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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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CHEATING!!!!!CHEATING!!!! I wouldn't waste my best cheating moves on you Hiram...don't need to. Not with the silly way you run your troops across open fields and turn your tanks so I have a nice pretty view of their sides. What kind of cheap whore do you think I am?


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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And another thing....I have 6 games going right now, 4 of which are against the low lifes in this cesspool, yet for the first time in recent memory I awoke from my drunken sleep to find no files. What is going on with you people..Did you finally remember that you had family, women (yeah right) and friends?


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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I sent you your file, mister "oops, didn't realize I owed you one." you'll recognize it by the large artillery shells falling on your boys' heads and the trucks full of your gallant infantry blindly assaulting my armor.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

What kind of cheap whore do you think I am?


Here are our choices, Ladies and Gents.

A. Crack

B. French

C. HIV infected

D. Easy

E. Loose

F. Downtown

G. Cheap

Elvis, I choose A


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Crude-a, PitifulNZ, Chupa-whatever, jshan-dork, and yes you, Miss Penggy.

I have never been so disappointed in the quality of posts on this, The Thread, in all my days. Not only did the pitiful lot of you manage only eighty-one words across five posts (and NO, sigs do not count!), but they were weak-willed, lemming-like postings of a "Oooo, that's cute, let's all hop on the bandwagon of Hi-rump Said-who."

It's a good thing the pool needed redecorating today, because there's now a thick coating of yellow stomach-bile on the walls after I read your posts.

Those of you seeking to become Kniggets better post some stronger stuff, or you will fall pitifully behind, and ol' Pengy boy, you had better keep up the foulness as well, or the pool itself (namesake or no) will rise up and cause your topplement into the abyss.

I'd like to wash my hands of the lot of you, but there's not even a remotely clean spot left in the pool.


I have challenged the QA team to a Bat-Leth contest. They shall not trouble us again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

The pitiful lot of you manage only eighty-one words across five posts.


Isn't that a bit like Rain Man counting everything really?


Get a life, go find me who's playing first base!


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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Frau Starburst -

Clearly you come from the Seniletea school of taunting, that is, vomit words long enough, and sooner or later you're bound to say something clever, right?

Given this, it's not difficult to see why you're so blind to the true nature of taunting. It is not verbiage. It is not originality. It is not pithy bon mots.

It is to hold the self-esteem of another human being in your hands, and to then crush it, laugh maniacally, and dance a little jig on the grave of the poor bastard's ego.

We all have our various strategies to accomplish this. Gerbiltoy uses Tourettes-like cursing streaks. Joe Squawk demonstrates his obvious stupidity until his opponent cries from exasperation. Berliboy invents new languages. I cunningly probe my enemy's psyche and ask him shocking questions about "playtime." Peng uses smilies.

So what have you learned, my dear little retarded idiot? Have you perhaps learned that squires should not open their goddamn filthy talkholes until their betters damn well tell them to? Or maybe you've learned that your amoeba-like intelligence is obvious to all? Or maybe, just maybe, you've learned something of the true art of taunting.

Nah, you're too dumb for that.

Now wipe the drool off your chin and go back to sunning yourself on a rock.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Hairy Obutt,

If I wanted you hear your opinion I would put a trash can over your head and beat on it with a bat. At least then I could enjoy the noise coming from you. Currently I hear nothing but the annoying buzz of fly I would like to crush.

Return to your dung heap you insignificant little bug.


Oh and one more thing... Your cute modification of my name is SOOOOO original I would not surprised if you farted dust.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-18-2000).]

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Dear heathenous bastard:

It is dealing with scum like you that makes scum like me even scummier. Your type of filth and utter putrescence is an abomination even in these wretched waters. The amount of arrogance necessary for a two-bit pug like yourself to make a statement like you've so recently posted defies all laws of quantum physics, thermo-dynamics, and bad taste. Yours was the type of baby-snarl that Emily Post would have tittled at, deeming it good, angry, lashing out. When you feel the urge to tear apart the post rather than the poster, then you have most certainly lost any degree of station in this fetid swamp. Instead of saying "Croda, you limp-wristed bastard! I'll flog you with a cat-o-nine-tails for daring to present me with a setup the likes of which you recently mailed me!", you opted for "Your post was dumb." Do you see the minor differences in the two, you mindless epididemus? If you cannot comply with the pre-set pool standards of making disparaging and degrading remarks towards one's persona, demeanor, ethnicity, nationality, hygiene, beef-wittedness, or ignorance, and choose to instead take the coardly path of making said remarks against the remarks of others, then I shall have no choice but to meet you on the field of battle to settle this difference. Retract your un-harsh words, and issue a formal verbal assassination of somone's character, or else I'll ensure that the 28m in front of your approaching dough boys are the last 28m they ever see.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Did someone mention that three more posts and your cherry is popped? You are indeed a horrid thing if this is where you choose to spend the majority of your posting time.


Looks like that three is now two.

H is in HER but also in HIM

O is for ODOUR, fancy a SWIM?

R is for RIDICULE you all do so well

R is for RANCID, jeese what's that SMELL?

I is for Improvise,which i'm trying to do.

D is for DEATH to each one of you.

Thats if I ever decide to give one of you the honour of a PBEM.



And the proper plural form would be "bananas ARE my business"! Sheeesh!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

It's not even an Hakko Ichiu!!

Too many syllables...



Bless you.......

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By the way, I stumbled on a little piece of info stating that yesterday was the all-ugly Meeks' birthday (no idea which one). I earnestly suggest that each and everyone one of you send him a happy birthday email wishing him maggots in his corn flakes for the year to come, and berating the little turd for daring to claim the cesspool in his own name.




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D is for..

aaah screw it, send me a setup junior and I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard it goes through red, through blue, past even big black bruises and into colours outside the visible spectrum.

I'll hurt you so bad you won't just be able to not sit down but they'll have to open you up just to let the **** out! And even then your intestines will physically retreat from your lower body out of sheer fear that I might beat you again, and they'll try and camp above your kidney and slowly strangle your spine so as to prevent further battles.

Despite your entire body crying out "nooo", I am sure you will send me a file with a setup so laughable I'll have to watch an hour of Friends just to get my mind back in the natural state of rage that fuels its genius. Now begone with you, and not a word till that file is in my box.



[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-18-2000).]

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Lorak! You hateful bonnet-wearing girl!

Which part of "I've beaten PeterNZer's snivelling Volessturm hordes until the red gooey bits ran out of their ears and Peter suffered a complete mental breakdown at the horror, the horror, and now thinks he is an ancient druid and was last seen trying to fornicate with Stonehenge" didn't you understand?

I certainly thought I made it plain enough for anyone with the intelligence God gave blue-green algae to understand. Now, given that, and the fact that visiting your loathsome little site causes the most god-awful screeching to come out of my speakers (which some tell me is what you CHUDs call music), I thought I might reasonably expect my record to be accurate!!!!

I'll put it as simply as I possibly can. Now take your time. Puzzle it through. Perhaps look on it as a sort of learning excersise. Like Math Blaster, but easier.



Disgustedly yours,


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

YK2 a girl

swimming to her untimely

death in the cesspool


Now that we have a woman in here you're all mushy and are posting Haikus...

Where's the old Die a Lot Peng?


Goaty to YK2: I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard...

PawBroon to Goaty: I do not take subcontractors!

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-18-2000).]

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You know, the Cesspool used to be so clean-minded...now that there's a woman present it's full of nothing but sexual connotations and innuendo. Where has the world gone to? PawBroon, are you and I the only sane ones left? Ah, what the hell..

Take it off! Take it all off!



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