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Dreaded Panzer Hamsters

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lol tiger! nice job with the pic.

I'm not suppose to be seen outside of the cesspool, so I need to run.

Keep up the good work. wink.gif


P.S. All the great TC's were Chinchillas though.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

Sick bastards!


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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This is the kind of sloppiness that's ruining the game. The truly informed know that the SS Panzer Hamster units were never equipped with any AFV named after a cat. No Panthers, Tigers, Pumas, etc. Plus, all Hamster corps vehicles were equipped with hamster wheels assempled in segments on behind the turret.

The color of the hamster's fur, however, suggests that this particular hamster was a member of the Hamster Viking division, who came over from Norway in iron ore freighters after the invasion of Norway. Initially, the SS took only light brown color hamsters. However, as the war took an unfavorable turn, you see dark furred and even spotted hamsters in the units.

All that said, thanks to Tiger for the advance in this important area of historical research.

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Yes, the Ratoni division deserted Il Duce like, well, like rats deserting a sinking ship. This is of course in contrast to the SS Hamsters, who soldiered on to the bitter end.

One can only imagine what would have been possible had Hitler had the time to fully reequip the SS Viking Hamster Div (or SSVH) with the experimental Maus tank (perhaps this feature can be added to CM2).

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