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Chain of Command

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I found that CoC ease the pain of waiting for CM smile.gif

So I play it rather much but :

#1 CO is often greedy and take the weapons himself.

#2 The players are rather gamey/nonrealistic and undisciplined.

#3 Lack of Coordination between the players/squads.

#4 The players often don't follow orders from the CO

Some Quotas from CoC :

F**k you this is my spot I'm not going anywhere

Weaps why should i give YOU weaps ?

Fall back they are taking our dz.....F**k you

Question is there a NO or LESS gamey regiment a Cpl can join ?

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Thanks for the info, don't know the answer to your question though. The stuf you mention above is why I don't waste my time on multiplayer internet. I wonder if those people would be quite so rude to the other person's face.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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Bamse, I'm in FRC (force recon) and like it.

Have been told however by lower ranks that we (officers of FRC) are snobby. Don't know about that but we do have fun.

If you'd like we can play some open games together and see if we click. From there getting you in would be a snap.

p.s. get roger wilco for free at resounding.com so we can have direct verbal communications.

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Whoaa Wait a sec Im an officer and I dont take all the weps ;0) most of the time that is. But if you want to play as a team play in a regiment. Open games of cours are for those who just want to go Rambo style but when you play in a regiment you play as a team, if not they will boot ya! Ive been in the 101st Eagles regiment for a while now and made alot of friends. If I need help during a game they will come and help. In regiment games we have different strategies for the dif maps. Regiment games are nothing like open because you work as a team to win.

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Thanks Darwin that would bee great !

Roger wilco with a 33.6 modem ?

Is it possible and/or does it increase lagging ?

I dont want too join the best regiment i want too join a non gamey one !

And I must say that after CM is out I will not play CoC much......

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I played CoC about 6 months ago

I did well for a while and joined a regiment

I could never get a straight awnser from my

superiors as to when and how we could practice or what the policies of our regiment were. When i would find them playing,

I would join the game and I was pretty much ignored, no orders,no plan.Only when I would

do something "on my own initiative" was i

paid any attention.NO problem here but I was

looking for a bit of more cooperation

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I know a few guys using phone modem's and roger wilco. I don't know at what speed they connect but I bet it would work. Roger wilco is kind of fickle though, generally it works great for me but there are a few people that I just cant get it to work well with ( i hear them fine but everything I send gets garbled )

As to it's increasing lag, not sure about that. If you're having trouble getting dropped from games at start up closing RW wouldn't be a bad idea as well as closing the main lobby. I dont think it contributes lag to ongoing games though (not sure).

So Bamse, when do you play?

I will keep an eye out for you. I have my "Darwin" account for reg games and "Gimli son of Gloin" that I play open with, either of which would be happy to play with you smile.gif

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Greatings, I am 2ndLT Darstand of the JFL. Open games are a terrible way to play. That generally where you have a lack of teamwork and the hording of weapons. Regiment games are the superior way to go. Teamwork and Sharing of weps is the only way to win. I have been playing off and on for months. And my only complaints are Lag and the insidious button Lag (if you play you know what I am talking about) I have a cable modem now so that takes care of the lag, but that dang button lag is still a very annoying problem. My advice Join a Reg thats been around for awhile and plays alot of games. Like the JFL.

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Hey, I'm argie too in CoC. I'm in the X31 regiment and we have trainings, good cooperation and all this things...

The game is a lot of fun but you could got crazy with uncooperative people.

Oh, I'm a "career corporal", as Yassy, a Captain, defines me with keen judgement smile.gif


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If you had a bad time as a rookie in Chain of Command, part of the reason is the game designer is trying to simulate the societal aspects of squad level infantry combat. Yer gonna meet all sorts of people, the heroes, slackers, the reliable ones, the cowards.

C&C is simulated beautifully because those are real people incharge of each squad. Reliable squad leaders standout, and if you're a bad CO, it becomes painfully obvious, especially to the people you lead into battle.

So practice and join a regiment you feel comfortable in. JFL, 101, from the few battles we've met in is are good crews. I'm with the MNRangers and if yer interested in joining, just get in touch with one of the senior officers. Regimental rules are few; Respect for team-mates and the opponent, and no cussing.. Well, minimal cussing. :o) Theres a lot of youngens playing and they tend to get carried away so best just try to ban it.

We normally train our new recruits early evenings EST. The MNRanger regiment has gotten quite big (almost 300 members) so we have branched out with 2 "Elite" regiments (for the jarhead lifers that want to do battle everyday). But a few good COs will stay with the parent reg and continue to train new recruits as a feeder for the elite regiments.

Once you have joined a regiment and gotten to know each other in battle, things will get better (which shouldn't take more than week out in the field before you start developing bonds).

BTW, when CoC first came out fragging your team-mate was allowed, but as you can imagine, it got waaay out of hand.


‘The purpose of any theory - including game theory - is not to reproduce reality, but to increase our understanding of fundamental processes by simplifying it.’ (Snidal, 1985, p.28)

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