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Survey: Allied and Axis Combat Mission Players

Guest Capt_Manieri

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The book "Closing with Enemy" is a great

read and I reccomend it as well. It

is by Michael Doubler.

"The best single book on the GI and his officers. Destined to become a military

classic" - Stephen Ambrose

The thesis of the book is - sure the

US had overwhelming resourses but at the outbreak of WW2 they (we) could not dream

of using them in a coorindated combined arms

operation. But the US learned quickly. In

three short years they developed operational

techniques (especially TAC air and artillery

coordination with infantry and armor) that were at least equal to the Soviets and Germans. The US used massive firepower not bodies to keep the offensive going with the minimun loss of flesh and blood.

In CM, when playing the US, we will need to be good coordinators of this firepower we are given to be successful. In some wargames,

when playing the Allies, you have so much stuff to use you feel like and accountant rather than general. In those situations you have to remember to use each unit as effectivly as you can. If not you will lose a well balanced scenario most times. Given

the scenario, playing the US is as challenging as the Germans.

- Kevin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's interesting to examine the Brits away from the strong American influence they operated under in the ETO and Med<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Then you've gotta love Singapore tongue.gif . There's one I'd like to replay with the original OOB, but with ahistorical British tactics and management.

Some of the early Aussie actions in New Guinea area are also pretty amazing before they got all the American help (y'know, the relief force we sent down from the Philippines redface.gif ).

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I have a German user name- just to confuse everyone tongue.gif , but I am a Brit and proud of it! At present I prefer to play as the Germans because, as mentioned before, they tend to have the best kit. But when the pucker game gets here, who knows? (But it will probably be the good old khaki-clad blokes) biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Have you read Doubler's CLOSING WITH THE ENEMY? He directly addresses the fallacy that GI's in the ETO relied on firepower over troop quality. I highly recommend it. There's not too many pix though, so it won't be like a Marine publication<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What! No pics! How do you expect an old Marine like me to read that!? wink.gif

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Hm, I'm German, but I prefer to play the Allies. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am born in Poland and my grandfather was in the concentration camp? Or maybe it's just more of a challenge to play with those tin can Shermans? Dunno smile.gif

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I think that I like the Allies because of the fear of what you can possibly face. So what you get loads of air support, one Koingtiger and your advance is stopped! You have to be a good Allied commander to breech a well planned German defense. I do think that the British/Canadians/Polish do have a neat assortment of equipment, almost rivaling that of Germany.

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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

I like the german toys, very cool. But I also had 2 Grandfathers who fought on the front lines in the european theatre, (one of whom had his picture taken by time life while in combat). So I do have a certain kick the sh*t outta those germans mentality, but man do those germans have cool toys smile.gif

So basically i play both sides.

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Brits/Canadians cos I am a Brit (though definitely NOT a nationalist) and they are not in the slightest boring wink.gif. They have Crocodiles, Fireflies, Wasps, Typhoons and Kangaroos (lets hope they also get the AVRE soon smile.gif). They also had the most interesting Normandy battles. THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU, Bigtime, for including the Brits in CM1 and not going the way of Panzer Elite and Across the Rhine with their purely US/German fictionally-rigged battles...

I also like to play non-SS German units as a personal preference.

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My preference to play as germans dates back to CC2 days, where all gerry rifle squads carried with them a couple of panzerfausts, which came in handy on many an occasion. The allies had no such AT capability in their basic infantry squads.

Having said that, I am looking forward to playing as Canadian, since it is very rare to find a game that models Canadians. They played a significant role in Italy, Normandy, and the drive throught the low countries (we won't bring up Dieppe).


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My preference to play as germans dates back to CC2 days, where all gerry rifle squads carried with them a couple of panzerfausts, which came in handy on many an occasion. The allies had no such AT capability in their basic infantry squads.

Having said that, I am looking forward to playing as Canadian, since it is very rare to find a game that models Canadians. They played a significant role in Italy, Normandy, and the drive throught the low countries (we won't bring up Dieppe).


