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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Believe me, Moriarty ain't that good....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're telling me? I know exactly what Moriarty is capable of and none of it has anything to do with winning battles, quite the opposite.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...though I may be that bad. I shake my thingy in your general direction.


Really? Are you sure you shook it? I certainly didn't see anything.

On to business, here is the Contract:

CM 1.1 to be used (i.e we wait for monday/tuesday whenever).

We look at premade scens that we can play blind, no larger than 1500 points max and no night scenarios.

When we've chosen a scen, YOU pick a side and then you die. Simple enough?

The Old Firm,

makers of Dead Things

established 792 AD

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You're telling me? I know exactly what Moriarty is capable of and none of it has anything to do with winning battles, quite the opposite.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aw, c'mon, guys (and gals), I only wins once a year or so.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Originally posted by bauhaus:

Believe me, Moriarty ain't that good....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're telling me? I know exactly what Moriarty is capable of and none of it has anything to do with winning battles, quite the opposite.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...though I may be that bad. I shake my thingy in your general direction.


Really? Are you sure you shook it? I certainly didn't see anything.

On to business, here is the Contract:

CM 1.1 to be used (i.e we wait for monday/tuesday whenever).

We look at premade scens that we can play blind, no larger than 1500 points max and no night scenarios.

When we've chosen a scen, YOU pick a side and then you die. Simple enough?

The Old Firm,

makers of Dead Things

established 792 AD

You got yourself a dealio. I'm sure I can kill one or two of your simpletons that you'll be ordering around. So die and make sure it's alot.

Berli, you should know by now, I'm not even close to possessing the strategic ability of the AI.

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Ummm, just curious, but is it a bad thing for someone newish to come in here?

I noticed Germanboy came here, and having just started a game with him, I thought I should have a little look around and meet all of the nice people here.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harv:

Ummm, just curious, but is it a bad thing for someone newish to come in here?


I thought I should have a little look around and meet all of the nice people here.


Wrong tack...

Rule #1 of the Pool Club, Don't look for nice people.

Rule #2 of the Pool Club, We are not looking for nice people.

Now if you are actually kicking AndreASS and are about to decribe it graphically you might give it another try.



I must say I am pleased with the turn the thread has taken during the last few days, and if someone could show the French where the door is we would all be better off.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harv:

Ummm, just curious, but is it a bad thing for someone newish to come in here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't imagine it could be worse. Having your eyes gouged out by a red hot poker covered with pissants might be, but I'm not sure.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I noticed Germanboy came here, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which any normal sensible person would take as a sign to stay the hell away but I see you claim to be a kanadian, (from Snafskinatchiwon, how imaginative) farmer who likes shooting and posts off-topic. That's good in a bad sort of way. Or possibly bad in a good sort of way. I don't think we ever had one of those before. Alright, go sit in the corner and if you want to touch anything don't. The whole place is mined, rigged and bugged.

The one covered in smoke is Berli, the singing loony is Seanachai, the smiley-pod is Peng and everything is basically their fault.

Sod off,



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Wrong tack...

Rule #1 of the Pool Club, Don't look for nice people.

Rule #2 of the Pool Club, We are not looking for nice people.

Now if you are actually kicking AndreASS and are about to decribe it graphically you might give it another try.



Au contraire, the fact that you were foolish (read "smart like an oven mitt") enough to reply would mean that it was the right tack. Are you always so easily tricked, or was this just a bad day. confused.gif

As for Germanboy, he has been cowering in his foxhole for five turns now, presumably waiting for me to just walk up and bayonet him. Details to follow...

Harv tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

The one covered in smoke is Berli, the singing loony is Seanachai, the smiley-pod is Peng and everything is basically their fault.


Geier I are a man of restrain.

Speaking of fellow Cesspoolers and failing to introduce the most dangerous of All.

The Mighty Mouse, the King of Topplements, the Self Mesmerized Paraphernalian: BlowHorse...

Harv, taking a dip in the Pool (where some of us are also known to dip into other things {like bleating mamals for exemple}) is not likely to qualify you as a high profile prophylaxis whodunnit.

Now be nice and, err, what is it you Selfsquashedones do in those circumstances?


I must say I am pleased with the turn the thread has taken during the last few days, and if someone could show the French where the door is we would all be better off.


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What's the link for Lorak's cesspool website?


now die some more for me.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What's the link for Lorak's cesspool website?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

http://www.geocities.com/lrmcgarvey/cesspool.html you pathetic scatterbrain.

And I insist that anyone who hasn't been there for a while go at once, and admire the incredibly relevant opening graphic.

Lorak! You made me laugh. I hate that.

