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Forum?......or against 'um?

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Having been away from CMBO and this forum for a while and visiting forums for other games which temporarily distracted me from Cmbo,I was struck by how many backstabbing,rude,inconsiderate and downright nasty people exist on other forums.Things were so bad that this morning I thought "I know,I'll return to the fold and visit that paragon of worthwhile debate,informative discussion,and,well,"niceness" that is the CMBO forum".The first thing that catches my eye is a farewell from Modmeister Tiger."some sort of joke?" I thought,and then I read the post and the one which led up to it.I know that healthy debate is an essential part of any democratic society,including ours on this forum,but I was still sad to see that someone who has for me at least been a major part of the wonderful thing that is CMBO,has felt compelled to head off into the wilderness.I know the thread with his goodbye has been locked,but I feel strongly that I should offer my own thanks to Tiger for all his work,and hope he has a change of heart.I was really looking forward to his mods for the Eastern front,but alas they may not see the light of day.And me?Well I guess maybe I had just deluded myself while lost in the "other forum" wilderness that this was an oasis of tolerance and moderation.Was I just a sad deluded fool?

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

This debate has already spawned a new thread here. We don't need another.


You've hurt my feelings. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Babra wrote:

You've hurt my feelings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well of course I have, I'm just a pompous, holier-than-thou old git, and I've taken a sudden dislike to you and the fact that you posted here, and I resent the fact that you're still able to post, so I intend to browbeat you into submission whenever I see you exercising the supposed right to state your opinion. Didn't I once see you contributing to a thread which questioned the accuracy of the way CM is modelled? Right, that's it, I'm sending the flying squad round to your house to shoot you and round up your family and friends for incarceration on a remote Scottish island. And as you all know, I get backhanders from BTS to be their unofficial board police. There, it's all out, I've admitted it, that should make Tiger and Jeff Heidman and co happy.

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Im very very very very sorry mr Aitken (tug of forelock,averting of gaze etc)but I was unaware of the other thread.I unfortunately only had a short time this morning to have a look around the board.Oh,and I take my hat off to you,thats quite a clever trick,trying to mask your officious arrogant manner with a (very thin) veneer of humour.And in case your wondering,my attempts above werent intended to be humorous,but sarcastic.And yes,I know "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit"but I feel its better to have some form of wit than none at all,but hey,what do I know?

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Okay, how about this:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This debate has already spawned a new thread here. We don't need another. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed a smiley can make all the difference, but a lot of people seem to assume that absence of smilies is deliberate. Maybe we should have an 'arrogant' smiley with its nose turned up, and a 'sarcastic' smiley with its lip curled, so that those who rely on smilies to decide on the tone of a comment can be sure that someone is being spiteful.

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Dont push your luck david,you live just up the road from me and I may just come up there and kick your arse ;) (see,smiley and everything)Sorry I was so pissed off this morning but not having been here for a fair bit of time I was shocked to read of Tigers decision,but While I will miss his mods I suppose I will stay around as its much safer here than "out there",cheers,Bob. smile.gif

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Maybe we should have an 'arrogant' smiley with its nose turned up, and a 'sarcastic' smiley with its lip curled...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


This one is both arrogant AND spiteful! ;)

Now gimme a hug, Dave -- I need validation.

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As a long time lurker and a short time poster I am disappointed in the entire affair. I would hope that in the future people think before they type, nobody seems to understand that without visual cues the potential for misunderstanding is very great.

That being said I am also not a fan of smilies. It is my experience that many people hide behind them, making a snide comment then putting a smilie after it so that they can claim they were only kidding. This is the highest form of cowardice in my book. I do not mean to imply that this is always the case, but it occurs much more often then you think.

I am also disappointed in the course this thread has taken. If read in one light it may appear that some are preforming the hi tech version of a high five after ganging up on an individual and forcing them from the palying field. Comments such as those posted above can be read as insults to those offended by earlier posts. To mock someones emotions or reaction is perhaps the basest form of humor.

