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A smart guy like @laurent 22 will start a vehicle mod by FIRST using a "color grid" analysis so he knows the 2D-3D arrangement on the UV map. I tend to cut corners and get lazy. :D

A few tries of just making the new camo and I can usually figure out the odd areas. Trial and error I guess.

One of my favorite sources for making vehicle mods are the aftermarket scale model decal companies. Like "Bison" and "Star". In their sales websites, sometimes I can download the decal instructions which are full color and have great info on the unit and timeframe. Below is a cropped excerpt from one of their beautiful sheets. 


Also...I often go "font hunting" when I see something written on a vehicle. I have done a simple copy and paste BUT having the closest font to what I see is much better.

I think this F9755 is fairly well represented by Stardos Stencil font. You can grab it for free here. I will install the font and use it in GiMP to add text to some of my BEF vehicles.

https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Stardos+Stencil?preview.text=ARCHER F9755&preview.text_type=custom



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Here is a Daimler Dildo with a bunch of soldaten posing for the camera.

Standard G.3/G.4 scheme

1st Armoured Division Rhino in oval



embarcation emblem on the front edge

Gas Detection paint under the open hatch?

AoS is hard to make out. Maybe a 1? In horizontal striped rectangle.


This is fun stuff to TRY and replicate the vehicle in CM. British vehicle markings are "very busy"!





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The following series of PBEM screenshots and commentary is respectfully dedicated to the actual man who led the British forces at the battle portrayed...2/Lieut Robert John Barr, MC.


Barr, Robert John - MC

Rank : Captain

Army Number : 92683

Unit : 44th AA Bn, 579th LAA Regt

Biography :

Educated at Stamford School, Bobby Barr played rugby for Leicester Football Club 241 times between 1928 and 1938, and was Captain 1936-38. He also played once for the Barbarians F C in 1935, and three also times for England. He also played cricket occasionally as a wicketkeeper/batsman for Leicestershire CCC's 2nd XI. Commissioned 2Lt in The Royal Engineers on 19.7.1939, he served in 44th (The Leicestershire Regiment) Anti-Aircraft Battalion RE (TA), which converted to a Searchlight Regiment RA in 1940. Serving in a different unit he was captured in May 1940 during a rear-guard action at Boulogne, and was awarded the M.C. for ‘gallant and distinguished service in the defence of Calais in May 1940’ (L.G. 20.9.1945). He was a prisoner of war in Oflag VII B as at 28.2.1943, where at Eichstaet in Bavaria he was a member of the escape committee and escaped himself, being captured four miles from the Swiss border. He was repatriated in 1945. In 1949 he was serving as a Captain in 579th (The Royal Leicestershire Regiment) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) in Leicester. After the war he founded the hosiery brand-label manufacturing firm of 'Barr, Ratcliffe and Co' at Sileby and Oadby, and became a member of the Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters. For Leicester FC he was Team Secretary 1946-57, Honorary Secretary 1957-62 and President 1962-65.
He died in 1975, aged 68 years.

The above information is from the below link.


On the 23rd of May 1940, the invasion of France was just shy of two weeks in progress. The First Panzer Division had fought through the Ardennes and then through Sedan towards the channel coast. The Division's Kampfgruppe Kruger was now headed east, south of Calais, towards Dunkirk - where the BEF was assembled for possible evacuation under Operation Dynamo. The War Office sent reinforcements to Calais by ship from Dover (a battalion of tanks {3RTR} and roughly 3 battalions of infantry). The confusing story is very well told in Airey Neave's "The Flames of Calais"...

"Kruger's assault group of the First Panzer Division continued their advance eastwards. After he had beaten off an attack by the Third Royal Tank Regiment between Hames-Bouceres and Guines, his light tanks  advanced to the St Omer Canal at Les Attaques, eight miles due south of Calais. These light tanks were reported to 2/Lieut. R.J. Barr, commander of C troop, 1st Searchlight Battery, at Ferme Vendroux, south of Coulogne, at noon. They were making for the canal bridge at Les Attaques. With about fifty men, Barr doubled back through Coulogne to hold the canal bridge and crossroads, where he formed a road-block with a three-ton lorry and a bus. After sending for reinforcements from the 2nd Searchlight Battery at at Pont de Coulogne he waited for the German tanks..."


