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Mac CM Mod Manager v1.5 sent to madmatt

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Mac users,

I've finally sent the v1.5 to madmatt for posting at CMHQ. After extensive testing and bug squashing it's finally ready for prime time.

Sound support added!

new in v1.5 is the ability to manage the sounds, in addition to the textures. Unfortunately I was only able to provide support for mac system sound format, so we've included a readme on how to convert the .wav files to mac system sounds (using SoundApp, for example), then you use MCM3 just as you would for bmps and PICTS.

when you choose a sound, you can, via a checkbox, choose to listen to the sound or just convert it, just like a texture. The same buttons and functions handle both text and sound mods, the program figures out what to do. With "play sounds" and "auto load resource" checked, message boxes appear to inform you which sound is playing, and asking you to click to play the second sound.

additional features:

(most of these were added due to my helping out with the new Hetzer mod with Paul. It got tiresome having MCM3 just do stuff, so I added in a lot of flexibility to speed things up, and help the user out)

- added a log to tell you what you have converted, reverted, and when

- cleaned up the navigation: after you tell MCM3 where your game folder is, it now remembers it, instead of asking you to locate it each time you convert a mod. Saves time! (you can still tell MCM3 you want to choose a new folder via a new checkbox)

- MCM3 now automatically (if you select the checkbox) opens up the existing texture (or sound) when you click on a proposed mod sound. no more searchign through the mapping readmes to determine which resource file to open, MCM3 does it for you! The testers liked this one a lot (and it was originaly provided by CM Mac Mod, but I've implemented it a bit differently).

(you can turn that option on or off to speed up the program if you like)

- optional backup during conversion: check or uncheck the box to tell MCM3 to make a backup file or not. Saves some time and disk crunching.

- general code clean up and bug handling. Fixed a few errors in the other releases.

- updated the massive color readme to include a bit on the new features, but since they are very similar to the old features there isnt much difference.

Look for it soon! And enjoy!



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Thanks, you're welcome, etc

with luck, this will be the last revision to MCM3, unless I finally crack the wav conversion (it wont be until after Xmas though, too much to do).

as usual, once it comes out, feel free to email with me compliments, complaints, etc.

and hopefully it will be posted soon. Not sure when MM will have the time though, but getting closer..



History is made at night

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