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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

As for taunting and berating, I have strangled people with their own optic nerves of late, and instead of acknowledging me, they chortle about gray tea and 'You're a Yank', 'No, you're a yank.' Fie! This vexes me. I am very vexed. I build a fidel with their sinews and an oak tree, and they jostle over national nicknames. It seems that only that garganutan ape PENG and his parenthetical palsy elicits a response from the hollow men here. Apparently my brand of invective is far too high and mighty for the masses. As such, I will dumb down my posts for the rest of you.

Hey Stuka, you smell like poop. I'm gonna kick your butt. If you're from Australia, then I'm gonna call you Aussie. Ha Ha! Want some tea with your crumpets? Ha Ha!

Much better, I'm sure.


Well said Croda, no one can deny you have certainly done some extremely venomous taunting of late and for what purpose? Yep... "you can please some of the people, some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time "

Now who's for tea and crumpets?


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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Boriarty, I stand corrected....I was taking the high road and forgot the sex shop angle. Only Berli is a journalist, I am a newspapermanthingymabobbie. Quick, my whisky please.

As for you Joanna, our dear sweet queenie of a pommie. I hope the recovery from your surgery is proceeding swimmingly. Soon nobody will be able to see your scar and you'll be able to wear that thong without the threat of your manly bulge to get in the way. Like that was a problem before, not! Now the only concern you'll have is when to wax and what to wax. That, and what shade of eye-liner best goes with your favorite strap-on (and I'm not talking dress). But I do look forward to your return so we may soon resume the battle of the nipples. So, are you able to sit for long periods (not that you'll ever have to worry about one of those) of time, or do you still have a wee bit of healing left. Weeny roast any one?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Now why did I quote that passage from your drivel?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because you don't know when to refrain posting even though you have nothing to contribute?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seeing that you also pretend to be a happy guy and proud to be French.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not proud to be French as such.

Being French is only my default setting.

I can also be an asshole.

Mind you it's a bit redundant with being French in the first place...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have decided to once again present the coup de grace to your sense of national pride.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let me see.

Now you're going to elaborate about some obscure French singers whose only contribution to music is the fact that they disbanded after a few years.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Four words: Kao Kao Bang and Indochine.

Worse than Duran Duran and even Kajagoogoo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Boy you were predictible.


Are you tired of being buggered about ABBA?

Now for your personal enlightment, Indochine was the band and Kao Kao Bang was one of their pseudo songs.

A simple search on the Net yield this: Like a French version of Alphaville or Depeche Mode, Indochine plays synthesizer-based techno-pop. Simple in many ways yet with good harmonies and hooks. Not the most original band ever, but not bad...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've been working for 40 hours already this week and I was not even remotely sane before.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is that your Coming Out?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Who do we blame? The bloody French, that's who.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that's all fine and dandy you friggin' Krisproll.

Fate has it that I work for a Swede company and that I have as much reason to be overworked and more generally fed up than you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Send me a setup and I'll start murdering you this weekend.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wet dreams?

I shall kick you and teach you in the way of the French then...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Well if it isn't Roborat, Geoscience teacher par excellance coming to my rescue. Why thank you oh exalted one, finally proving that wherever you got your edukashun it is considered to be quite enough for the pupils to either know their basic fauna facts or read, obviously not both. Oh well, let me help you out then oh poor demented one. I said clearly that I hope somebody 'brings' a polar bear. This should imply to anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of ye olde English that I assume there is a need for it to be brought since (here getting into easier to understand trailer-park slang for the benefit of Roborat) it ain't there, buddy. I am a product of the German post-war education system and living proof that it stands head and shoulders above all others, if fed with intelligent students like me. No need to tell me obvious facts. Why don't you surprise me and tell me something I don't already know? BTW, if you want to feel like a fool now, that's quite okay with me, because you are one.


Well, as usual, germangit, you have totally missed the point, tell you what, next time I post, I will append a sarcasm warning, so you can attempt to understand the post.

