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Not So Superbowl thread no.2

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A small update for those of you (and there are many) who are anxiously awaiting news on the forces of the heroic stuka and his US freedom fighters Vs the dark hordes of the evil Herr Mensch.

Fortune has smiled upon the pure of heart,ladies and gentlehamsters.

Herr Mensch in a moment of frustration has led with his chin and been promptly smacked by a lovely little right uppercut. Forgetting for the moment the golden rule of needing infantry to support armour, Menschs valuable Tiger, which has been causing me considerable heart ache all game, has ventured forward in a drive around my flank to strike at my rear. (he's terribly fond of that sort of thing you know)

Cresting a hill in my rear position, said Tiger was greeted by my little M8 howitzer at 38M range which got off 2 shots before retreating back into cover, the 2nd shot has detracked the Tiger in a position with bugger all LoS, thereby leaving the rest of the field (VL included) reasonably safely in Yankee hands.

The M8 has valiantly sacrificed itself so that others might live.

I propose a 2 minute silence in their honour.........

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I thought you said the M8 retreated back into cover.


"I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

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It did retreat to cover.. in FLAMES! yup to bad it took its safe nesting from one hill that overlooked the whole battlefield for another that has a view of the whole battlefield just on the other side... since most of the tiger tactic in this game is sit and fire off the nicely given 53 HE rounds... I am happy... die you verminous sea urchen feel the wrath of stampeding hamsters.


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-24-2000).]

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It seems that Group A is nearing it's climactic conclusion in what may be a 3 way tie for first. It all seems to be hinging on my game with TSS.

Gaffertape seems to be the favorite because the one game he lost was only by 6 points, but if I beat tss, then I think I've got it depending on the final score. On the other hand, if TSS beats me soundly (which he's doing), maybe he's got a shot. What do the numbers say?

(As for PawBroon, I can only admire his thoroughly authentic recreation of the capitulation of the French in the opening months of the war.) biggrin.gif

Can you give us the scores of all the games so far, or do a bit of number crunching to see who needs what in this last game to clinch the division title?


"I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

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I think VS once said he wouldn’t give out who beat who (whom?) let alone the exact scores. He felt that it may influence the outcome of other games within the groups. I think the best bet would be to check with your fellow groupers and see if they want to give out the scores.


How goes it? You must be getting close to being finished with Alex and Jester. How went Jesters assault?

How bloody cold was it camping at 11,000ft?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

...since most of the tiger tactic in this game is sit and fire off the nicely given 53 HE rounds... I am happy...


Good to see you've learned something from the pounding my Tiger is dealing you Mulch old man! Really, do your few remaining un-broken troops a favor and surrender before any more of their blood is shed! My fallschirmjagers have got yr fuzzy lil' gerbil cojones in a vice, and are squeezing tighter with every turn...

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 10-23-2000).]

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Sure Jadayne. I will post them if tss and the others in Group A don't mind since there is no hiding the fact that it is close between 3 of your group and WILL be decided by this last game. So if your group sends me a e-mail or post here stating that they don't mind I will post the scores.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

... I am happy...


yes you are happy, as happy as a loon in a rubber room wearing one of those jackets where you get to hug yourself all day....

I am happy for your Tiger, who has LoS over all the unimportant crappy rear area positions.

The open field over which your guys must advance is happily out of LoS of the kitty, my guys have the field covered which makes them happy..

And what makes me happy is the unscathed armour of mine who will happily despatch more of your hamstertruppen to happy valhalla land if they so much as twitch their noses in my general direction.

Its so nice that everyone is so happy smile.gif

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von Lucky, and Puka, you both are unbelivable! Lucky I got you where I want you.. you just think you have control... try prying that flag from my troops hands.. you don't advance on me cuz you know a full company is sitting there and waiting for your Humpsters to come in, do you feel lucky? Mr. von Lucky?

Puka you placebo brain My Tiger is still unbeatable and yer anyoing FO is worm food, me troops are coming to kick some A** and chew bubblegum and I'm allll out of bubblegum!


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Ahhh Menschy, ever the optimist aren't we?

True your crippled tiger has toasted my almost-expended FO which is a minor annoyance but unless said Tiger is using satellite targeting, I feel my forces are all out of LoS.

I giggle with anticipation at your next move.As it is now, I see about a dozen squads moving across open ground towards my boys, who are merrily camped in the wooded ridge your men will die before ever reaching.

Despararte times do call for desparate measures, but the old human wave technique? tut tut....

