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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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To borrow from the Formerly Most Just and Gracious Lord, jd:

"The pool is a multi-functional kononia for PLAYING CM. It is sanctioned and bears the imprimatur (look it up, you SSN gits) of the most high.* So if you don't like it then SOD OFF!

Do not expect us to welcome you or be nice. There is a certain protocol.

1) Pick out some other minion (not the pool at large) or earless ratfaced boy (don't fret, several answer to that description). Taunt them with style and verve, alliterate and prevaricate. In short, Sound off like ya have a pair! Or, Pair off like you've got a sound! Do not expect games with the senile old ones, rather focus on someother scum sucking newbie, fo rthe enertainment of us all.

2) Hang around for awhile, get the feel of the place, avod disinfectant and if this is your gig, and you are willing to mortgage your immortal soul, well, line forms to the right.

3) It's a game and we like it here so that being said, get lost.

For further information please contact our Solicitors at the Old Firm. Or just cut to the chase and sell your soul to Berli."

umm... anything else?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>*From the Great Bald Overseer:

It is a place for members of the forum to meet up with other CM players, hurl incredibly funny and, for the most part intelligent, insults and taunts back and forth wage war via Combat Mission with each other, hone their tactical and gameplay techniques and generally tick off people from time to time.

Think of it as a huge disfunctional PBEM/TCP game community with an abusive father, a neglect Mother and a Cousin that keeps bumming the other members of the family for cigarette money.

We read it (if the verb READ is really applicable) from time to time, get a chuckle out of it and allow it to continue.

And Why? Well because...

Time to move on gentlemen....


[ 06-04-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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Whats that on the horizon?

Its a stampeding horde of SSN's and Newbie wannabees!

Get them thar wagons in a circle, man the battlements, heat the pitch barrells, raise the yardarm and stow that scuttlebutt soldier!

Prepare to repel boarders!

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*** looks around ***

I like what you've done with the place. Let's see:

A) Slime in place - check.

2) Newbie traps placed - check.

iv) Pansyleader given directions to another thread far away - check.

7.09) chunky stuff in water - check

15) Make sure Iskander posted better rules than that tremendous git, jd posted last time. Crap. Well, just have to make the best of it I suppose. Check - but reluctantly.

LMCVIII½) Kick Miss Candor in the butt and tell him if he has enough time to lurk and await the end of a Peng thread just so he can start the new one, he has enough time to SEND ME A TURN - check.

Right. Carry on, then.

[ 06-04-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Well lookee see....the Kebab has managed to start a thread - highly appropriate behaviour for several bits of meat skewered on a stick!!

Perhaps you could loan your stick to Ping? He seems to have lost his!

But back to the Kebab - when are you going to send me the setup for our last game of 3?

Or is your continuing decline giving you performance anxiety?

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Firstest: It appears that PantyLiner will be an idjit for this Incarnation of the Holy Mother Thread as well. Just wait him out like herpes.

Notasfirstest: Man of Thingy, you have confused this personality with that of the useless and unwelcome Outerboards. I, a Knight of the 'Pool played two games with you?!? Nay, nay. Please go and sniff some more airplane fuel, then scroll back up and re-re-read the fecking rules!. You're running out of chances, boyo.

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Ah...so you have mushrooms skewered on your bit of wood too do you, you Turkish Delight?

Have you already forgotten how I humbled your Canucks? How it must've galled to lose a whole platoon of Priests to a 20mm cannon and a solitary AT gun?

4 AT weapons (assuming we include a 75mm inf gun and a solitary 'shrek with the aforementioned heroic Pak and Flak) was all it took to grind your pathetic sitzkreig was ground to a halt!

Your underwhelming incompetance more than making up for overwhelming strength!

Come back and fight you bunny!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:


Whats that on the horizon?

Its a stampeding horde of SSN's and Newbie wannabees!

Get them thar wagons in a circle, man the battlements, heat the pitch barrells, raise the yardarm and stow that scuttlebutt soldier!

Prepare to repel boarders!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Aaaargh!

Belay that Mr Stuka. There'll be no mixed metaphors on this ship. Back to yer station and stop running round the quarterdeck or I'll have ye flogged. Pray tell the gunner's mate to load grape.

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Drat. There seems be a bit of confusion. RancidSleeter how did you get here?

*** walks over to Penisleaner ***

May I see that?

*** yanks paper out of PaintLicker's paws ***

Hmm. I see. You got the real directions to the new thread. But that means someone else got the directions to Mace's sheepskin Costume Party! But who...?

Oh no.

Has anyone seen Lorak lately?

You don't think he could have . . .?

Umm, Mace, that wasn't a ewe we sent you . . .

[ 06-04-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


I believe you said you'd send a scenario. Perhaps I was incorrect in assuming it would be sometime before CM2<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's in the mail, oh, evil one.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Umm, Mace, that wasn't a ewe we sent you . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It wasn't?


Well with ones eyes shut it all feels the same!


btw Lorak has been noticed by his absence. Perhaps he fell in battle on some Tribes 2 front?


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Well, it took me some time to believe this could be our new home, given the rather unpromising 'starter' of this incarnation (Iskander is a Knight, isn't he?), but if Peng and Berli are posting here, this must be it.

Pity it's such a dump.

And why is that odd little man who has a fascination with Stalin's thingy still posting here?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

And why is that odd little man who has a fascination with Stalin's thingy still posting here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because senile, old twits such as yourself continue to notice it. You breath life into this hallucenation brought on by a bit of undigested beef.

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Okay listen up ya gits, I have bollocked ole Senility and survived the There can be only one challenge. Actually, well.. er, there is two, we have managed to achieve our third straight draw. While I did nose him out on points 41-37 iirc) we acvhieved exactly the same losses in men and material. We have proven that we are offensive ignoramus' yet tenacious defenders.

Lorak a mythical being I have heard tell of, if you ever manage to pull yerself out of your cups, rack up a racous draw for us...

jd - draw

Seanachai - kissing his sister again

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Guest Babra


I'm BUSY. Leave me alone. Go torment something. Get a hobby. Read a friggin book. Files will be along before the second coming (go away BH).

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MrSpkr said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Rather like killing baby seals in a burlap bag with a steam roller.


Finally someone who understands!

That's exactly how it felt when my girlfriend (aka "Steam roller", "Stem roller" or "Sten roller") tried to ... well, you get the idea.

My heartfelt thanks go out to you, MrSpkr, at last I have gotten to know the feeling of being understood.

Does Bauhaus know that you are capable of such empathic considerations?

For your benefit, here's an instructional and interactive guide on how to take care of the organ that makes you really appreciate the cesspool in general and MrSpkr's dental hygiene in particular: http://www.nobodyhere.com/justme/nose.html

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