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Attention all Canadians:

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as a resident of the northeastern US who has just viewed the weather forecast for the coming week, I issue the following directive:

"From now on, you just keep your goddamn Canadian-Arctic high pressure cold air systems in your own country."

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


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And now for something completely different

As a resident of South-Central Canada who has just stuck his head out the window, I state the following remark:

"Will you Americans keep all of your freaking acid rain/snow in your punkass dump of a nation"

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Attention all you N. Hemisphere weather weenies - please come to Antarctica and collect all your spent CFCs as they are really screwing up our end of the ozone layer and ruining my days at the beach. tongue.gif I got a sunburn through SPF 15 yesterday. What have I got to do - take a bath in zinc creme.

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Well, you can have Rush, The Tragically Hip, AND William Shatner.

Yeah, or maybe well grab ourselves some prime movie production locations? Toronto looks kind of like New York, nobody will notice... Of course we will have to dirty it up a bit :)

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-16-2000).]

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HEY! Have you heard Shatner sing? I think not! Once you hear the sweet melody of Mr. Tamborine Man, or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds sung by Mr. Shatner, you would never want hear the other version again (for fears of remembering his rendition!).

Actually, Shatner is the only 'celebrety' who I know of who has the same birtday as me. AND HE'S CANADIAN TOO!! The irony.

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Hmmm ... here in San Antonio Texas we have temps in the low 70s and clear blue skies. Most of the lawn grass is dead due to our two days of winter in late December but it should start to green up nicely again in a couple of weeks smile.gif.


Best regards, Major H


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Guest MantaRay

No you can keep Capt Jerk...er Kirk, and his singing commercials. What kind of fool would put him in any commercial, let alone one where he hits more sour notes than me?



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Guest scurlock

Let me go back to Alaska. At least when it gets cold there, it gets cold enough and stays cold enough to do some serious ice fishing.

Stationed in D.C.



Eric Scurlock "He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins."

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Guest Madmatt

Well we might as well just keep all of our nice little exports to ourselves than. Hmmm Combat Mission could be considered an export...Not any more of course! tongue.gif

.."Blame Canada"...

Of course Canada does have Terrance and Philip (umm South Park anyone? Thought not biggrin.gif)

Madmatt out cool.gif

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