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Some post scripts, since you slackers are about to let this drop off the front page:

Lorak! (What a great name to shout- makes you want to slam your mug on an oaken table). The frigging wave file that goes WITH your outstanding graphic is bigger than the Library of Congress! I loathe MIDI... but you can find passable brass fanfares in the 40K range, fergawdsakes. Thing never did finish loading. I think it competes with your lightning graphic. Anyway it sucks, thanks for the effort.

Harv: You're getting the wrong impression of our little group. You've been noticed, yet somehow escaped the mandatory rites of passage. This is because Pawbroom was checking IDs at the door, and he doesn't happen to speak any languages.

You are no more welcome here than anyone else, which is to say, not at all. You may think I was being civil to Hiram, above, but I only felt sorry for someone who thinks "Add to Favorites" means a dash of nutmeg in mummy's pecan pie recipe.

So you're BAD enough to play the dreaded Germanboy? And that means you can just waltz in here with your coffee cup (neat trick that) and wonder how's things up Peng street?

Well, Mr. Invisible Rabbit, any of our fully-endowed members (if you catch my drift) would slit your belly and leave you for hog bait 'fore you could say "eviscerate". As though you could.

You may be interested to know that many of our current luminaries (a word begging an antonym) once happened to be newish. They still suck. There was a smarty fella named Meeks once... now he's feeding polar bears. You want some o' that? You think I'm kidding? Ask around.

PS: Gboy cowering in his foxhole for 5 turns sounds like you're walking backwards in a horror movie. Look up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ummm, just curious, but is it a bad thing for someone newish to come in here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As with all philosophical questions, there are no "right" answers. Perhaps you meant to ask if you would be welcomed here. If that was your intent, I can safely respond by saying NO! Sound off like ya got a pair, or piss off!

[This message has been edited by Berlichtingen (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Ladies & Gentlemen


Ladies, Gentlemen & cross-dressers!

I spend two days in limbo, pulling foot from mouth (and looking at some real nice dresses....but I digress) and look what happens!

The Cesspool qaulity suffers, the frequency of posts decline, and undesirables manage to get pass the guard on the front door!

Exactly who is responsible for this?

This is deplorable!

I say the punishment should fit the crime ---> listening to 24 hours of Seanachai's singing!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harv:

The fact that you were foolish enough to reply would mean that it was the right tack. Are you always so easily tricked, or was this just a bad day?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My, but we have a Jedi Knight in our rank.

You are not schooled in the way on the Pool, we have our own Bushido like code.

So if you want to stick around instead of being mostly ignore by all of the non French in here (that includes pretty much everyone), try to learn that basic simple fact.

We are rather more prone at being fouled than fooled.

And lest I forgot, bugger off!!


I must say I am pleased with the turn the thread has taken during the last few days, and if someone could show the French where the door is we would all be better off.


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Attention Proto-hominids and lesser vertebrates and invertebrates: I've been away for a while, and with damn good reason too -- the quest for World Domination™ continues!

Yes, I've been busy all month in sunny Florida. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to rig an election these days? Convincing a bunch of the Zimmer-frame brigade to vote the Hitler/Goebbels ticket is one thing, but impregnating all those chads takes time! One things for sure, though, the silly robes those judges wear make them particularly vulnerable to my Hamster Liberation Front Infiltration Squads™ (marca registrata). The Supreme Court is next, and I can't wait. And I'll bet you still can't figure out which candidate has a hamster up his ass. Hint: That heart attack was no accident.

On the more mundane front, I'm still churning out turns even while subverting the very foundations of American democracy.

Hermaphroditeboy - Couldn't beat me even after I sent my brave paras skipping over the bridge in single file in full Morris dancing regalia. That he's actually barely able to pull out a draw on this one, despite having a bunch of big tankie thingies is pathetic. But what would you expect from someone who thinks that feeble allusions to second-rate penny-dreadfuls written by champagne socialists constitutes a literary reference.

GeierGeierPantsonFire - The Old Firm's gone a bit limp, methinks. I await your impending master plan with the anticipation usually reserved for a special massage from nice friendly girl all inclusive with extras.

Tubarubber - You're putting up a brave fight. Shame you're going to die anyway. I take that back: it's a very good thing that you die, because your dress sense is an affront to all that is holy.

MarkeddownIVthisweekonly - you might as well give me a cease-fire. You can't take the bridge, even with your big tankie thingie. I know you're going to try to push over it. As we say down in Florida, fuhgeddaboutit.

That's it for now, chaps.

Toodles, and remember, vote early, vote often.

