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Troop #'s in DYO scenarios

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Guest Madmatt

DYO has a 1000 point FIXED limit.

But you can BUILD a scenario with about as many troops as you want and can have scenarios with far GREATER than a single battalion!

The most I saw was about a total of 12 infantry battalions on the screen at once.

Captain, your questions have returned to the twin realms of idiotic and annoying by the way!

Just wait for the dang game and try it out...Besides that EXACT same question has been asked again and again!

Don't you have an appointment with an Army Recruiter to go to????



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-15-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Hate? Hehehe, you aint seen hate kid... wink.gif

When you fall in the first time and that DI gets into your face and you can smell his Reuben sandwich from 3 days ago burn into your cheeks and you look into those cold steel eyes as a constant barking emenates from his lips as you again fail fitifully to accomadate his wishes, then and only then will you begin to have even the most fundamental understanding of hatred...

And what he gives you won't be hate, but disdain...

Learn the difference...


Now, everyone go and play nice! wink.gif


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Guest Madmatt

von shrad,

That's a wonderful idea!

And don't spill any of that WARM GLASS OF SHUT THE HELL UP either!



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

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I like Madmatt's point about the difference between hate and disdain. I wasn't in the military, but everything I have read about the subject suggests to me that the best DIs are the ones who can mercilessly grind the recruits into the ground, and then turn them into real soldiers, without any personal feeling whatsoever. And, if the recruit makes something of himself, that DI will always remember with pride how it was HIS training that put it all together.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

What in the hell is a DI?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Well lets see, I was in the airforce and there it was a "TI"

It's been 17 years since I was in basic training.

My TI's were -

Staff Sgt Martineez

T-Sgt Devore

Airman Hay (A gal mind you)

You'll never forget the names.

I'll never forget Martineez making me salute the urinal. 50 times. In front of the squadron. Very nice! smile.gif

Oh, and the Army and Marine DI's make Airforce ones look like Boy Scout leaders. Have fun!

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 06-15-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt


After everything that has transpired between us, after ALL the freaking Bunker pictures I put up that you wanted, do you REALLY think I hate you? Comeon' kid! I was just razzin' ya.

For the rest of you, making this a Boot Camp memoirs thread might be kinda interesting..

Von Shrad, sorry to fire on your position, i saw hostile movement and opened up, no hard feeling I hope mate!


and if there are well... Bite Me comes to mind! wink.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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Just tell Matt to pull his ugly noggin in Capt, he ain't god, an neither is any drill instructor I've ever met...they just act like grad A assholes to make you do what you're told, it's supposed to teach/prepare you to take orders so you can operate under pressure (ie when you're being shot at).

Hell I've done it, it's great fun making people squirm, yelling in their face, carrying on like a lunatic. My favourite line was a corporal who'd threaten to stick his grade A, nine inch, blue veined, pelvic jumper pumper up your ass if you so much as moved an eyeball....still makes me laugh.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Offthewall:

Hey Phoenix, I was in basic in October of '83, my normal TI was a Staff Sergeant Morin but I think a guy named Martinez was there for one day. Was he about 5'6" with a mustache?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

October 83? No ****? I got there October

30th of 1983!! I think Grenda was just going off. I recall standing in line as a "rainbow" and spotted a newspaper stand. The paper said something like, "US Invades Island!"

Anyway, yeah, Martineez had hispanic features. A mustache, about 5 6 is right. He looked up at me when he yelled at me. Which seemed to be often. smile.gif

He reminded me a bit like Charles Bronson!

Were you in the 3707?

If so, do you recall the senior drill instructor?

"Sr Master Sergeant Fury"

No ****. That was his name!

Had a big old scar on his face. Guy scared the **** out of me when he walked by.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fenris:

My favourite line was a corporal who'd threaten to stick his grade A, nine inch, blue veined, pelvic jumper pumper up your ass if you so much as moved an eyeball....still makes me laugh.


My favorite was the same Ssgt Martineez I mentioned. He was outside the dorm room doing the usual game of trying to get the newbie to open the door without showing proper ID.

His line to the newbie through the small glass window?

"When I get in there Im going to rip your arm off and beat you with it."

Oh man, I about lost it. Too damned funny!!

FWIW - the kid held out until he showed ID. Boy was he scared to open the door though! smile.gif

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Guest grunto

we had a drill instructor who called all the recruits 'genius,' as in, 'looks like a bunch of geniuses here.' 'hey genius, knock me out 50 pushups.'

man that guy was a riot.

the DIs in our platoon were Gilden, Williams, and Gonzalez. They made everyone quit smoking and guys who were caught got to walk around in backpacks full of sandbags all night.

i was a really slow runner but always did pushups. sergant gilden made fun of me on the final pt test by running ahead of me, knocking out 20 pushups, and then getting up and running again. all of the other recruits were belly-laughing at that because they all knew i was slow but did a lot of pushups -g-

i can remember 'happas' the greek dude from 'baston.' he could do over 100 pushups easily in 2 minutes. he was one of those dudes parading around with a backpack full of sandbags that one night.

yeah i can remember just about everyone in that platoon. i would imagine that in a regular unit you would have a lot of cameraderie.

oh about gilden, he had a way of disarming you with his voice and facial expression, then he would make you do some kind of work.

the first time he used that was when we got off the bus and he was standing there all nice and polite and he said, 'now platoon i'm sargent gilden and every time i say 'take a break' - then he stood there with his southern hospitality grin on his face as we looked at him hopefully, 'i want you to knock me out 20 pushups. now take a break' with that big grin on his face. we took a lot of 'breaks' those first few days.

it turns out gilden was a vietnam combat vet. his methods were a little unorthodox but i think we - his men - were loyal to him.

one time we got our field gear on those big duffel bags with about 70 pounds of gear in and hanging off of them. they had the two straps so you could wear them like a backpack. sargent williams was very pissed off that day for some reason and he had us all in formation and in the front leaning rest (pushup) position. he said, 'you're going to live with that gear on your back. you're all like little turtles with your houses on your backs.'

good stuff -g-

i tried to get in regular just before the gulf war (the initial invasion of kuwait) but my hearing was shot. i was going to be 11b (infantry mos) again but for the ears. i went on to work at microsoft for 6 years instead. now i'm at action engine.


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Ya know, I was at Lackland in Nov 84 in the 3706. Out of the five years I was in the AF, that was the best time. The comraderie(sp?) was outstanding. Going from rainbow, to pickle, AF 314's, having to pay $3.50 to some retired G.I. so he can shave my head bald....ahhhh the good ol days...

BTW, my favorite TI trick to get it was to stand at the door and tell the recruit that he had to take a leak. Of course the kid would ask for ID and the TI would demand he open the door. After going back and forth a few times, the TI would announce "That's it! I'm pissing right here!!". Everyone watched through the little window as you could tell he unzipped his fly and you heard him pissing on the door. By that time, the recruit was scared to death that maybe he should have let him in, so he opens the door. The TI is standing there pouring his coffee onto the door, which leads to the TI chewing a him a new a$$hole and all of us are half laghing to ourselves and half thinking how gald we were it wasn't us on duty.

Firewatch was fun because you could watch these guys sit straight up in the middle of the night and start singing or screaming or crying or holding a conversation.

I'll shut up now. Too much to talk about....


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