Now, I know you said "bring", however, that appeared to imply that you had some demented idea that they do live in the general area. And based on my experience with your "vaunted" german post-war educational system, that was a reasonable conclusion, as was demonstrated by the abovereferenced post. This is the same "educational" system that produces those demented twits who worship the primitive north american native lifestyle, and think everyone still lives in teepees communing with the local wildlife. These same idiots then come to Canada to get back to nature and inevitably either require our search and rescue teams to pick them out of the muskeg; get the crap beat out of them by the very natives they are trying to emulate; die of exposure because they have no idea what they hell they are doing; or get gored to death by a moose they were attempting to hug. Also, I am also well aware that many people, generally products of the US and UK educational systems, seem to think that polar bears do indeed live at the south pole (and that there are penguins at the north pole), and as such wouldn't get the irony and humour in your post (assuming I stretch my opinion of your intelligence far enough to consider that it was intentional). Although I suppose the back to nature thing isn't nearly as silly as the Japanese fascination with the Anne of Green Gables stories, but that at least doesn't get people killed.

I still have nothing to say, and will defend to the death my right to say it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by kking199 on the "What is happening to the Forum" Thread

Being only a Cm'er for 8 weeks or so and my understanding of the community that existed before the release I believe what you are experiencing in part is the natural evolution of the forum as the game's player base has grown significantly.

Because CM is so good, you will have a great deal of folks buying the game and coming here who are not diehard grognards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, it certainly seems that our 'pool is but a microcosm of the greater world, subject to the same evolutionary developments and vissitudes as our larger cousin.

Original this thread started as a tight knit group of individuals united by a particular shared vision. As the world at large became more aware of them, and it became attractive, more folks showed up. Some hewed to the original vision, some not. Eventually, the older true vision members said WTF has this thread become. The original vision was....etc.

The newer comers said pfhat! to you old sticks. So we in essence have our "grogs" and our non-grogs. The fact of the matter is that we have to coexist and find mutual benefit. Some are here to taunt, pbem and carry on, some are here to in effect, chat and converse.......it's the eternal Mars-Venus/Hunter-Gatherer dialectic. Some of us like to (in 9000 words) grunt, You suck, I am better, I will kill and dismember you and publicly display your humiliation in ritual abuse. Others are more relational in their interaction.....it's the french and wimmen, what can I say. But both are here because this pool provides the space to HAVE FUN, whatever weirdness your tastes runs.

So socio-dynamics proves out in our own litle community. True, there won't always be cross dialogue and the "grogs" may mutter about such effte and pointless drivel, but it is a fascinating look into our shared consciousness (*shudder*) that we wish to call this place, this pool, home.

So let the Grog camp rant and chant, beating drums and parading their totems, and let the relational folks, talk of Paris in the spring, and let us play each other in games, and post the results and together as one pool we can thumb our noses and flip our bums, together as one pool, to the uncomprehending world outside and mash with glee and truly f*ck with the minds of any newbies that wander in.

Life is good.



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Would that be the pics of Pushbroom doing to himself what dogs do on a hourly basis because they can?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Now I would have to refrain and do it only on a mere hourly basis.

Sheesh BlownHouse, do you really think she would post something the like of that?

BTW, I can not deny nor confirm the existence of such pics whether they come on Polaroids or on Digital cam...

Before you mention it, I have no foreknowledge of any kind of soundbites either.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

This is the same "educational" system that produces those demented twits who worship the primitive north american native lifestyle, and think everyone still lives in teepees communing with the local wildlife<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah my dear Roborat, how wrong you are. These are the teachers. The more you kill of them, the better for our educational system. I have come to be the pinnacle of what can be expected by the German educational system by subverting it. Aren't I great? Aren't I beautiful? Don't I just dislike Americans (according to Lanzfeld)? More importantly, after having lunch with some of the pinnacles of the UK educational system today (MPs), I think they should have a revolution here. Nice lunch though.

Squawbroom, what about this game now?



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Well, it certainly seems that our 'pool is but a microcosm of the greater world, subject to the same evolutionary developments and vissitudes as our larger cousin.

Original this thread started as a tight knit group of individuals united by a particular shared vision. As the world at large became more aware of them, and it became attractive, more folks showed up. Some hewed to the original vision, some not. Eventually, the older true vision members said WTF has this thread become. The original vision was....etc.