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Les Attaques, France.


The enemy view north from the railroad tracks towards the canal bridge... 


A road-block is set up on the canal bridge. No bus was available. I tried free 3D models but none looked 1940-ish.


The owner of that French sedan will probably spend years trying to file a claim for damages.

Le VIN number is trois deuz trois cat sank huit. 



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My OOB is somewhat ahistorical but I also have gone to CMRT to have an anti-tank rifle so cut me a break! :D

The British Army used the Boys Anti-tank rifle. Nowadays the feminists have pressured the MOD to also issue Girls Anti-tank rifles. Corny Jokes 2 for a dollar!



...and I brought in one of my Universal Carriers as well.


I have the two Boys ATR's, two 2" mortars, a Vickers MMG and 2 platoons of infantry. I have used splitting squads and an SMG filter to remove all but 3 SMG's off the Allied side. My soldiers have only Enfield rifles and Bren LMG's.

The battle is 25 minutes long and already we had sound contacts and 1 soldier saw two light tanks headed from the south-east. Panzer I's headed our way at high speed sir!



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Good morning from hot-hot-hot Texas!

Lieutenant Barr observes from the Palais De Justice. Using my [tuffhaus] mod, it is really one of the heavy duty churches. Custom roadsigns on sale now from my E-bay website! j/k


Jerry motorized infantry disembark from their trucks behind the village cemetery.


The British view down the "Rue de Ville"...a Jerry light tank (Panzer I Ausf A) has made a right turn onto the street leading to the canal bridge. Private Blodgett has the ATR. His platoon leader, a sergeant is right next to him for moral support. Blodget has only fired 5 rounds from the Boys during his training back in England.




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The battle continues!

A Panzer I has slowly moved down the main road and observes from a position next to the church courtyard.


The German infantry look on the town from the hedges across the railroad tracks. @Damian45 uniforms are awesome!


Both Light Tanks are on the bridge and attempting to suppress the British. A mortar crew is hit and suffers the first casualty.


The left flank Boys ATR gets off a shot that strikes home at one of the tin plated Hun! 




Another team is hit by fire from the Germans in the 2nd floor of the village whorehouse. Just seeing if anybody is reading this!


A fresh group of Germans arrive by truck and make a rush across the bridge!




Gladstaines - on the Vickers - covers straight down the main road but himself is under fire from the Panzer I.


One of the light tanks seems to have cleared through the road-block! What looks like a platoon HQ has also rushed across the canal bridge




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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.

14 minutes remain on the clock.

Our brave lads of C Troop started off with 55 men. They have suffered 6 KIA. 

It seems Jerry made an assault with 2 squads and just about all are now eliminated. The grenade supply has dwindled. A few of their soldiers are unaccounted for. Perhaps stuck in defilade behind the high brick wall out in the street on the British right flank. A platoon HQ crossed. You could see the radio. Luckily, they only had rifles! Because the officer was KIA crossing the bridge I saw in the replay.


That light tank seems focused on Gladstains and his Vickers. I fear he had a rough time in basic training with a name like that! But that shift of focus by the tank crew might allow the left flank ATR to get in a few more shots. Is this light tank the same one that took a hit before? It might be the OTHER tank. I guess we shall see.

The mortar near the Vickers is dialed in on that light tank. If the Panzer I still slowly pulls from the road-block, we might see a mortar take out that thinly armoured tank.

The other mortar on the right flank is set up by a barn and has a keyhole view to target the far side of the bridge near the whorehouse. That right flank mortar has cover from a sniper and a panicky but now rattled Bren gunner. The missing German soldiers might head that direction. That could be ugly as one had an MP40. 










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The light tanks moved forward to finish off the British left flank. This revealed their backsides to the right flank and some hits were made by the right flank Boys ATR. I do not know yet if I immobilized any of the tanks. My hopes for a KO tank were dashed when I saw the turret turning toward my right flank sections.