Professor Doktor Hamster X

Generalissimo and President-for-Life

Hamster Liberation Front


You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet™

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I spend two days in limbo, pulling foot from mouth (and looking at some real nice dresses....but I digress) and look what happens!

The Cesspool qaulity suffers...

Exactly who is responsible for this?

This is deplorable!


Blame the pilgrims, or rather the native americans who brought them enough food to fatten up in november and survive the winter, allowing a continued presence of smallpox spreading vermin to celebrate gluttony once a year throughout the continental US. The drop in quality and quantity has nothing to do with your departure--it's solely related to overindulgence in north america (we're all in a collective food coma-- a great time to invade, if you're interested). Had you remained for those two days, the quantity would be greater, the quality would be lower, and we'd all be marveling at your flexibility and gymnastic skill (not to mention size of your mouth) for being able to get both feet in your mouth all the way up to your hips.

Get those feet back in your mouth and continue sucking on your own toes (stay away from everyone elses).

And you are sentenced to listening to the Seanachai boxed set.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 11-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Geier I are a man of restrain.

Speaking of fellow Cesspoolers and failing to introduce the most dangerous of All.

The Mighty Mouse, the King of Topplements, the Self Mesmerized Paraphernalian: BlowHorse...


Now that wasn't very nice Pushbroom. It's very true, but not nice. For that you will die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Now that wasn't very nice Pushbroom. It's very true, but not nice. For that you will die.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

C'mon Mr 98to2 the only dangerous thing that could eventually happen to me while playing against you is a seizure.

Since you were also threatening to do that little wagging of yours that just made it into my sig, I might also have a fit...


Now send a setup and put some clean underwear before you catch a cold.


I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Get those feet back in your mouth and continue sucking on your own toes (stay away from everyone elses).

And you are sentenced to listening to the Seanachai boxed set.


Listening to the Seanachai boxed set? eek.gif

In that case, I won't be able to suck my toes as they'll be firmly placed in my ears, trying to block out the noise (how's that for contortion)!


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fargin updates for all you filthy man-whores wot got things going agin me. things look bright all around for the AofP. the naked mole rats have plenty of ammo and smokes and have been fatted on large poultry, roots, tubers, assorted vegetables and starchy grains. A bit of fruit even found its way into our gullets, but mostly it was a festival of meat. thank god for dead animals. heavens they're tasty. Oh yeas and we drank like champions; bottle after bottle of wine drained like so many teats into eagerly suckling mouths. we are fat and happy. but for how long? this happy thing is a rare and frightening thing for the AofP. and we are sure it cannot last.


Right. We are in the midst of some monstrosity devised by Germanboy. The world is afire. We are surrounded. And yet it may be our first victory ever against the evil Berli. It is too early to make any floridated predictions, but we seems to be well tricked out with an abundance of excellent toys with which to swat at Tigers and such as they creep down narrow streets. The ruachmeister may actually get burned and smoked this time. Should all go well it will be a hollow victory, with no joy or braggin rights attached. It is an untested and possibly unbalanced scenario. Damn.

the lowercase chrisl:

you are the lowest of lowercase swine. we will continue to scrap and claw and spit and curse as you press your weight upon us. RAPIST! we were minding our own business and then you came along and pressed your fat prick upon us and breathed your fetid breath in our hair and knocked us down and stuck your vile tounge down our throats. Even as we squirm away you continue to flop your sagging manhood toward our nether parts. We will cross our legs and scream some more. You shall not gain entry to our sacred self.


Surrender. Now.


Surrender. Now.


This is a tricky one. It is too early to tell exactly what is going on. We are still doing the recon dance. It is a big map and foggy so it looks like it will be a little picky aparty thing with no big honking fight anywhere. Yes. That's it, we will probably end up just sniping at each other until we end up with both VLs contested and about the same number of casualties. This one will be a draw, and a dull one at that. Surrender now and I will spare you the mind numbing chartered accountant-like boredom of the game.


Not a regular poster to the thread, but I was slacking with turn sending over the last week and now he is doing the same. We are in a QB and I am about to spank him quite soundly. I think that is why he hasn't sent anything back. He is a little Canadian wuss and should stick to palying with Barbie and Ken.

Anyone not in the list can go pound sand up his or her butt.

I almost forgot to fail to mention PawBroon again.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Roight!! Its time for a bit of sing-song and some spelling fun for you miscreants:

E A G L E S Eagles!!!

Hug your spouses, be thankful that God is in his heaven, and marvel that the Eagles are 9-4. Who would have thunk it? I remember sitting and talking with the King of South Philly and he doubted that the Eagleswould win against the evil Redskins.

Now, I sit and wait for a turn from Seanachai.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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