The newer comers said pfhat! to you old sticks. So we in essence have our "grogs" and our non-grogs. The fact of the matter is that we have to coexist and find mutual benefit. Some are here to taunt, pbem and carry on, some are here to in effect, chat and converse.......it's the eternal Mars-Venus/Hunter-Gatherer dialectic. Some of us like to (in 9000 words) grunt, You suck, I am better, I will kill and dismember you and publicly display your humiliation in ritual abuse. Others are more relational in their interaction.....it's the french and wimmen, what can I say. But both are here because this pool provides the space to HAVE FUN, whatever weirdness your tastes runs.

So socio-dynamics proves out in our own litle community. True, there won't always be cross dialogue and the "grogs" may mutter about such effte and pointless drivel, but it is a fascinating look into our shared consciousness (*shudder*) that we wish to call this place, this pool, home.

So let the Grog camp rant and chant, beating drums and parading their totems, and let the relational folks, talk of Paris in the spring, and let us play each other in games, and post the results and together as one pool we can thumb our noses and flip our bums, together as one pool, to the uncomprehending world outside and mash with glee and truly f*ck with the minds of any newbies that wander in.

Life is good.



Leave it to a blood-sucking lawyer to take 3 millenia to reach the point, and have it be a forking boring one once we finally get there. I took two naps in the middle of that post. I can see you typing it now:

Yes, that is by far the best assault on profundity that I have yet made. My cognizance of the socio-political situation in the Peng Thread is vastly more impressive than that of my would-be brethren. Time to go get a drink...uh oh! My head can't fit through the door. Maybe if I try an angle. Uh oh! Now I'm stuck. My darned head is so full of wonderful things that only I realize, that I can't even get all of this wonderful knowledge out my door anymore. Perhaps if I stay here long enough and continue to come up with new ways to state things that everyone already fully understands then my head will swell further and bust down the door frame. Time to think, there's got to be something out there that I don't know. Hmmm, I'm going to be here for a while...

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

People come, people go, Hiram thinks YK2 has a big bottom, bauhaus is back to making thingy jokes, Meeks is humping sedated polar bears, YK2 thinks I'm a sweetie (awwwwwwww....), von sad thinks Shawnakey is a pompous ass, Peng has used every bracket on his keyboard, Germanboy thinks Hiram has a big butt, liver smells good when cooking but tastes like duck crap, Marlow came in - taunted - and disappeared, beer makes you drunk, PawBroon is French, and Peter shags sheep. We've now recounted everything else that everyone already knows. To get out of the doorframe, take a pin and pop yourself. After flying around the room for 2 hours, you'll be all set.

And the next time I bring the belt, you aren't going to be on the giving end...



- Senachai

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Croda you worm beneath my hobnailed boot. I put myself in the grog camp, although I do like the nice alliteration or intelligent post.....However

You scum sucking bottom dwelling echinodrem that I as a lawyer chew into tiny little morsels. The Only place it counts big boy is if can you back up those fancy words with action. Judging by the lack of any intelligence behind your continuing game with me I'd say the answer is NO! You couldn't beat me then,now or ever. You little french toady, when I am done flaying your already sodden and disprited troops, (and believe me your Mum approves) then its back out to the woodshed with ya and the belt.

Ya think you can take it away from me? Just try. You have been getting awfully high flautin with your prissy smelly stuff and city folk ways. When we FINALLY finish this game, I shall trounce you again......your days are numbered little man, I'll break you again, for you are my bitch.

There happy now?



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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LMFAO....... Jeese I love this thread, the last few posts had me in stitches, Croda... Bravo, thats about the funniest thing iv'e read on here for ages, thanks to JD also for supplying the Ammo.

Yep.... Life is good.



"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

...You scum sucking bottom dwelling echinodrem ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A lawyer calling someone else scum sucking and bottom dwelling, now don't that just take the rum cake...

Being as tomorrow is Thanksgiving, let me make a nice Thanksgiving analogy for you.

