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I'm outa here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

Been a slice since the old beta days, folks, but the recent trends around here have really soured me. You can ban this troll or that, but this genre is always going to attract whackos. No game is worth this ****.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Babra is assimilated.

Leaving is futile.

While we're at it, all old timers if not yet assimilated are hereby assimilated.

Blanket Old-Timer assimilation complete.



Resistance is Futile

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I wasn´t here for a while, but, what´s going on here??????????????????

All those people are leaving, wich have been here since the beta-times. This forum was for me the best place to feel good, to know, that there are many other "wargamers" like me, discussing the most important thing in their life: "how to make a god wargame and to talk about military things".

Please, BTS, do something, that this forum is not used by some extremists, who bought the game, but a going to ruin the future!

Greetins from Germany

Jochen (Jochen Schmidt, not Jochen Peiper)

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Göbbels beard!

I'm an old timer soon if this migration doesn't end!

And an assimilated one as well. Bah. No use trying to pull

that kind of mass-assimilation of old foxes. I'm unassimilatable. wink.gif


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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I don't understand why some people feel that they have to leave; it is fairly obvious from the titles of the offensive threads (or at least by the first message) what they deal with. I just ignore them (except when I am too curious). redface.gif

I would say that there are about 80% of threads that I never open. some of them are worthwhile, but for example after a while I get tired of reading discussions aobut hull down or about CM2. rolleyes.gif

Try skipping threads, you'll like it, and the forum actually then appears more interesting.

Henri biggrin.gif

PS: in order to lighten things up, I think that this forum needs more kinds of smilies eek.gif

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Babs: Let me pass on some advice I got from Steve. During a particularly heated debate with Fionn and Steve over some issue I've long since forgotten, both these guys suggested I give the forum a hiatus for a bit. Pissed though I was, I took the advice. Happier man for it. When I returned to the forum it was with a new view. I try to avoid the obvious trolls by simply not responding. I do try to welcome newcomers as I was welcomed. For this reason, if no other, you're needed. Take a vacation and come back refreshed.

All my Best wishes


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Remember when in May the server was down for a weekend, and how refreshing it was to come back after that. At that time I suggested they should crash the server every weekend, give us all a bit of rest.

Maybe not such a bad idea after all. smile.gif


Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Ya know, personally, I really enjoy the intellectual discourse around here, and sometimes the sillyness too. BUT I dont take ANYONE around here seriously enough to get deeply angry or bothered by behaviour around here.

Certain annoying people make it a pain to find the good posts at times, but I balance out my irritation with them, with the relief I feel knowing that I dont have to BE them. Well, now that I think about it I did get honestly angry about something here once, but that was a long time ago, and I was on cold medecine....

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I'm brand spanking new here... and I ALREADY can see that this forum would be nothing w/o the die hard fans that seem to be collected here. I can also tell that the game itself has benefitted from the likes of you guys.

Please, do yourself, the community, and the game a favor and skip posts that looks disturbing to you, and simply enjoy your time online. All Forums get a fare share of whackos, and I know some of them can be horribly upsetting, but it's not worth it to let them bother you. In the end, they are simply the losers they appear to be, with no bearing on anything in your life.

In the few short days I've been checking this forum, (my game has not even arrived yet) I have received friendly help to every one of my newbie questions. I have also learned a ton of great stuff about the game and the era.

Whackos NEVER stick around long. If you must, just take a break and return, they'll be long gone.

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One thing that is really worse than reading silly posts written by some idiots is when those posts manage to discourage the Oldies so much, that they abandon the board in a hurry.

It was excactly the same BS that now is starting here why I left the once fine german board of Panzer Elite. In typical biker style I raised my two middle fingers, farted in the direction of a certain Mr Jochen Peiper ( don't know if they are identical) and his darlings, jumped to this board where I need excactly two posts to fumble in an SS discussion which ended up in a locked thread.

This incident gave me something to think about, the easiest way was obviously leaving the board as fast as I joined it. But I didn't take the soft road and I rarely regret it. I know that I am in no position to give you any advice but for me it isn't a solution to simply leave when some problems ( or Trolls for that matter ) show up.

In the last six month I've been on this board I learned a thing or two which were not only matters of military history and some of the funnier threads simply knock me out of my chair when I have to laugh so hard. Short: I found this place much to my liking and worth to be visited for an hour or so each day. Should I abandon a place which I like because some troubleseekers were hanging around? Where should someone set the line? Shouldn't I go to my favourite pub, place in town or whatever you may wish to insert here 'cause some nobrainers could be around there, probably looking for trouble? Would you?

The finest thing on the board is you can ignore them here which is not always possible in real life. Sometimes you have to feed them a bit to avoid their ugly noises but basically they are easy to...maintain?

This whole issue is maybe somewhat to serious to make jokes on it and it makes me sick when guys like you fade away. I remember when some of your posts stole my sleep, I had some pain in the belly and on my work on the next day my fellow carpenters ask me why I had that stupid looking grin in my face. How should I explain them the newly invented order loadout for bailed out tank crews? "Pray for Panther!" how can I ever forget that? Should things like this only be remembered when the old warriors singing their ancient battlesongs on campfires?

And the legendary " Snake model "

25. Field psychiatrist: " Assume the Troll is dead... How does that make you feel, son?"

Please Babra, go back into the line and breath yourself against the tide of the dark legions.

If you can't, marry me


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Guest Big Time Software

I too hope that Babra rethinks things. If one lets the occasional bump in the road determine the course of the trip... the REAL problems start. In other words, if the Good folks back out of something when the Bad come around, soon the Good are gone and the Bad have won. Things like the Third Reich are the end result sometimes. Here in the US we have our own local problems with similar minded groups (generally known as "militias"). They count on intimidation to get what it is they seek the most -> a voice totally out of proportion to their numbers.

Well... this BBS will NOT go down that road. We have had only a few problems in a year and a half, and it is not likely to get either better or worse. All we can do is rise to the challenge such morons pose to the civilitiy of this BBS, deal with them swiftly and firmly, then move on with what it is we are all here for. And that is, of course, to learn from each other and have a good time doing it smile.gif

Babra, your leaving will not negatively affect the quality of this BBS because some other wiseass will replace you smile.gif But in all seriousness, it would be nice if you didn't leave for the reasons you stated. I for one would rather you stuck around to keep Mr. Peng in line biggrin.gif


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