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The Days Mussings

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Well London is prooving pleasant, but one thing that annoys me is so many english are so damn arrogant about their contribution to just about anything!

For example, my flatmate is convinced that "the english invented the bomb first, but chose not to use it/gave it to the US". Now as far as I know, that's totally wrong!

You see stuff like this all the time, "the brits are great at war", "the british are great footballers" etc etc etc smile.gif So what's the story with the A-Bomb, would like to inform my flatmate more correctly smile.gif

in other news, watched "the Patriot" last night.

It stole 3 hours of my life! GRR!

I went with the little woman, (who loves action and sci-fi films!), and we get in at 11pm figuring we'll go clubbing after.. Well three hours later and we're both totally drained and stagger home.

It was kinda an annoying film really. I mean, maybe if you're an American it's ok, but i felt like someone had smothered me in star-spangled honey and invited the founding fathers to lick it off. blea! And what's more, three hours! I tell you! and really only two major battles, but.. THREE HOURS and much of it more like a soap than an action film.

Mind you, it was a little more representative of the brutality of both sides than I expected from other reviews, but even so, all the expected people on the 'goodies' side died at the right times to get Mel Gibson to raise the flag, hurah.

In the end I wasn't quite sure if I enjoyed this film or not. It was just too long, the fight scenes too expected, ("saw that in braveheart, that in Last of the Mohicans, a much better film") etc etc. I kinda expected mel to paint himself blue, get confused and charge someone wearing a kilt.

i think it would have made the film more interesting smile.gif

I feel more sorry for the Yanks than i do the Poms, must kinda be annoying to see your own people butcher your history smile.gif

anyway, polemic mode off smile.gif


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Wanna get technical, the first person to create the Abomb were the germans who had it made but never got round to use it!!!

then the americans stole einstein and all the great german scientists and used them for their own purposes (germans didnt want to do it, they thought if they went to america they wouldnt have to make the abomb but they got tricked) anyway thats the story, and why the hell would you want to watch the civil war, its very dull.....

a good movie to watch is

"All Quiet On The Western Front"

i found it very immersive because it was front the germans point of view (i didnt mind it being in german though)


~Veni Vidi Vici~

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Guest Germanboy

Hi Peter - welcome to England, the country of hyperbole incarnate (best public health system, great footy, brilliant cricket, best policies on everything, general envy of the world).

The A-Bomb as abomb was produced by the Americans first. Only the US had the technical and financial resources to undertake the Manhattan project while fighting a war on two fronts and supplying the third (Soviet) with lots of materiel.

The first controlled nuclear fission took place in a reactor underneath the football stadium in Chicago in 1942, IIRC and was supervised by Enrico Fermi, an Italian emigré. German scientists under Heisenberg were working on it but not even close to having more than blackboard drawings. Of course they later claimed that they did not produce it for ethical reasons and were consciously stalling - yeah right. There was a factory for heavy water H3O production in Norway, that was destroyed by a British commando raid and/or the Norwegian resistance. The theory went back to Einstein, Bohr (a Danish guy) and Otto Hahn, who first discovered the concept of critical mass in the 30s, IIRC. All this off the top of my head, so don't hold me to ransom on the info. The H3O factory story was made into a bad movie with Richard Burton (the Uk's answer to Klaus Kinski), but I think it has a background in reality.

I would like to know where Praetorian learned his history on this. I am surprised at this 'The Americans stole Einstein'. Latest I heard was that he found Germany a bit an unhealthy place after 1933, being a Jew. Or maybe his humour escapes me, being sleepy.



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From what I can remember, even if the German H30 experiments had been successful they were on the wrong path to making a practical bomb, although they understood how it would work in theory. The Americans were the only ones able to put the whole thing together, and just in time too!

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"just in time too"

yeah cause they knew they could never win a war with out the god damned thing

and man americans manipulate everything!

i saw a documentary by a group a historians

thats 6 volumes long about WW2, it says the germans had a nuke bomb ready to go, but someone miss placed the guidance missle systems "MWAHAHA wasnt me" anyway they couldnt use em so they (all 62 missiles)left them there!!

