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Does anybody actually use the ladders?

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Does anybody actually use the ladders? I'm listed on two different ladders, have challenged multiple people to a match, and have only recieved one response (and he could only run 1.01). No one has ever challenged me -- it often seems like no one actually uses the ladders to challenge anyone, except for the top 30 people, who are probably out of my league at this point.

Also, I've noticed that at least one of the ladders doesn't seem like it's been updated recently, and that the scores seem awry.

The other ladder has a "Search for Opponent" feature, which seems very helpful, but it doesn't seem to actually work. Also, it doesn't appear to have been updated in a while (it still lists 1.03 as the newest patch).

I'm sorry to grouse about this, but has anyone else ran into these problems? I don't want to have to post on the board every time I want a new PBEM opponent, and I'm used to a process much easier than this for finding multiplayer opponents.

Let the flames begin. frown.gif

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I don't think there will be any flames, however, a search would pull up some good threads about the ladders. I did one a few weeks ago and came up with some interesting info.

I know of which two ladders your speaking of, RD and CMHQ.

The CMHQ scoring currently has a problem from my understanding of other threads, but is supposed to be fixed shortly.

RD (Rugged Defense) isn't that bad of a ladder IMHO. However, there is a tournament going on right now which probably makes it difficult for some folks to play. Anyway, typically all you have to do is shoot off an email and most people are very friendly and will let you know if they can play or not.

Hope that helps. I'd love to play you in a game right now, however, I have about 7 of them going and that's waaaaaay too much for me. I got overextended and am paying dearly for it.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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I am in both CMHQ & RDCM ladders. I think RDCM has a better system for picking up opponents, I have no problems getting games. The CMHQ ladder has a better scoring system but it's kinda porked right now. Once it's fixed, I will like the way the scoring is calced out better on CMHQ , but it's harder to set up games. Just my 2¢ smile.gif

Big Dog

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

The CMHQ ladder is quite woefull right now, i have abandoned it. After sending in many game reports over the last 3 months not one game has been updated or added to my score.

On the other hand the RD ladder:


is updated almost hourly, also more info is available for each opponent and you can see who has played who and what was the result. Most new games there are using v 1.5 already.

Right now the RD ladder is going through the tournement.....like a world cup sort of competition and most of the guys are busy including myself. However finding opponents on the RD has not been a problem. Have you challenged anyone yet directly? Do not use the RDCM e-mail group for challenges, look at the ladder and click on the blue text of the person you want to challenge - you will then be taken to his summary page. Then click on the revolving "E" at the top of the page under the name of the person. This will bring up a e-mail with a "Challenge" in the title of the e-mail.

Why not go there and do it to my name? I am ranked number 5 right now. I will accept your Challenge young skywalker, even though i have a few games on the go. Welcome to the ladder.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

[This message has been edited by Captitalistdoginchina (edited 08-28-2000).]

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I use the CMHQ ladder.

I find that it is pretty easy and a lot of people are there. The scores are suspect right now. But word is that they will be fixed and you will not have to resubmit your games.

Capital Dog...

CMHQ is automated. So if you are submitting games and they are not getting posted it most likely is the playes fault. When you submit a game it fires off two e-mails one to the winner and one to the loser with the score. If someone doesn't answer the e-mail agreeing to the result, the game isn't posted.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi there Lorak,

Yes whenever i post the results on the CMHQ it tells me that 2 e-mails will be sent out which must then be answered - but i have never yet received one of these so called e-mails. Neither have my opponents. I tried to enter the results again shortly afterwards but still no e-mails. I entered about 8 game entries. I gave up in the end and now i would find it hard to remember all the game stats to re-enter it all again. So, nevermind - i will stick with the RD ladder for now as it appears more reliable. Maybe later i will sign up again at the CMHQ.

As i mentioned in my earlier post the player info and stats at RD are better and more detailed. The CMHQ only shows games played, won or lost summary. The RD has a neat feature which shows you which opponents you have beaten or been beaten by and what side you were playing. It also shows the games you have in progress and who you are playing. I kinda like that.

The CM Tournament is fun over at the RD site.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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ok, CDIC

Not sure then, myself and the people I play haven't had a problem with the e-mails. May be that your e-mail addresses are wrong and need updating...

Doesn't matter though. I've looked at the RD site. But I don't have three games sitting ready and done with people already on the ladder in order to sign up.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi Lorak,

you do not need to play 3 games before you register. You may register at any time and your name will appear in the list of persons who have not completed 3 games (Then you are available for a challenge by other members). Then once you have 3 games under your belt you will automatically be given a ranking and you will be moved onto the ladder itself. Those 3 game results will be included.

If you are looking for 3 opponents to get you off base one, then.......what the hell i have room for one more!


PS. You could be right about my e-mail address - i better go and check and see if i entered it correctly. But i think its unlickely.


"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Thanks for the offer. But I'm already drowning in PBEM games now. I'll give the ladder there a look and think about it.

Thanks for the heads up on how it works.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina


You are welcome. Maybe another time when we have more time.

BTW you do not have to play 3 ranked players either - anyone will do.

I just visited the CMHQ and my e-mail address is correct.




"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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"Yes whenever i post the results on the CMHQ it tells me that 2 e-mails will be sent out which must then be answered - but i have never yet received one of these so called e-mails. Neither have my opponents"

Yes, the above has hapen to me 2 times in the CMHQ ladder...


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The CMHQ ladder is working ok for me. Do recieve e-mails, and so do my opponents (well, one hasn't confirmed yet I believe). Have 4 games registered. The scoring is a bit weird(got 4 points for a total win, and 60 for a marginal, same size, opponents about even), but it evens out more or less (after 2 winns and 2 looses I am back where I started).


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Captain Toleran,

There is a CM ladder over at Tournament House <http://www.tournamenthouse.com> that is going to be the #1 ladder for this game. It has just opened so there are only a few members signed up as of now but we expect more to sign up soon.

Go over there and look for yourself. I think you'll be pleased with what TH offers.


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When TCP/IP comes out, I hope that a ladder system is part of it. Ideally the players enter the info and once the game is over, the ladder is automatically updated. Perhaps the player can enter a website address where the info will be automatically sent to.

Things should speed up with TCP/IP

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

Does anybody actually use the ladders? I'm listed on two different ladders,

Let the flames begin. frown.gif <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Members are sorted into Firing Range (active ladder members), Obstacle Course (cadets needing to complete 3 games for registration)

and inactive reserve. (anyone who hasn't registered a game in 3 mos.) I'm just a newbie there, but haven't had any problem getting a game going.

check'em out... tell'em tailz sent ya.

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