Mister Morse Esquire, you, sir, are a turkey. You have had your head chopped off, your feathers plucked, and you innards torn out and placed in a bag for making gravy. You've been stuffed with goodies and sat in the oven for hours on end until your skin was crisp and brown, and your flesh tender and moist. I shall spend all day devouring you and picking little stringy pieces of you out of my teeth. And when I have feasted enough and my gluttonous maw is exhausted from chewing and my belly is full of lawyer-turkey, I shall undo the top button on my pants (BauHAUS...), recline in an easy chair, sleep the day away, and have lovely dreams about how wonderfully full I am, and what a lovely sight your carcass is on the dining room table, and what I picture YK2's butt to look like (She said I'm a sweetie, awwwwww.....). When I awake, the wimminfoke will have stripped the morse-carcass of any meat that was missed and bagged it for the next day, and we shall then eat pies. The pies have ansolutely nothing to do with your boney skeleton, but I do love the pies so. Mmmmmmm. So anyway, you're a turkey and you're going to get eaten and that's that.

And stop shooting my tank crews, they never did anything to you!



- Senachai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Bravo, thats about the funniest thing I've read on here for ages.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well thanks.

When Remorse is done with the belt I'll have to put some leather on you.

Err, no wait, you're already wearing leather.


That's so complicated with you women.

Send me a setup and let me teach you what it is to be so truly humiliated that you'll soon beg me to drive you deeper into the ground with both the sole of my boots and the treads of my armor.

I shall unleash Death, Pestilence, England and Failed Blue Tests on ye!!

Oh, and I almost forgot.

Back in the kitchen!!


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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Eeeewwww that is so nasty.

Mom!!! Croda is talking about eating JDMorse again.

Don't they have bars for that sort of thing??


You two gonna do that dance with your chaps and sing the YMCA song now?


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Hiram...... you remind me of Chauncy Gardner in Being There You like to watch. Seems if there is a train wreck, car running over a dog or the vivisection of a Gerbil, you are there.......is that Rod Serling in the background. Now get home and get that turn out so I am one step closer to grinding your bones and feeding them to Croda.

Crud-boy, to pick up your metaphor, and to pick my theeth with your splintered thigh bone....oh, sorry, forgot, a metaphor is a particular word consruct and image used to convey subleties of meaning..... of Thaksgiving. You my dear boy constitute the heartburn and gas that one is prone when consuming too much of a thing. As I have troops that have reading the International version of Readers Digest as they await the arrival of the VT and the whistle to go over the top, you might want to make sure your sturmtruppen have all made out their wills.

And as to your crews, well, they......they were escaping, that's it, theat's the ticket......escaping. Course when you use them to try to wrest control of a VL from a geriatric toothlessly gummy old AC that can't fart and hit anything, well what do you expect.So Happy Thanksgiving, you LOSER!


JD, esq

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Marlow came in - taunted - and disappeared, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not much time to post, short work week.

Anyway, its more fun to shoot, shell, and otherwise blast Crawdads infantry into little bite-sized chunks with assorted thingeys that go boom - Be vawy vawy quite, we're hunting Crodas.

Other reports -

Still haven't seen Toomai of the Sheep in our little night lovefest. He has managed to blow up a few trees, however.

After an ill advised joy ride along the the frontline in an M-18 (Lucky bugger survived), my troops have returned to sanity, and begun to butcher Morse's infantry. They're piling up like chad on the counting room floor.

All quite on the Hiram front.

That's all for now, Happy Friggin Thanksgiving.


The enemy advances, we retreat.

The enemy camps, we harass.

The enemy tires, we attack.

The enemy retreats, we pursue.

- Mao Tse Tung

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-22-2000).]

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1. I've never contributed anything in my life and I'm not about to start now.

2. The fact that you had to look up what Kao Kao Bang and Indochine was suggests that you are not as stupid as I thought. This will not stop me from turning you slowly and incredibly painfully into a Dead Thing. Sorry.

3. There are no Swedish companies in France and if there were, allowing two hour lunches would make them French.

4. I just decided to start hating you as an individual rather than as a Frenchman. Nationality, race, religion, shoe size, gender, species, all these are unimportant and tend to cloud the issue. The issue being your imminent and incredibly messy demise.

5. I don't have wet dreams. Sleep is for the weak, I knock myself out with an iron skillet instead. Builds character. Something you would indubitably benefit from having.

For the useless bastards that I played before, SheepShagger and Moriarty:

You will have your files tomorrow, except Moriarty, did we decide to play that map you sent me or to continue playing Murder in the dark?

Where's the bloody skillet? Sod it I'll go out and get hit by a tram instead.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Please don't disappear into my maw of victory, like a writhing little eel down the gullet of a narwhal.