OK if they didnt have the technology or the money then how the hell did they make crossbow missles huh? they were the missiles crossing the channel and hitting london!!!

Anyway....lalala ive proven my point lalala.... and also it seems that the top engineers were bought by US at the end of the war... so they could advance, after chemical engineers from russia and all round everyking of engineer from germany didnt want to be responsible for killing millions of ppl "civilians", they got douped into going to america!!!


~Veni Vidi Vici~

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

You see stuff like this all the time, "the brits are great at war", "the british are great footballers" etc etc etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The safest beef in the world, according ot the UK government...

Just makes you mad, doesn't it?



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PraetorianXXI:

Anyway....lalala ive proven my point lalala.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No you haven't, you are just ranting. Any idea how much the US spent on Project Manhattan? There is no comparison between that and the Peenemünde works, where the Germans essentially worked on improving existing technology, while in Los Alamos and Hanford they had to come up with all the technology from scratch (uranium enrichment etc.). Care to mention the name of your 6 Vol. history by scientists?



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Thanks Andreas, for clearing Praetorian up on this smile.gif I think perhaps he should study history a bit more thoroughly before making grand pronouncements biggrin.gif So far the only thing proved that I can see is an apparent lack of historical knowledge smile.gifOnly an observation on my part, not a flame, I have 2 elbows as well

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Anyone interested in nuclear weapons should visit http://www.fas.org/nuke/hew/ .

Cary Sublette's history and theory of nukes is as good as it gets on the net. The German's were using a flawed theory of critical mass and were never even close, BTW. Like the Russians, they put the whole thing on the back burner due to more pressing concerns.

And until the Trinity test, nobody really knew if the damned thing would even work. Until then, nuclear weapons were just a bunch of guys in a room, talking.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>yeah cause they knew they could never win a war with out the god damned thing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you'll check your history ... let me rephrase that ... if you'll check the history the REST of the world uses, you'll find that the Allies had defeated Germany well before the bomb was dropped. And Japan was reduced to the Japanese islands, less Okinawa. In fact there has been quite a debate raging for , oh, 50 years now about whether or not the U.S. HAD to drop the bomb or just chose to.

I won't even get into the rest of your drivel except to say that it was the American Revolution, not the Civil War and it was either the V1 or V2 (not sure which you mean) but it was NOT the "Crossbow Missle".

You have chosen the wrong group with whom to spout off young man, these people KNOW what they're talking about and have not received their knowledge from a six "volume" documentary that is bandied about in your equivilant of Junior High School.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If you'll check your history ... let me rephrase that ... if you'll check the history the REST of the world uses<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Joe - ROFL

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It was either the V1 or V2 (not sure which you mean) but it was NOT the "Crossbow Missle". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I actually have it on good authority (the Prime Minister's press spokesman called me up) that:

a) the British invented the Crossbow Missile

B) that said missile is therefore the envy of the world

c) that it is really safe and can be fed to ministers' kids

d) that England will win the Ashes and the next world-cup

e) that Tim Henman, current non-performance notwithstanding is the world's most impressive tennis player

f) that the Williams sisters are really English.

Now where are those damn smilies when you feel like abusing them.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

And until the Trinity test, nobody really knew if the damned thing would even work. Until then, nuclear weapons were just a bunch of guys in a room, talking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The "Little Boy" design (which used Uranium) was not tested before it was used on Hiroshima. The bomb that was tested on the Trinity site was of the "Fat Man" type (Plutonium), later used on Nagasaki. So they were pretty sure that the comparatively simple "Litte Boy" would work.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kurtz:

The "Little Boy" design (which used Uranium) was not tested before it was used on Hiroshima. The bomb that was tested on the Trinity site was of the "Fat Man" type (Plutonium), later used on Nagasaki. So they were pretty sure that the comparatively simple "Litte Boy" would work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although until they actually ran the Trinity test, they had no idea what would really happen. There was a strong current of opinion within the Los Alamos team that the bomb might ignite the Earth's atmosphere and turn the planet into an airless cinder. But hey, then the war would be over and they would've accomplished their mission.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

I actually have it on good authority (the Prime Minister's press spokesman called me up) that:

a) the British invented the Crossbow Missile

B) that said missile is therefore the envy of the world

c) that it is really safe and can be fed to ministers' kids

d) that England will win the Ashes and the next world-cup

e) that Tim Henman, current non-performance notwithstanding is the world's most impressive tennis player

f) that the Williams sisters are really English.

Now where are those damn smilies when you feel like abusing them.


Was Euan Blair drinking "Crossbow Missles" (a cocktail made from hard cider, lager, beef on the bone, and one of Tim Henman's old socks) the night he was found contemplating the details of the pavement in Leicester Square? And where were the Williams sisters in all this? At least the second heir to the throne is healthy and wants to marry Britney Spiers.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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The safest beef in the world, according ot the UK government...

Just makes you mad, doesn't it?


Not unless you are a British cow biggrin.gif

It sounds like some of the posters on this thread have been eating some of that mad cow wink.gif


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Just a note to my English cousins. The Patriot is made in Hollywood and as such isn't considered anything else but a movie. I saw it last Friday and considered it to Be "Brave Heart with muskets" I like the Computer gen. background and the colorful uniforms. The general story is about right (we won our independence after the French devloped the A-Bomb and threatened England with total destruction, Right?)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri:

The safest beef in the world, according ot the UK government...

Just makes you mad, doesn't it?


Not unless you are a British cow biggrin.gif


1st Cow: "This "Mad COw Disease" is terrible! Whole herds area being slaughtered, whether infected or not! Why, we could be next!"

2nd Cow: "I'm not worried!"

1st Cow: "Not worried? Why not?"

2nd COw: "Cos I'm a tractor!"

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I last saw a piece of a stupid sf series when I was zapping around.Don't know the name of it.

It was about a timetraveller who stopped the Germans from using a V2 missile with nuclear warhead.Another timetraveller has made the guidancesystem...... :c and was shot by the Germans after the failure of the testfiring.

The missilles were called crosbows...????

Maybe that is the documentary are Preatorian child was talking about.

To many striking simularities here??!!


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

At least the second heir to the throne is healthy and wants to marry Britney Spiers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pray tell me, what is healthy about that? She is an icon of the spotty 18-year olds I was guarding until two weeks ago...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

2nd COw: "Cos I'm a tractor!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL - took me a moment...



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Pray tell me, what is healthy about that? She is an icon of the spotty 18-year olds I was guarding until two weeks ago...


Have you seen the rack on her???

Having the hots for her may not be evidence of taste, but it at least points to normal hormonal development.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Have you seen the rack on her???


Ah now I see. She was the one who gave Christina Aguilera a run for her money in the competition over the Grammy Award for best new breasts... That's okay then.



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This is a public promise: If the little twat we know as Prince William marries that wonderful artist called Britney Spires, I will rally to his side and sing whatever national anthem they sing here in the UK, and wave the Union Jack until I faint of exhaustion.

Peter: welcome to the UK. Remember that it is the duty of the immigrant to complain about the host culture. It is an easy job, and someone have to do it.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrAlimantado:

Remember that it is the duty of the immigrant to complain about the host culture. It is an easy job, and someone have to do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just consider it done...

And I told you with that wonderful English of yours it is time to dump your girl-friend and propose to Princess Anne...



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Miss B S is a idol of 18yr olds, and guess how old Prince Billy is ?? 18 of course!

England is just fine really, somethings make me laugh tho smile.gif I can't complain really, i mean, otherwise might as well go home!

o, and as for Combat Vision, well i get my PC in about 10 days now, and then i'll start working on it! Of course, CM should arrive about the same time...


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 07-17-2000).]

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