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I'd like everybody to take a moment to reflect that here we have a new topic drawing a lot of traffic, started by our old buddy Captain Manieri, and (apart from some understandable jealousy directed at my Beloved Corps) no flaming of either Manieri or each other. Rather, just good-natured banter. Hell, this thread's been active for several days without getting locked up.

Nice change all around biggrin.gif (of course, I probably just jinxed it... rolleyes.gif )


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Guest John Maragoudakis

Ok I'll tell. Right click on any picture, select properties to get the url.

Take the marines raising the flag in the upper left corner for example.

Right click, choose properties. You will see the address for the pic as:



 before the address and 

 after the address.

Should look like this:



So you get:


[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 01-09-2000).]

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It's a testament to CM quality that for the first time I actually enjoy playing as the Americans.

In fact, I PREFER playinga as the Americans.

I can't put my finger on why, I just do. The homegenous nature of the troop types and the ubiquity of the Sherman might make for a bland sameness. I find the sameness a good thing. It makes it a little easier to more uniformly apply strategy.

But when it comes to the big campaign Fionn has planned, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I don't have to face him. At least not without some air cover.

Good topic Manieri. These are the types of questions we like to answer smile.gif.


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My name is Knaust...from one-legged Major Hans-Peter Knaust commanding a Tiger Battalion at Arnhem (hoping that BTS will make a scenario on Arnhem)...so you know that I like to play the Germans!..why?...coz they lost the war!

This doesnt mean in any way that i like Hitler's politics

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Since I'll be a battalion CO in that game somewhere I'm going to institute a special rule for myself..

Wherever my Bn goes it rains all day, every day wink.gif.

Seriously though, the Germans have some great AAA and SPAAA and now that AAA fire is in and working (it wasn't in when I was playing Martin) those Germans can really rip planes apart. In one scenario which Matt made for his screenshots he seemingly ended up with 25 plane kills.

That's some majorly bad mojo.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I like to play the soviets on the eastern front and germans or brits on west.

On the eastern front (which I know a bit more about) I like playing the sovs becuase they always are a challenge to play in particular bringing your infantry to bear (well in good games anyhow).

On the west I find the british army very challenging as they tend to have good unglamorious units while their armour & arty are average. I find the britis in good games like SP force me to use combined arms more than any other army, also I am a brit so there isa nationalist factor there.

I like playing the germans IN CM ONLY on the west front because they are not subjected to the absurd "hide & run" tactics that are forced on you in other games. In CM I love the fact that becuause of the scale I dont feel that defense is pointless otherwise I will just get artyed or aired to death. In CM in my expereince once the enemy gets close arty becomes far less effective and due to the LOS system I can actually perform fghting withdrawls without getting hammered.

just my thoughts.

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Guest GriffinCheng

From SP1 to CM, and from WB to EAW -- German.

WW2 German have a lot of famous and heavy weapons which are fun to use but difficult to master. But of course, it would be best accompanied by well-designed scenario.

But if it is PTO, I choose Allied. I would love to shoot some Japanese...hehe.

For 1940 France scenarioes, anyone tried the "Arras" in SP1? It is pretty challenging to play against an Allied human opponent.

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng (edited 01-10-2000).]

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It's always fun to have the Zoo on your side versus some washed up US Generals tongue.gif ! However, with CM, it is now fun to take those Ronsons and become a lion-tamer. It is an entirely different experience to play one side and then the other in a battle, because you have to try entirely different strategies to utilize the advantages of the resources you are given. Plus, as hinted by my screen name, Kelly, Big Joe, Oddball and I couldn't always use Tigers....

CrapGame out...

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I prefer the US. The US army of the time seems to use my favorite military maxim. The KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. I don't like the fact that the germans have half a million different squad types. I like the simplicity of the US squad. I am also fond of its size.


"Armchair Generals never lose any men"-Darstand

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