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Guest Captain Manieri

BTS said they were gonna probably finish the textures this week. That's why I'm praying for an update....!!

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I don't have the quote, and I am not even going to bother looking it up. Steve/Charles said that two more weeks and the textures SHOULD be done. Thereby, by the end of this week the TEXTURES, MIGHT be done. That doesn't mean that something else won't come up, or they won't take a much needed break. CM will come out when it comes out, we are at the point where we know just about everything in the game, and we don't really need any more updates to keep our interest when the game comes out. Even if the operational population of this board falls to ZERO I would rather have them both concentrating on finishing this game.

No more updates!



We don't really need them thank you.

(PS. thanks for all the attention you have given this board anyway!)

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Speak for yourself, some of us want updates.

My money is on the table, if BTS can't give a release date, the lease they can do is provide regular updates (weekly, BI-weekly).

Why should BTS give us updates, because they knew they weren't going to make the ship date (they said so on this board) when they accepted orders for CM back in November/December.

A lot of funning things can happen with software companies; buy-outs, sell-outs, chapter11, people leaving etc. All I'm asking for is either a release date or regular updates, this way I can decide to hang in there or cancel my order.

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Guest Zulu1

Pad, your money might be on the table but BTS hasn't picked it up. Their policy is only charging your credit card the day they ship the game. So if they go Ch.11, you loose nothing but the possibility of getting the best wargame of 2000.

If you read this board enough you will see that Steve pops in here only when he has something to say, which is fine by me.

It will be ready when it's ready. smile.gif

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Guest MantaRay

If they do hit Chapter 11, I want to be there to buy the game, and I will keep it all for myself, and maybe even ship a copy to SS_Panzerleader as a make up gift. But, if you are all nice, I will release another DEMO MAP, hehe. smile.gif


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Guest Captain Manieri

Blah blah blah, don't give me that crap with the "BTS don't give us an update, it'll be done when it's done." I want a goddam update, because those are theo nly things keeping me going. Essentially, the board is dead and I no longer enjoy reading it. Why? Everythings been covered!! I need fresh info and progress updates.

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We will get an update when BTS is ready to do so. If they are not ready, don't bother asking. Patience is a virtue.

In the meantime, do other things, edit textures, build websites, create your first scenario on paper and so on and so on.

Sure, i would like an update too, but if we don't get any, BTS prolly have nothing "intersting" to mention, so let them be. (i don't need an update featuring: "today we got rid of bug X, yesterday of tweak Y, and we draw a texture for model G).

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Quit whining ok. All I hear from you is me, me, me. I want this, they should do this for me etc.

Whining won't make anything appear any more quickly. Asking nicely just might get you an update but whining surely puts any of the people who might give you an update off of giving you an update.

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I agree with the CAPT!!!

No release date FINE!!!

Then give us something to chew on.....weekly updates.

Come on BTS will I be playing CM any time this summer or will it still only be the beta testers who have this honour??

Release date......release date......

RELEASE DATE smile.gif

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Shut up! No one cares about you're whining. What the hell are you talking about saying "

My money is on the table, if BTS can't give a release date, the lease they can do is provide

regular updates (weekly, BI-weekly)". (Sorry I don't mean to pick on you pad152, just using you as an example). You wanna know who's money is really on the table? Steve and Charles! The sooner they get this out the better for them.

You wannna release date? Fine then. March 23rd. It's not real but it's as real as any date that you're gonna get from anyone including S&C.

Now I'm sure people are misinterpreting this post right now. I want a release date/update as much as anyone here but I think S&C's rescources are spent better on the game.

Wait I can add in an update too!

The game is progressing along. King Tigers were large tanks that weighed a lot. They are in CM. CM is fun to play. You too will enjoy it eventually. There are bird noises in tha background as well as rain.

Sorry for wasting your time.


Visit my webpage!


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Guest KwazyDog

"I want a release date/update as much as anyone here but I think S&C's rescources are spent better on the game."

I think that is something people really do need to take into consideration Colin.

Every moment spent here is a moment away from what else Steve and Charles has to do. If you guys remember back in September / October last year, Steve spent much more time here answering Q's and responding to the forum, but now he and Charles are working into the wee hours in the morning in an attempt to get this product out to its fans.

Suggesting that Steve and Charles must make updates is in my opinion somewhat rude. These guys are up to 3 and 4 am as it is trying to get CM out to the public, and people seem to want them to stay up another hour updating the forum.

