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Challenge to all with CM!

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first you go and post a fine humorous thingy directed at me and then you go and do a dumb thing like take a cheap shot at Fionn. when the HELL will you get a grip? Fiona is a sacred cow and I am a d-bag. can you make such discriminations? One is not above teasing or taunting, but you had better be very clear it is such, the other one can bash at will for no good reason and with malice aforethought and not bat an eye...when will you get that through your adle-pated mind?

Peng...a drunken fart...I drink therefore I am.


I'm talking and I can't shut up!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

4. Well that one goes out to manieri and his buddies.. Onetime I played Manieri. I had FOW on, he didn't... It never occurs to us old-timers to ask for FOW ON but since lots of people here are newbies I thought it safer to state it and make sure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whoa, you mean that's possible? I hope they fix that, sooner rather than later.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Umm, Manieri, since you don't play with FOW ON I wouldn't play you even if you asked. Thanks for trolling though.


Now that's some funny ****! He whines and yells about how much he hates CC because it is so unrealistic, yet he plays with FOW OFF. Way to go Cpt. Mayonnaise...

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

4. Well that one goes out to manieri and his buddies.. Onetime I played Manieri. I had FOW on, he didn't... It never occurs to us old-timers to ask for FOW ON but since lots of people here are newbies I thought it safer to state it and make sure.


Fionn - so how did you notice? Is there a message in the game popping up like it does with the force modifier?



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You mean to tell me that an opponent can have FOW off and I won't know? Please don't tell me that can happen. I assume that might have been possible only in the 1st beta.

Now, on to the challenge smile.gif You're on. I still don't have the game yet. I'll email you as soon as I get it Fionn. I warn you before hand Fionn, it's going to hurt.

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Listen, I didn't say ANYTHING about you here so please just leave this thread before you get even more insensitive and abusive ok? I want nothing to do with you.

As for Manieri,

How did I find out? Simple, the kid was stupid enuogh to TELL me he could see my tanks set up on my left flank in our PBEM game when those tanks were behind a hill and out of ALL possible LOS from his units. I put 2 and 2 together and the rest is history.

That loophole was fixed in direct response to what Manieri did though so it can't happen again.

Ok, I'm full up on games right now but I'll be sure to let you all know just as soon as I finish a couple of the games I've just started.

In one of them I'm facing a King Tiger, 5 platoons of infantry an sdkfz7/1 and a Wirbelwind.

Free tip to Sublime (my opponent in this game)... REVERSE the Sdkfz 7/1 into combat. Its 2cm Flakvierling is rear-mounted and so it can't fire in the direction the truck is moving... Because you are moving the truck forward my M8 Greyhound ( the one hidden behind the house about 200 metres in front of ur flak vehicle) can race out from behind the house, acquire and get off at least 2 shots before the Sdkfz 7/1 can rotate enough to bring the Flakvierling to bear.. IOW the 7/1 is dead wink.gif.

The other games have shown some interesting tactical gambits from my opponents. One raced some M8s forward with zooks on their rear hulls to set up AT ambushes in front of my positions. Unfortunately I saw the vehicles and know where they stopped and let off the AT teams wink.gif.

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Hi Fionn,

No sign of CM here in Paris but once here I'd be MORE than willing to PBEM you.

My honnor in fact.


A question, unless it was a private joke about something I've missed, how come you're not willing to do Brits in those games?

Since I'm stuck with the Gold Demo I couldn't try for myself what sort of adverse effect it would have for you.



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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Lewis: Do us a favor and shut up. We're not interested in hearing your

gripes and general whining about Fionn. Quit sticking your nose into

threads with the primary or sole purpose of bashing Fionn, even though

he hasn't said one word about you or said anything wrong about anyone.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Fiona is a sacred cow and I am a d-bag. can you make such discriminations? One is not above teasing or taunting, but you had better be very clear it is such, the other one can bash at will for no good reason and with malice aforethought and not bat an eye...when will you get that through your adle-pated mind?

Peng...a drunken fart...I drink therefore I am.



Yes i agree. You are a drunken fart but an old one also. You have wisdom way beyond your gasiousness. An old wise drunken fart to be exact.

Fiona is indeed a scared .. err .. sacred cow and therefore must be handled with kid gloves. He is perhaps a sacred veal.

I will not futher disparage his holy fionaness lest I bring high and mighty wrath of the Gods of Moderation (that be steve). FTITCTAJ is what I say.

I will instead challenge you the ancient gas-proppelled whiskey-fueled fool. Username vs MrPeng. Fight of the Millenium. I am awaiting delivery of my dueling weapon so it might be awhile.


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Well, I'm Irish and prefer not to play as the British, especially the Parachute Regiment.

As for Lusername, quite trying to get yourself banned so you can act like a martyr, and take your little tiff with Peng somewhere else please.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Well, I'm Irish and prefer not to play as the British, especially the Parachute Regiment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I get it...

Here's a good one for you biggrin.gif play as the Brit and have them airborne dudes run like hell in front of HMG positions.

Guess you'll be killing more of them than by merely playing the German.

Just don't expect me to do that in a PBEM with you though...


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

As for Lusername, quite trying to get yourself banned so you can act like a martyr, and take your little tiff with Peng somewhere else please.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Weeeelllll since you did say please Ill leave you alone.

But you might want to examine the reason you need to be such a "bossy hussy". Life and relationships are all about consideration of others feelings and desires. Let the other guy be the germans once in a while... put on a british uniform and maybe some makeup and dance around drinkenly..its OK we understand.

Anyway I just want everyone to know that I would drag your sorry butt all over a battlefield and would document it nicely (this is real stakes ladies). But you are looking for easy meat to slaughter and wont put up will you?



