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Rank the fixes for the 1.04 patch :)

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Well, after reading the "Gamey Tactic" thread, I'm going to have to say that something ought to be done about the ability to "walk" your spotting rounds. Getting 22 shots out of a 6 shot 14 in. battery is obviously a Bad Thing. Now that it's been posted on the forum, everyone knows about it now.

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I haven't found anything that needs fixing (though I like Neutral Party's list). Some tweaks:

1. The gamma changes and occasional distortion issues when switching apps are the closest things I've seen to any sort of malfunction.

2. Area Fire enhancement of some kind. I dasn't risk the ire of the board police by offering my piddling insights on "fixes" but my issues with it are articulated beautifully elsewhere (TeAch, why wasn't this on your list?). It would be neat to prioritize multiple targets, so that if one "went away" (due to explosion or my unit's movement) my unit would engage the next. Or timing, or somesuch.

3. I think SMGs are a little too effective at 100m. If I offer detailed evidence, it's badgering, but if I don't, I am making an unfounded claim. Given the choice I'll just save some bandwidth here.

4. I would like manual control over Nahverteidigungswaffen so that I can generate smoke cover at will (seriously).

Recently, I have come to think that the main gun on my StuGs could be removed to permit mounting of additional Nahverteidigungswaffen so that each crewmember can participate in the defense of the vehicle.

5. AFVs should "remember" local armor threats which temporarily disappear from view, and not rotate the turret to engage minor soft targets hundreds of meters away while the enemy AFV is maneuvering for the kill.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Um,, that;s how it currently works.


Figured that remark would get Fionn to chime in with an confirmation response biggrin.gif.

BTW Fionn have you recieved any of the E-mails I sent you over the last week?.


Best performance so far... 6 Shermans KO'ed by 1 AT gun without my opponent ever managing to locate it.


My best was 9 Shermans inc 4 Fireflys wink.gifand the scen ended with the gun still their wink.gif.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, Go for the eyes!!"

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#1 gamey tactic

this needs attention, soon I think

it has been reported that spotting rounds do not count against the available "regular" arty barrage rounds. This appears to mean that spotting rounds are free, and are unaccounted for and you can use spotting rounds (one at a time) over and over again without expending any of your actual arty barrage. ( A very gamey tactic indeed)

This should be number one on the list as it has been quoted as the "penultimate gamey" tactic".

-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TeAcH:

Ultra Fog of War option.

-Very little info on armor hit

-You unit skill is NOT shown to enemy

(tanks included)

-The condition of your troops is not given to the enemy in such detailed. (Good, Pinned, and routed for example)

-Crews arent shown as crew to enemy

Perspective 1 lock at game start


These are good suggestions, I like the Ultra Fog of War option and the Lock to view only by Perspective 1 (camera 1) would make the game VERY challenging indeed!

I think some here would not think it would be very much fun.

I know I don't have the self discpline to do it by myself now.

-tom w

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Sorry Mark IV. I forgot to add it to my list. I was tired when I wrote the list and was kicking myself knowing I was leaving something out. Yeah. Definately do something to keep my tank from pounding a pile of rubble in area fire after the building is destroyed!!

Thanks Mark IV


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Mark IV wrote:

> I dasn't risk the ire of the board police

Didn't notice that the first time I read your post.

You'll be pleased to know that the Military Police (simulation division, spoilsport branch) are too tired and too busy to keep proper tabs on what's going on just now. =)


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1. TCP/IP with chess timer

2. Gun camera view from attacking aircraft.

3. Paper Map Dispaly (Level 5 View minus units)

4. Map annotation capability (John Maden (sp) pen)

5. Level 1 only playing aids. e.g. combned + and Tab button, compass, etc

6. Free text box for each unit to record orders, notes for acter action reports)

7. Roster

8. Copy and Paste capability for map builder

(gan build adjacent and overlapping maps

9. Copy and past unit roster (with causalties) RPG playing aid.

10. More Buildings & Terrain Features

Any of the above would be great for 1.04


March To The Sound Of The Guns

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Milt Smegma:

5. Amunition carriers for the Hummel and the like(perhaps very expensive?) smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know this one has come up a number of times now. does anyone know two things?

a) was 105mm and 150mm delivered split (ie cartridge and shell two different parts)?

B) if so, who assembled it? The gun crews or someone in the supply depot?

If it was split, and if the crew assembled it before loading it into the gun emplacement/vehicle, no way that ammo replacement should be in CM.

My grandfather told me that hand grenades were delivered without their fuses, and these were put in only a few hundred meters behind the front-line. He used one of these places where his colleagues assembled hand-grenades as OP when a Russian shell sailed through a window and out one on the next side. One of those near-death experiences, I guess.