You notice how all your men are targeted by multiple units?, some are barely visible for all the blue lines,now that can't be a good thing can it?

I wish you good luck because Damn! your'e gonna need it!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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Alas, I think I committed by reserve platoon too quickly. The question remained whether he would move into the scattered woods (where the flag was) or take up position in 3 buildings. I guessed the latter and was WRONG. If I had kept my reserve in place, it had great LOS and proximity to the scattered trees.

But, Jester forced me to into the decision with good tactics and I commend him. The game is over and I am awaiting the file from him for the score.

One thing I've learned is that against the AI, mistakes can be covered over. Against humans, it's almost like a chess match. It takes luck and mistakes by your opponent to recover your position.

As far as the camping goes, it was great. We hiked about 1.5 miles (pretty short) to our campsite beside a nice small stream (good for the weight since I can filter the water I need and not have to lug it around). Just did lean-tos and woke up to snow - in the air and on the ground. Great morning since it was snowing and not raining. Hiked back after thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet at 11,000. The previous evening had perfectly clear skies (and boy does the heat escape quickly). Absolutely spectacular.

If you're interested in a QB - do a setup and we'll get it going. Take your pick and I'll go with what you setup.


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One of the great things about this game is the “ifs” and the second guessing. When I played Jester there was a point where I thought I had him on the run and started after him I came over a crest and boom he wiped out my whole platoon. IF I had just stayed where I was, sitting on the VL’s, the rest of the game I would have been very comfortable instead of wondering can I hold. He was happy in his email and I was bumming so I guess he got over confident, like me, and came over the same ridge and I wiped out his platoon and now we were even again. IF he had waited until he had his whole Company together he could have pushed me out of my position. Lessons learned.

I guess this means GroupE is finished. I think yours and Jester’s was the last game.

Sure is great to get away. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the full glory of the Milky Way and there’s no better way than high (I mean in elevation wink.gif ) in the Mountains on a crisp fall evening. In fact now-a-days that’s probably the only way. Was that stream you were by was that the same stream in those Coors commercials?

You ever hear of Bear Whiz Bear?

(-See that Bear playing in the stream over there - Bear Whiz – Why do ya think it’s yellow?)

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Go Jets!

Ya know, sometimes I really hate living in Europe.


"I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

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Von Shrad = Just got lucky.......

Lorak = Ummm... he just got lucky too...

Crossbar = Yep! He got really lucky.

As you can clearly see, my 3 consecutive losses have nothing to do with my tactical ability to play CM!

I am just one unlucky SOB. smile.gif


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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Big news, race fans!

The time for taunting is almost at hand.

The Stuka-Mensch turkey shoot has resulted in a complete and utter ass- whooping for the ineptly commanded forces of mensch.

This evening I will be happy dancing up to my home computer to receive the {giggle} surrender file that I so richly deserve.

{Hooray for me!}

Full details in 8 hrs or so

(I bet you can hardly wait)


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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A surrender from the forces of Herr Menschenburger to the tune of 78-22 (sweet) has completed game C1.

Thats a 3-0 win/loss to the mighty Stukmiester MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Round 2 here I come, (happy dance, happy dance)


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Thats a 3-0 win/loss to the mighty Stukmiester MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Round 2 here I come, (happy dance, happy dance)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why do I have this mental image of a funny little guy with a funny little mustache doing a funny little jig on the grounds of Versailles?

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As Jadayne's surviving troops decide to raise the white flag, the A group finishes its first round.

I just calculated the tally of my three games, and it looks like this:

My forces:

caused 139 casualties

captured 86 men

destroyed 11 vehicles

I lost:

127 casualties

0 captured

8 vehicles

Most importantly (to me), 280 of my men survived the battles while my opponents had only 81 surviving men left.

Only three of my vehicles (1 Tiger, 1 Wespe, and 1 M-20) survived. Of enemy vehicles, 4 survived (1 M4A3, 1 Churchill, 1 Centaur, and 1 Daimler, I forgot to check the exact types of Gaff's British vehicles).

The total score was 185 to 105.

- Tommi

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:

Why do I have this mental image of a funny little guy with a funny little mustache doing a funny little jig on the grounds of Versailles?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because that was me!

Yes I did not die in the fuhrehrbunker in '45, nor did I escape to Argentina.

I decamped to Australia, got 30 years younger and became incredibly handsome to boot.

Aren't you a clever-clogs for guessing my secret.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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