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No CM release for at least 2 weeks (good guess)

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Looking over the Steve's comments I noticed that he mention that they will try to do multiplayer spawning last. He also mentioned they have not started working on it.

I estimate multiplayer spawning to take at least a week to implement and couple of days to test.

So my comment is: There will be no release for at least two more weeks

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Guest Capt_Manieri

Basically, I think that they'll probably be done with the game in about three weeks. That's my prediction. Then it's off to the replicators..... biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by killmore:

I guess I could exchange email files between two machines.

But if I cannot run without the CD then multiplayer will be useless to me. (I am too impatient to email).

I would love to play with firends at my house!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can play on a single machine... hotseat

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I hate to say it guys, but I honestly wouldn't expect to see CM until at least May. From comments made here it seems they still have an awful lot of work to do and work takes time. I think anything earlier than that would be wishful thinking on both their and our part. I think May at the earliest...Late May.

"They're Ok, the last days of May..."


Going to put on a certain album by a certain band few of you children probably have ever heard of...

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Guest Capt_Manieri

I used my generative deduction...3 weeks is definetly when they'll have things squared away. Now, if you're talking about how long it takes to get CDs produced and packages ready to ship, that's another story.........

(I know, it makes my heart sink too, just like when I heard Steve's comments about production thus far)

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You will hate me for this but I hope CM gets released around April 8th. Don't shoot me, just my preference. I'm in a pretty intense year-long military school, and I graduate on the 13th, and actually leave for my new posting on the 20th. April 8th will give them time to ship it to me, and then off I go for 25 days vacation. If it gets released before that I may flunk out.

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I think it will officially be released April 20th to coincide with the birthday of certain famous people. Not to insinuate that the guys at BTS are fans of his. I am. I love the guy. With all my heart. Come on now, who's birthday could I be talking about? April 20th? That's right! You guessed it:

Tito Puente !

Also George Takei and Clint Howard...

How could anybody not be fans of these guys? And therefor it would be the perfect day for those nutty guys at BTS to release it. I can only think of one birthday on that day which would be inappropriate...Hmmm, no matter. No one of any historical importance.

Zamo, tongue firmly in cheek

PS frown.gifand no, this should NOT be interpreted to mean I am a fan of the unmentioned one)

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Well I know it will be out this year, but I'm also waiting on B17II and IL2 Sturmovik. I love military history from all angles. Looking forward to sinking some allied shipping with Silent Hunter II as well.

I must say the developers of CM have been the most intrested in us, the customers.That fact and the board which I scan everyday make the waiting much better.

The truth is I've found most the answers to questions I've had about the game by simply reading the posts. Scanning thru a days posts with a cup of coffee takes me about 45min to an hour. Thats time I'd normally be playing a 3d shooter or someone else's wargame or sim.

Personally I hope Charles and Steve really shake the hell out of the gaming companies, cause we really do want to see those other theaters in CM don't we wink.gif

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Guest MantaRay

Well Zamo, you can say Hitler here. smile.gif I have to thank him for being such a great Military Genius. Without his brilliant leadership, we wouldnt have such a fine game to wait for. We may be waiting for Kombat Amerika, instead of Combat Mission.


And yes, this post was made in jest!!!


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Do you guys really dislike Hitler?? I mean, sure he lost the war, but he's not such a bad guy...no, I mean it! I mean, like no worse than most of the other dictators....

Anyway, I thought wargamers liked him! What ever happened to those storied gaming conventions from the '70s where somebody would inevitably show up looking like Hitler or some SS fellow?

Hitler was a genius. He just had like five different countries stacked against him. Well, stress gets to even the best of us after a while.

Like I'm going nuts waiting for CM!!! What did I just say???? I believe it, but I can't believe I've actually admitted it!

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Wow, are you serious DC 228 or just suffering from severe CM withdrawl? Don't worry pal, we've all been there. After a while, even Stalin starts looking like a kool dude and Ronald Regan like a good actor and a wize President.

Actually, Hitler was a political genious, and he should have left it at that. He managed to defeat all of those nations (Poland, France, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Denmark, and Greece) mostly because they were all politically divided, and were invaded separately over the span of 2 years. Sure, Czechoslovakia and Austria were political masterpieces.

If you can overlook Hitler's evilness, such as the Persecution of the Jews, Gypses, and any other undesireable along with waging a massive war of aggression he is pretty loveable, with that fuzzy little mustashe and the geeky greased hair. However, when I tend to see the Nazi overlords on documentaries (Hitler, Georing, Gobels, and the Skipper too) they appear to me as gangsters, or petty theives. They just give that appearance to me, just plain trash.

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Guest Capt_Manieri

If Hitler wasin't so hellbent for the campaign to end the Jews, he might have won the war.....seriously!! When he made the Nuremberg laws into effect, he forced certain Jews to leave Germany....smart Jews. Albert Einstein ring a bell? He ould have created the Atomic omb for Germany......then who knows what the final result of the war could have been?

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Herr Major, all seriousness aside, I have to wonder what it was that Hitler did that was so bad. I mean, even the Jews practiced genocide, if we are to believe the Holy Scriptures (I mean, even the Germans had "Gott mit uns!"), which form the basis of their/our religion/identity. Anyway, no one in Germany today is arguing whether Charlemangne slaughtered seven hundred or seven thousand Saxons farmers for the Holy Roman Empire.

I mean, if it weren't for genocide, where would the U.S. be today? No, really, sometimes I suppose one must take the long view. Too bad for the natives, but...hey, we've got the internet and stuff nowadays! Stuff we'd not likely to have had under a less advanced ciilization, etc. "War is the father of all things."

Capt'n Manny, I agree; in fact, the Japs (sorry, Wesy) thought it was wierd for their Master Race partner to persecute fellow white Jews, who it seemed would have made better allies than enemies, given their mythic clutch on the world economy, whatever! The strategic outlook is perhaps best exemplified by a comparison of Western chess with Chinese Wei Chi-derived Japanese Go: the object is to surround one's enemies, rather than annihilate them...etc.

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DC, just because about every nation did something similar doesn't make it right. Frankly, even as a Canadian I am distressed by our treatment of the Amerindians. The way the Americans and Canadians treated Japanese Americans or Japanese Canadians was also untolerable. I mean, imprisoning someone who is just as loyal as everyone else only because their family history had some lose connection to your present enemy is totally and absolutely pathetic.

Where do we stop? If it is ok to genocide Jews because they did it in the past (In Theory) whose to say that someone else (African American or Amerindian) doesn't have the justification to take all your property, sell you into slavery and kill you for looking at someone the wrong way. You are borderlinging on a very dangerous topic here DC, if I were you I would be offering appoligies for your uneducated remarks and end it here.

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-24-2000).]

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Guest Capt_Manieri

*raises hand*

Agree. The jews in Germany in the 1930s had no control what their ancestors did hundreds or thousands of years before their time. That doesn't justify genocide. If anybody should be killed in mass, it should be the einsatzengruppen or Waffen SS.

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