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I'd also like to see an "At-A-Glance" unit roster. One that would toggle on and off with a key and present the player with a quick run down on all of his units. It would include name, ammo, morale, condition, number wounded/available, etc. From this, the player could double click on a unit, the screen would toggle off (perhaps) and you would be locked to that units view at whatever perspective you were in at the time.

This would great help those who play solely in perspective 1 as well as everyone else.


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Here is what I do not need to see in the next patch:


First person view "lock" mode.

This is not Quake, so just play "Behind enemy lines", if you like First Person Shooters"


Super-ultra-blindfold-me-now-fog-of war

As a player, I do need some feedback, that the graphics (because of hardware limitations) do not deliver.


"Spend the next 2 years in coding against all possible "gamey" moves".

To be honest, the word "gamey" is one word that is overused here.

Instead of checking and testing all possible "gamey" tactics, just play the game!

I do not want that Charles spend his whole time in countering all "gamey" moves your minds envision.

Sometimes life is simple; JUST DON'T do it, if its "gamey". Do not play someone who uses all loopholes to win.

As always, other opinions could differ from mine smile.gif



"I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee:

Andreas, are you kidding? My grandfather says the exact same thing happened to him. Maybe they were in the same unit? Mine was in Russia 41-44 and then was transferred to a different unit. He was in Army Group Center. I can't remember which divison.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Von Brizee, I doubt it. My grandfather was in Bemessbatallion 26 and later (from 42, I believe) in Bemessbatallion 30. These were very specialised arty FOO units using sight and sound for counterbattery action and direction/channeling of fire requests. He was in Heeresgruppe Nord until severely wounded in May 1944, a short time before it was overrun. Escaped the Heldenklau to Denmark. He says this happened when they had their OP in a house very close (150m or so) to the frontline at the eastern edge of the Leningrad siege lines. Maybe it is just a front-line myth.

Got some pictures of his here:




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Oh, yeah.

PLEASE give the Sharpshooter more ammunition.

I just had one run out of ammo by Turn 5 in a 30-turn scenario. He was a Veteran and did wonderful work. He spent the rest of the game enjoying the view.

I know this has been discussed many times, and that I can "fix" it in the editor- but that's no help for Quick Battles, which is what I play the most. I think I've read all the threads on the subject and I'm still convinced that they should have more ammo.

This is just not a realistic load, especially for the cost of those critters (and I am glad that they are expensive).

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Guest Chris B

Fixes it is, and I think these are overlooked.

1) Resolution changable within the game. I hate playing in 640x480 and I hate CM messing up my desktop. (And for "helpful" people telling me to delete prefs and set resolution before entering the game, _NO_ it does not work)

2) Fix click bug. If you press M, click the mouse and move it, the game does not register the mouse position at the time of the click but at the later, moved to position. This is probably less obvious on fast computers.

3) Watch cursors when the game is occupied, ie when loading graphics, resolving battles etc.

4) Ingame FOW in all honor, but LESS endgame FOW, kill lists still say "1 unidentified vehicle".

"-Look, Capt, we killed a Tiger"

"-I aint looking"

5) Save scenarios in "Scenario" folder by default, not "Saved game" folder. My game ignores scenarios in the "Saved game" folder. I'd like to see standard open dialogs, but that is a bit more than a tweak.

[This message has been edited by Chris B (edited 08-14-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Chris B (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Only two heartfelt wishes from me:

1. Saveable full battle movies - Seeing the whole battle unfold without breaks would be CHOICE! Others asked for this and I'm concurring.

2. Hall of fame screen/text file - like Heroes of Might & Magic 3 for example. It would show the best battles and related statistics in a heirarchical way.

If you guys are anxious to close CM1, maybe these could be part of CM2.

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Some of this may be asking too much of the next patch but here it goes...

1) Improved Tactical AI-

(a) I've seen the AI make too many desperate suicide charges (as the Attacker) in light of the fact that I've already massacred or broken the majority of its troops (which were not fanatical quality)! The AI should know when to quit and offer a cease fire! Perhaps it is my lack of experience with CM (I just got it) so can anyone counter this as being a faulty observation?

(B) The AI needs to better plot its artillery smoke rounds. I've seen it drop the smokescreen behind my lines more often than in front!

2) True Fog of War should not allow either side to know the Skill Level of the opposition's troops! The same goes for their Status (Rested, Ready, Pinned, Panic, etc...). The exception to the latter might be if opposing units are in extremely CLOSE proximity to each other, and even then only certain states should be detectable (in the heat of battle could anyone honestly tell the difference between an enemy unit that is being Pinned and one that is Hiding?).

