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Help Wanted ! (Anyone interested in CM should read this)


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BTW = By the way,

IIRC = if I recall correctly.

These are mostly TLAs ( three letter acronyms).

Post any which you have difficulty with Richard and I'll give you the plain English translations k?




Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I always found those abbreviations *extremely* annoying, because they interrupt the flow of reading. As if one cannot write "as far as I am concerned" in a matter of seconds ! I second abbreviations for technical terms (I try to avoid them), but for everyday English, no thank you !

Back to the subject: I could contribute 2D graphics, see http://volc.ctimes.net/gallery/artlara641.jpg and http://volc.ctimes.net/gallery/artlara642.jpg as trivial examples.



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Oh I am not preaching against acronyms and abbreviations, in fact, I highly reccomend them for all e-mail users. Within my company all of my outgoing e-mails are short, to the point, salutations are always one letter and if the incoming e-mail is longer than one full computer screen I won't read it. My post for assistance on acronyms was not a slam on it's useage, I just felt like I was missing out on something. Also, who is SPR (from quotes thread)?

Richard Kalajian

Regional Sales Manager

Medic Computer Systems

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Seimerst


This is a late post so I don't know just how much support your have lined up but <raising hand and stepping foward>. I have been wargaming for nearly 40 years, have a MA in Military History from Rice, taught military history at West Point for a three-year tour, will retire in 17 months from the U.S. Army with 30 years active duty as a commissioned officer--nearly all of it in Special Forces. I would be delighted to proof read anything you write. But I am afraid that coding and art are beyond me. I am toying with the idea of using my VA benefits to return to college to learn the black arts of computer programing just to be a part of the wonder that CM is all about.

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Guest Seimerst


This is a late post so I don't know just how much support your have lined up but <raising hand and stepping foward>. I have been wargaming for nearly 40 years, have a MA in Military History from Rice, taught military history at West Point for a three-year tour, will retire in 17 months from the U.S. Army with 30 years active duty as a commissioned officer--nearly all of it in Special Forces. I would be delighted to proof read anything you write. But I am afraid that coding and art are beyond me. I am toying with the idea of using my VA benefits to return to college to learn the black arts of computer programing just to be a part of the wonder that CM is all about.

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Guest Seimerst


This is a late post so I don't know just how much support your have lined up but <raising hand and stepping foward>. I have been wargaming for nearly 40 years, have a MA in Military History from Rice, taught military history at West Point for a three-year tour, will retire in 17 months from the U.S. Army with 30 years active duty as a commissioned officer--nearly all of it in Special Forces. I would be delighted to proof read anything you write. But I am afraid that coding and art are beyond me. I am toying with the idea of using my VA benefits to return to college to learn the black arts of computer programing just to be a part of the wonder that CM is all about.

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Guest MantaRay

HOOAH, 30 years!!! I only could handle 10 myself. I miss the chow the most. Wife's cooking is a step down from K rations. smile.gif Gained 30LBS eating at McDonalds for the last year. I seem to remember an officer in DS with a similar sounding name back then. Maybe attached with 82nd AB? I think he was a lower ranked officer though, not one in 20 years. Oh well good luck with retirement.




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Originally posted by Fionn

I am interested in helping with scenarios or historical research. I have gathered a lot of such information and data for miniatures games. I have been researching the British, especially the late war campaigns. Arnhem is my current obsession, along with Reichswald.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Fionn, I'd be interested in compiling the list of units for you. I could put them in an easy-to-read color-coded spreadsheet, which would be available to download from your site or something. However, where would this complete list be?

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Hi Fionn,

I'm handy with programming gui's and database stuff, and my daughter is pretty good with HTML, Illustrator and Photoshop. If we can help out let me know.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40:


Have you seen the book on the St. Lo batlle? I'm not sure of the exact name but I've seen the book in the non-circulating section of LSU's library. It has has very detailed contour maps of the St Lo area. These are on par with USGS Quad maps.


Guys, the first place I would look for the kind of material you're seeking would be in the various official histories of the countries involved. For example, the official U.S. HISTORY OF THE ARMY IN WORLD WAR II has complete, separate maps in many of the volumes, some of these highly detailed. One volume in particular bears close examination--Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo and Schmidt--a highly detailed tactical analysis from both sides of those engagements. Further, at least one of those engagement was filmed by U.S. combat photographers. I have seen the video advertised in Military History magazine or some such. The history volumes can be ordered from the U.S. Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C. (has Website but I don't know it) or from the regional stores. Another source would be the British official history published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office. These should have maps done by the same troops who surveyed England, the Ordnance Survey. A further resource I used back when I was a professional military analyst consisted of Michelin and similar road maps for various parts of Europe; believe they were 1:100,000

scale. I got them at a large map shop near the Los Angeles International Airport. They definitely had contour intervals plotted on them, in addition to roads, etc. Of course, I was spoiled back then, for I had access to dozens of Army tactical maps at 1:50,000.

Hope this helps.

John Kettler

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