You're too special, to go like that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What can I say, that was simply beautiful. You, my dear, dear, dear, Sturmhaubits of love, you are indeed a Bad Person.

It will be with deep regret and dare I say it, with a twinge of remorse that I will nail your freshly ripped face on my wall, positioned so that it may only stare into your previously defeated and offripped features. Gazing forever and ever into eternal defeat.

Your slime eel, forever nesting in your narwhal carcass, gnawing gently at your rotting innards,


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My god, man! It sounds like you are getting your ass kicked by everyone? What is wrong with you? Geezus....

Tell me, it must feel like High School all over again, doesn't it? All the big jock boys picking on you giving you wedgies, and the only girl you are interested in loves a Frenchman no less. I dare say you are venturing into pencil-neck geek territory. Don't go there, Croda! It's a bad place...a lonely place...a sad place...Hey! Just ask Meeks if ya want to know!

My God! I just thought of something! You're not a role model to your children, are you? NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo........

I can see it now...



"When I grow up I wanna get my scrawny ass lawn mowed daily by a bunch of bullies! And.. And... I want to pin over a girl that will have nothing to do with me because she loves a Frenchman! I wanna be just like you, Dad!"

[Croda sobbing uncontrollably.]

Breaks your heart, don't it?

How about if I let you win in our PBEM? Would that help?


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Only Berli is a journalist<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bullsh*t!!!! I have nothing to do with you editorial types. I, sir, am a tech head

Yes, one of the highly esteemed and honored wearers of the propeller beanie.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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Originally posted by gummer

You will have your files tomorrow, except Moriarty, did we decide to play that map you sent me or to continue playing Murder in the dark?


I believe we agreed to end that one ... as it is I gladly trashed the previous turns.

Lorak, my good man, please be so kind as to chalk up another ignominious shellacking for Moriarty and a grand topplement for Geier.

Johan, if you're into the ladder thingy, feel free to post that game. Let's go with the new one.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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PawBroon wrote:

> I shall unleash Death, Pestilence, England and Failed Blue Tests on ye!!

Blimey, who needs TV – we've got our very own CM soap opera. Will Croda run over PawBroon with a PzKpfw V(G) in a fit of jealous rage? When will all the lawyers stop taunting and start suing? And who nearly got Emma pregnant?

Find out next week!


My quoting was to the point, it's your posting Mace that wasn't up to what I wanted to quote. – PawBroon

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Koopa-Troopa has brought us an omen. Mr.T in the Matha Beautiful Thread can only mean one thing; the cesspool will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix (hopefully igniting many of the inhabitants) bent on more anarchy. BTW it is rumored that Mr.T is the second coming of Christ.

Seanachai, all I can say is that sometimes my anger gets the best of me. I, like you, do not wish to continue like a bad Elvis/Kitty after school special. Not to make excuses as to not sound like the pond scum amoebae I really am, I had a kicker of a day yesterday. I am talking major auto repairs to the death of a close friends wife. That is no excuse for the way I said what I meant though. Looking back and settling down I see that I was wrong in at least one aspect. I should have E-mailed you personally.

Now that was not an apology. I could give you one but then I would have to jab long metal objects in your ears, wiring them to the car battery and dragging you behind at unsafe speeds until you forget what a complete waste of oxygen you are. But enough about my pastimes. If I can't perform a root canal through your ear drum I will instead round up your little troops that have no choice but to listen to all your hot air on the field of battle.


Why, Shrad...here on the Peng Challenge Thread...that's...that's rather like a hug, isn't it? I'm almost sure it's as close as we all ever get! I appreciate your posting. Do not worry too much over momentary anger, and some of the points you made angry I wouldn't necessarily disagree with. I hope you realize that although I'm occassionaly a little dismissive, I actually like newcomers to the Peng Challenge Thread. Firstly, I love an audience. Secondly, folk such as myself need a constant influx of people who haven't yet learned to scream 'oh bloody hell, Seanachai's spewing his apalling gibberish into the Thread again'. And certainly recent activity has shown me that there's certainly life in the old Thread yet. I shall remain, I believe, and teach a new generation to mutter 'good god, why can't that pompous nutter just shuffle off to Bedlam where he belongs'.

Now, who's for a bit of a reconciling sing-song? smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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