There are many beta testers (yes, including myself) here whom are more than happy to attempt answer any questions you guys have. I check the forum here from work in Aus which is in the evening for you guys, and Im even happy to drop into chats, etc. smile.gif There may be a thing or two we cant talk about, but there is a lot we can.

I guess all I am suggesting is for some of the guys out there to give the guys a break let them do their work, they will update you when they can, but the bottom line is that the time they spend here adds to the time of the game going gold....

Peace all smile.gif

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this is sad... I love CM too.. and even though I say it's my life, it really isn't.

Instead of bitching, be constructive. If your in the CMMC work on comming up with a Bio for your character (i had a lot of fun doing that, and believe i could actualy write a good size story about him now). Catch up on reading. Or just spend time with the loved ones you won't be seeing after the game goes Gold.

In general just live.




This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 03-08-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, the massive flurry of posts into a thread I missed before got me here. I really have nothing new to report. Things are still progressing nicely, we still have understimated the length of time all the final stuff takes, and we are still not giving out yet another release date that we will miss (unless you will take something silly, like June 2004 smile.gif).

Bottom line is the release of CM is not likely to be counted in days or a few weeks. Hate to say that, but it takes about 3 weeks just to produce the stuff once we have finished the game. So wherever we are at now add about one month to get the game into your hands.

Hopefully I will have a more detailed report on our status at the end of the month, but I don't think I will have anything earth shattering to say until then. Models are pretty much all done, textures too, but the manual and scenario polishing (not testing, that is all done) is still not nearly finished. We have lots of people helping us out behind the scenes, but this last stuff is really only doable by Charles, myself, and Superman (hehe... you know who you are smile.gif). Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the long days we put in. But we are getting there!


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Okay. Ill throw my two cents in. There are basically two sides here. One group consists of those who have, mostly, paid in advance for the game and are so eager for it (arent we all) that all they ask for is an update from time to time.

Then there is the other side. This group is made up of people equally excited about the game and who have also fronted there money for it. However, this group feels that BTS should not have to write updates frequently (or at all). To do so would distract BTS thus causing uneeded delays. BTS should remain focused on completing the game as soon as feasible.

Both sides have some commonalities. They both adore the game, want it on their hard drives yesterday, and are honest to goodness BTS fans. Each realizes the attention to detail and dedication readily apparent in the early demo.

Can there be a solution? Is there a middle-ground? What can be done so that all can benefit including BTS?

I propose that BTS satisfy everyone with a simple and not terribly time consuming designers log. An online notepad that serves as both a running commentary on the games' progress and a useful bit of data for game development. An example would be something like:

9 MAR 00 - Completed textures on Tiger and Panther tanks. Work to be done on bunkers.

11 MAR 00 - Problem with bunkers resolved. Working on so and so.

15 MAR 00 - Fixed problem with Pfausts not firing at tanks. Game is nearing completion. Still some textures to be redone.

I don't think something like that is going to cause the game to be delayed at all. Moreover, new users can look at it as a point of reference before creating threads on topics that have already been talked into the ground.

And another thing, the flame wars are unbelievable and downright juvenile. Nuff said.



[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 03-09-2000).]

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It sounds like BTS is saying a third person is on the team - maybe sort of -- glad you got reinforcements.

Even though it'll take a month after the game is complete before we will get it, BTS can still code up a demo version and satiate the hunger of the masses. Once the game is complete.

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Well, what I was trying to get at, is, we already know about 99% of the stuff going into the game. We don't need to hear what small stumbles that they encounter on the way. To ask them to do this, is sort of rediculous. If there is some big change that they implement, like having some sort of control over aircraft, or a really cool feature is added, THESE are worthy of updates, not that I coded 2400 lines of code today. All that Steve and Charles are doing now is the dirty little and boring to talk about touchups, possibly something new (which would deserve some sort of update), but, honestly, we don't need to have a certian set of updates, especially this late.

We know it is going to be done sometime, we know that they aren't going to be running off with our money, or bought out by some competition (they 'could' probably release the game right now if they really wanted to, but, it wouldn't be as stable).

I cannot stress this point any more than it already has been. If there is something worth posting, they will post it! Anything else is just pointless.

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When I saw this thread had dramatically expanded I was hoping for some entertainment.

Sadly even Fionn's attempt to pour a bucket of well deserved vitriol on Manieri's head was quite feeble by his standards. Unfortunately Steve also continues to demonstrate saintlike patience (I have printed out that thread where he told someone to "go and ....." and framed it wink.gif )


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