3) Allow more types of heavy/special weapons teams to 'Run', except adjust their speed so that it falls somewhere in between 'Run' and 'Move' (let's call it an anxious 'Trot'). I simply fail to see how men already selected for their physical ability to carry such equipment should be limited to a normal walking speed in battlefield conditions. If anything, inflict a 'Tired' state on these units much sooner than if they were running with lighter equipment.

4) Mortar teams (especially the 60mm) should take a little longer to set up and fire.

5) Full OOB display of friendly troops during and after the battle. After the battle you could include the casualties and kills for each unit as well. Full disclosure of the enemy's OOB and casualties should also be available after a battle. This is one aspect of the Close Combat series that needs to be brought over to CM.

6) A special 'Assault' option for Infantry units. It would be nice to tell infantry to get up and go after a nearby tank/pillbox only and have them automatically run like hell for cover afterwards.

7) Gun Camera for Fighter Bombers and Artillery shells! HAH!

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Rank the fixes? Fix the ranks!

(sorry couldn't resist, as we all know, some of the personality images don't correlate to the ranks they are supposed to represent, but that is very MINOR)

RMC, what the poster meant with his comparison between mortars being able to fire indirect (via a HQ unit which is in LOS) even after they moved, and vehicles (eg mortar ht's) not being able to do so, was that he also wanted the vehicles to be able to fire indirectly by help of a nearby HQ unit which is in LOS. And I second that. There is no use for the mortar HTs right now, because if they need to be in LOS to the target, I am beter off buying a direct fire version (eg 7.5cm HT).

danielh: I think the inaccuracy you cite for the Nebelwerfer artillery is just fine. If you delve a little bit into them as a topic you will find that these were very inaccurate weapons even at the close ranges they were used, so I think the values you give look prety ok to me. Give that topic a little reading and you will find the many reasons why they were so very inaccurate. Btw inaccuracy wasn't really a problem since these weren't exactly surgical strike weapons but area weapons to be fired and employed en masse.

points that I would like to see taken a look at:

1. Post-battle FOW lifted, better post-batle debrief, including an overview roster which will also supply infoon units that have left the field. There is no reason for post-battle FOW on single-battes.

2. The small arms FP values should be given a second look.

3. One thing that hasn't been mentioned before but I find it very important: I want the ability to give the button up / unbutton order just like any other order, so that it will be employed in the turn, not only at the start of it. Example, I suspect this zone (eg bridge) to be under small arms/machine gun fire, so I want the TD to cross it buttoned, but at the next waypoint I want it to button up again for increased situational awareness against armor that I suspect there.

4. Increased FOW as mentioned above, inability to see enemy quality, exact ID of enemy vehicle down to the n-th subvariant.

5: Better scnario editor: wheelmouse support, copypaste, and, especially, the ability to create a scenario for future use in h2h games, where you create a map and give certain units to one side, but also a certain amount of points which the player can then use at his discretion, to give a little variety to the scnenario. Essentially, the way the cc2 scenario editor worked. Thinking of it, a certain rarity would also be nice for the regular QB games. Retain the point value for the T-8, but make only 2 or so available at all, to simulate rarity.

Do I make sense? I guess I'ld rather stop here. It's a good thing that I write my posts, because that spares me from reading them smile.gif

yours sincerely,


P.S.: that my list does not include the others does not mean I do not support them - such as the asault, roster etc. requests. It is because it was originally supposed to be limited to five points. y support for TCP/IP however is limited, sorry but that's due to my pure envy for all these flatrate people out there smile.gif

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For me;

1) British ranks: Company C.O.'s were majors; Batt. C.O.'s were colonels or lieut-cols.

2)In Q.B.'s ; at CM's scale Sherman and Churchill tanks (used in different brigades) did not fight together.

3)In Q.B's ; the abilty for a AI to randomly choose various levels of experience within a single side i.e. green infantry and regular armour. However there should never be conscript armour/artillery - unlikely that such assets would be allocated to untrained or sub-standard personnel.

4)In Q.B's; random choice for Type of Force and Battle Type.

5)Some sort of limiter on rare units. I don't think this should be through increased costs - IMO BTS have this right - costs should be geared to type and performance. However I believe that there is a need to reduce the availabilty of vehicles like the Hetzer flammpanzer (20 made) and the Puma A.C.(101 made) to name just two.

6)The Hetzer flammpanzer appears to have far more shots (or squirts) than it's historical counterpart (54 to about 24 I think)

7)The Piat seems to be too inaccurate and to have too little chance to obtain a kill. While not as good as the US and German rocket equivalents, it was still able to deal with most tanks of the day.

8)Still some 'clipping' with vehicles and roads that are 'slopes' and thus impassable.



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