Perhaps I am reading all of this wrong, I do not know anybody here on a personal level and may not be in tune with an inside joke. Perhaps I am reading the posts out of the proper context. But we need to consider that 90% of the visitors to any given website or forum are in the same situation. This is a new medium that is still developing it's language and protocols. One thing that is apparent is that we need to pay closer to the words and phrases used, without the visual cues and content added by inflection and tonal quality it is easy to read almost any emotion or intent in to a message. We need to understand that the readers mood may have more to do with the message that they receive then the intent with which it is written.

I do not post this to insult or inflame, only to shed some light on the difficulties and hazards of this medium.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MSBoxer:

Perhaps I am reading the posts out of the proper context.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can't speak for the others, but I haven't even read the offending thread in question past the first three posts.

There are some folks that I have known on these forums for over a year -- DA is one of them, and we can swap jibes in the knowledge that we won't offend.

HE's not complaining. Why is everyone else? And why is it anybody's business?

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Boxer, I am not a poster, but lurker, so please in advance let me say sorry for not agreeing with you. I do not think anyone here sounds like they are attacking anyone. And that whole thread was a problem, not just Mr. Tiger. Tiger, who seems to me to have quite a loyal, and I would also say fanatic, fan club, got irked, then he got someone else irked, and then the whole thread was no fun to read, even though this guy Spook was trying to save it.

I hope I have not offended.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MSBoxer:

As a long time lurker and a short time poster I am disappointed in the entire affair<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As a long time poster and someone who comes here on a daily basis for the last 15 months, I must say I'm at a loss for words.

:( (This smiley means what it means MSBoxer, a frown!)

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One thing I am interested in is how Mr. Tiger got such a fanatic set of groupies around him. Does anyone know? I have never really seen his art, but I just would never imagine that art would cause some sort of a cult to spring up around him. (Hope no one hands out any cool aid in the next week).

Where is the best place to see his stuff?

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Bucsman ]

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As a student of communications and a professional web designer/developer I offer these thoughts. There is no intent to lay blame, inflame, or insult. I just seek to shed some light on some issues. Take it for what it's worth...not much.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> As a long time poster and someone who comes here on a daily basis for the last 15 months, I must say I'm at a loss for words.

(This smiley means what it means MSBoxer, a frown!) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a perfect example of what I was trying to get across.

Read in one light it appears the JuJu is in agreement with me.

Yet in another light it can be read as a condescending remark intended to belittle and insult.

Without more clarity of intent it is open to the interpretation of the reader. I do not know JuJu and he does not know me, we have no previous examples to base our discussion on so we are limited to an highly ineffiecent and ambiguious means of communicating.

Again my intent is to display how the same message can be read in a variety of manners, yet I believe that with a bit more care the message can be phrased in a manner to remove quite a bit of the doubt.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: MSBoxer ]

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I agree that many a QUICK flame or two is the result of people jumping at shadows. However, those who have experience with this imperfect medium, and are basically good natured mature people, try not to jump too quickly. Like everybody else, I am not perfect in that regard, but with over 6,000 posts under my belt and often the target of the ill mannered... well, I think my record is pretty good smile.gif

So true, some problems can be started by misunderstanding one another. However, other times there is nothing to misunderstand. Unfortunately, I feel that this latest head bashing had more to do with personalities clashing and less to do with understanding.

This BBS contains a few thousand active posters. An assumption that we can all get along is one I would never make. I think the MAJORITY can get along, and in fact do. The level of maturity and civility here is quite high. And as Moderator, I intend on keeping it that way :D

Ignore the rabble in this thread MSBoxer. They are actually just trying to lighten the mood. The only thing bad about their posts in this thread is that they are in this thread and not in the Pool. Now back to where you belong you critters of the night! ;)


P.S. We really do need to put this behind us and move on. Tiger will do whatever Tiger wants to do. Everybody else needs to move on. Even though this thread is not in and itself a problem, consistancy is important. This one is being locked up like the others.

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