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Yes Lewis, it seems that proving yourself to others is REALLY important to you. Could it be anything to do with the fact that on the net you get to act big and tough while in your home life you live on welfare and do nothing and thus feel the need to "prove" yourself to yourself ( since I'm quite sure no-one here really gives a damn) ?

So, Lewis, feel free to trumpet how you WOULD beat me all around the map/country/earth etc. The fact of the matter is that I DID challenge you at one stage publicly and you accepted BUT after I objected to some homophobic posts by OB&G on this forum you emailed me privately to tell me how you thought I was gay and since you hated gays so much you wouldn't play me.

So, YOU withdrew from the challenge due to your own little bigotries.

However, feel free to tell everyone how great you are. Maybe if you tell everyone how great you are you might even believe it yourself and begin regaining some of your shattered and lost self-worth. It's worth a try anyway isn't it?

I won't stand in the way of your efforts to "talk yourself up". All I ask is that you simply leave me alone. I truly don't want anything to do with you and so long as you don't come barging into threads I'm participating in with all the subtlety of of a blind man with a baseball bat in a china shop that'll suffice.

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Well, I'm Irish and prefer not to play as the British,

Fionn, you rung my bell about being anti-palestinian and then closed the thread before I could reply.

But it looks like both of us can have some prejudices. I guess it just depends on your point of view.

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Fionn cannot close a thread, only BTS. As for everyone having other "attitudes", that is absolutely correct, although for reasons unclear to me Fionn is more vocal with his than 97% of the board. He has a great deal of knowledge to offer, but he is quick to engage in unnecessary verbal duels.


I am curious to see if Fionn jumps on me for this, supporting my point, or if he can be the Man he is and just move on from this thread.

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I am English and I dont object to Fionn not wanting to play brits. Doesnt mean he is bigoted just means he feels "queasy" doing it. I have similar feelings with American Revolutionary war games, I like Americans but I cant enjoy myself playing the yanks. Dunno why just doesnt feel right.

I wouldnt expect many Americans to enjoy playing the Veitcong either.

Anyway ill take ya on Fionn when you get a chance, I need some practice first though. Fire me off an email when you want to have a go.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Yes Lewis, it seems that proving yourself to others is REALLY important to you. Could it be anything to do with the fact that on the net you get to act big and tough while in your home life you live on welfare and do nothing and thus feel the need to "prove" yourself to yourself ( since I'm quite sure no-one here really gives a damn) ?

So, Lewis, feel free to trumpet how you WOULD beat me all around the map/country/earth etc. The fact of the matter is that I DID challenge you at one stage publicly and you accepted BUT after I objected to some homophobic posts by OB&G on this forum you emailed me privately to tell me how you thought I was gay and since you hated gays so much you wouldn't play me.

So, YOU withdrew from the challenge due to your own little bigotries.

However, feel free to tell everyone how great you are. Maybe if you tell everyone how great you are you might even believe it yourself and begin regaining some of your shattered and lost self-worth. It's worth a try anyway isn't it?

I won't stand in the way of your efforts to "talk yourself up". All I ask is that you simply leave me alone. I truly don't want anything to do with you and so long as you don't come barging into threads I'm participating in with all the subtlety of of a blind man with a baseball bat in a china shop that'll suffice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I dont live on welfare but rather collect unemployment. A nice benefit of living in a rich nation. Nice try but you come off again cheesy.. its a low blow that doesnt pay off.

everyone knows I live off my girlfriend..

YOU EMAILED ME!!!! Is this the first time you are getting it all backwards?

Phobic deals with fear. I have no fear. Im too stupid.. (apologys to chevy chase)

No wonder England/Ireland have such problems with finding peace seeing your general disregard of historical facts and events.

Challenge stands and lets leave that scott clinton out of it this time..

(new guys aint this fun?)


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Frey said,

"[Fionn] is quick to engage in unnecessary verbal duels"

Maybe that's because he has to put up with a LOT more trash (like the current - ah - discussion) than the rest of us, precisely because he is such a (generally) highly-respected (that is an understatement, even) member of the community here. At least, I see it a lot.


Questions, comments, arguments, refutations, criticisms, and/or sea stories?

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He has a great deal of knowledge to offer, but he is quick to engage in unnecessary verbal duels.


I noticed the verbal duels on the historical usenet board. I have absolutely nothing against Fionn and have respect for his gaming and historical knowledge. But when somebody starts talking about how wonderfully nice people palestinians are I take exception. Here is a group who are just as dedicated to the eradication of the Jewish people as the Nazis ever were. I just think that after his comments about the Brits he has a lot of nerve telling me that I'm prejudiced. I'd like to know the last time the Brits deliberately blew up a bus full of Irish children. Yeah, the palestinians are nice people, all right.

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Rich, One plea, I fully understand your views. I would feel the same way. However if history has taught me one thing its that good guys vs bad guys hardly ever holds much water. Actually I CAN think of instances where the British army has massacred civillians (unfortunately) I can also name instances where the IRA has and also the Isrealis and the Israeli army.

I dont think anybody here would complain if a jewish player mentioned he would rather not play the SS in CM.

I have crossed intellectual swords with Fionn over Ireland but I found it to be informative and illuminating I hope he did the same. I think its reasnoble to note that many people in the world regard the Palestinians as victims not aggressors. They maybe wrong and gawd knows I get sick of people misunderstanding Irish history so I hope you could illuminate me further.

Dunno what i am trying to say here except that a bit of tolerance and an eagerness to learn what others think goes a long way.

take it easy.


oh yeah Username: pass the bong dude I will take a hit off ya 8)

[This message has been edited by dumbo (edited 06-24-2000).]

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