the UK!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Selfhump wrote:

Someone sounds like he is just a wee bit tired of the Plump Page 3 girls available in the UK!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, looks like we have an authority in the house. I'm not acquainted with any pornographic publications, so I'll be sure to call upon your expertise if anyone ever threatens me with a knife in the street and demands to know which is the tackiest available porno. "Hold on", I'll say, "instead of snapping your elbow joint and doing a tapdance on your prostrate body, I think I know a chap who can help you!", and I'll give him your e-mail address, before snapping his elbow joint and doing a tapdance on his prostrate body. Unless, of course, you would want a shot of his prostrate body before the police arrive.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Ah, looks like we have an authority in the house. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, the Daily Sun is a porn rag? Here I thought it was what passed for journalism in the UK?!?

My apologies...


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Hmmm, first post, first post... Ah, there it is all the way up at the top of the thread! Pride of place must gotta count for sumthin. Let's take a look.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

"The pool is a multi-functional kononia for PLAYING CM. It is sanctioned and bears the imprimatur (look it up, you SSN gits) of the most high.*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, a "konania", eh, and with the imprimatur of the most high? Well that certainly sounds like a good thing. Nice. Theologically sound, even. So the Poon Thread is sort of like a church, only without the money and the sermonizing and the funny clothing? Or maybe just without the money?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So if you don't like it then SOD OFF!

Do not expect us to welcome you or be nice. There is a certain protocol.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This sodding business. I just dunno. I mean, I've heard about it, but the actual mechanics seem kind of murky to me.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>1) Pick out some other minion (not the pool at large) or earless ratfaced boy (don't fret, several answer to that description). Taunt them with style and verve, alliterate and prevaricate. In short, Sound off like ya have a pair! Or, Pair off like you've got a sound! Do not expect games with the senile old ones, rather focus on someother scum sucking newbie, fo rthe enertainment of us all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And there's the meat of it! Oh, Lawdy, mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of Peng! I was blind and now I see! (Checks pants for Pair) And there they are, two, right where I left them last!

And now, apropos, to Testify:

Panzer Leader! I lay upon you the Fickle Finger of Fate, a challenge to back up your clammy words (so easily spoken, so painfully up-backed!) with cold steel and hot tungsten! Plus, unless I read it wrong, you put your sister on the bargaining table and I'd suuuuuuure like to get some of that. Unless your own sordid, mucky hideousness runs in the family, in which case thanks but no thanks and I'll settle for cash.

(dabs forehead) That works just like they said. Like being washed, sanctified, and purged from a blocked lower colon all at once! (Sings mawkish hymn)

Anyone else?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martyr:

And there's the meat of it

Panzer Leader! I lay upon you the Fickle Finger of Fate, a challenge to back up your clammy words (so easily spoken, so painfully up-backed!) with cold steel and hot tungsten! Plus, unless I read it wrong, you put your sister on the bargaining table and I'd suuuuuuure like to get some of that. Unless your own sordid, mucky hideousness runs in the family, in which case thanks but no thanks and I'll settle for cash.

Anyone else?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OH!!! So close. I thought you had it until that last line. You Git! You cannot expand the challenge from one to all! Must someone beat you with a limp fish for you to understand simple english? (the American kind because that England style English is unintelligible)

GAHH! Now Sod Off! I am sure that Bauhaus or Mace would be more than willing to show you how!

Besides Panzy Licker has already proven in the last incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, that he is afraid of SSN's!


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Awww Cripes, how did I happen to attract the attention of a stupid newbie GIT?? Dis Donc! (French appreciation day, y'all) Okay GIT (for rhat is what I dub you, for now and all eternity) expect your quick demise to be in that porn-filled trash-heap you call an "Inbox" tonight.

Someone wanna send me a copy of Crodaburg?

Hopefully ther flagellation I bestow upon Git will be enough to drive him away from our stinking heap of offal we call cess-sweet-cess.

Now onto matters of a more serious nature. The-Only-One-As-Far-As-I-Can-Tell, I was under the impression that you had sodded off and left me to be due to my larger braincapacity overshadowing the pavlovian reflexes you call "my mind." But no, against your better judgement (which is also known as your "life partner") you have spoken ill of me. Uh no, wait, that was actually a comliment. But, no, hmm, oh SOD OFF!

As for the sweet raindrops of beauty and grace who occaisionally send ripples of excitement through our pool of excrement (YK2 and Kitty to be precise) happy birthday to one and "Is that a no then?" to the other.

I might as well do an update. Here goes:

SstrFckr continues to assault my crumbling Line-of-Crews with his heavily gamey mix of Brit and American tanks, but I am keeping him at bay on HIS side of the clearing. Unfortunately, the game engine thinks I am not doing enough, and is moment by moment shifting victory points from my side to his. Gamey game!

Berli has sent me a scenario that is really nothing more than a tangled mess of the worst terrain features and I have been given the instructions "Hack your way through that jungle and win a triumph." And so I shall.

Dame Vacant (as is obvious by his uncomfortable camplaining when anyone mentions the female genetalia) has done me the honor of accepting a challenge to assault (with 12,000 points and 10 15 turn battles) my hardened defense of 5,000 points spent on mines and barbed wire and 1,000 points spent on 20mm Quad Flaks and Puppchens. Exciting stuff. I just hit "GO!" and watch him burn and die alot.

Kernal Klink, a newbie who never quite made it to squire slowly dies under my fire in Valley of Trouble 2. He has rolled up a flank, but I have rolled up a dooby to counter it.

Parabellum, is he even risen to the status of SSN? oh well, we're playing, I am defending (I am the Great Defender you know, even if I haven't ever won) and he is attacking. Come up over the hill my precious.

Is that everyone? Ahh who cares.

Oh yeah jdMORSE are you gonna send me a turn back or are you that (scared/drunk/stupid)?

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:


OH!!! So close. I thought you had it until that last line. You Git! You cannot expand the challenge from one to all! Must someone beat you with a limp fish for you to understand simple english?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Argh! Consider me overwhelmed by expository passions at the time, then. I firmly and formally withdraw the offer to "Anyone else." Nobody--but nobody--better get between me and my initial challenge to Pansy Division there. Call off the fish!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Besides Panzy Licker has already proven in the last incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, that he is afraid of SSN's!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah ha! Afraid, hm? Very afraid? That will play right into my strategical plans, then, won't it? (Cue menacing music) Ah, yesssss.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

(as is obvious by his uncomfortable camplaining when anyone mentions the female genetalia)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did anyone? I didn't think we had stooped that low yet, but the way your're going, it won't be long to wait.

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Daily Bacon you sound like an old woman at a gossip covention. If you have enough time to rant about how pathetic PaintSniffer then you are not playing enough CM.

Expect a setup this evening (thats about 4 am to you people living Over There in the Land of the £™ ). Care to voice any preferences, or should I just randomize everything and set it at 1500 points? Maybe then you can whine about how I am turning all of your PRW's (Pixellated Rainbow Warriors®) into Pixellated Crunchy Bits (pat. pending) instead of worrying about the DLF's sudden predilection with the nude human form.

[editted to kill a resilient, yet inadvertant smilie - slowly, if possible]

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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