The right flank platoon HQ had only one magazine for his SMG. He used it at the perfect time as my opponent launched an assault through the brick wall opening on the far right. Get your own cabbages you bloody bastards!



Soldiers on the left flank are surrendering...


As the next turn ended with 11 minutes remaining, fresh German troops had swarmed across the canal bridge headed both left and right. More and more of the lads are KIA. 


The current Les Attaques canal bridge off Google Earth. 







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Good morning from Texas. Today is a Sunday but 23 May 1940 was a Thursday.


The battle at Les Attaques is in its final stages as the German light tanks DO seem to be immobilized but have not relented in their firepower. More German infantry has made it across the bridge. 

An attempt is made to reinforce the right flank with the crew of the Universal Carrier and a section held back in reserve..


The brave Boys ATR gunner is no more...


The green soldiers were told WHERE to go but chose the route...a bad route buzzing with Nazi lead.


A small group of men assembles for perhaps the final push at Jerry.


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BARR: Corporal, destroy the code books!


The Vickers displaces to get a better angle on the German infantry


German Whorehouse Gunners: 1

British Sniper: 0


The remaining British section manages to send a few more Germans to Valhalla.


BARR gives the order for all survivors to pull back to the "Courthouse"... 

BARR gives the order for every man for himself, escape if you can, surrender if you are wounded and need medical care from the enemy.

"The Gunner's Dream"

Floating down through the clouds
Memories come rushing up to meet me now
But in the space between the heavens
And in the corner of some foreign field

I had a dream
I had a dream

Goodbye Max
Goodbye ma
After the service when you're walking slowly to the car
And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air
You hear the tolling bell
And touch the silk in your lapel
And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band
You take her frail hand
And hold on to the dream

A place to stay
(Over here, Morris!)
Enough to eat
(Get back! Get back, John!)
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law

And no one kills the children anymore
No one kills the children anymore

Night after night
Going 'round and 'round my brain
His dream is driving me insane

In the corner of some foreign field
The gunner sleeps tonight
What's done is done
We cannot just write off his final scene
Take heed of the dream
Take heed

Writer(s): George Roger Waters



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It ended as a German Army Total Victory.

                              Men OK                 KIA           Wounded          Missing

German Army             58                     20                 6                      0

British Army                  8                     28                 18                     2

My thanks to Gary @Heinrich505 for playing against me!


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On 8/14/23 I sent a PM to Bootie so he can put the new installment on CMMODS. But he hasn't even read it yet.

So, here is an advance copy but be warned the link might eventually go dormant.

August 2023


This is the CMFI France 1940 Mod.

In April we posted a download link for the “BRONZE LEVEL RELEASE”.

In May we came back with another download link to grab the “SILVER LEVEL RELEASE”.

Now we offer "STERLING SILVER RELEASE" which adds the BEF and I have a humble 2 scenarios. One to play as axis and one to play as the BEF.

Just a system to slowly release the mod. BRONZE then SILVER then GOLD then DIAMOND. You need them all as the mod builds upon itself and later scenarios use all the parts from the earlier releases.

Again, my thanks to all those who helped make this possible: 
Damian45, Falaise, JM Stuff, kevinkin, Juju, sbobovyc, Tanksalot, Others not listed.


1. Put scenarios in your CMFI scenario folder.
They have a prefix of FR40A or FR40B and now FR40BEF.

2. Plop the mod folders in your CMFI z folder. 

TIP: If you have tons of extra German helmets in your z from other mods…you should temporarily pull them out. 
Or you will see an odd camo helmet on the France 1940 Germans. That would be sad.

3. Look at the “Nice to Haves” folder and make some decisions.

a. Do you want a different splash screen while playing the mod? Pick mine or Damian’s. Now I have a new one for BEF. Pick and choose.

b. Plop the music in your z if you want a different tune as it loads. I added a new intro music if you want or not. No big deal.

c. The loading screens by Damian45 are awesome. I recommend them.

d. The String file changes the names of stuff. It is not dangerous.
But just know it should be removed out of z if you do other stuff. If you see a couple
versions, please just use the one that is the newest, the most recently dated when viewed in a
folder with details. Got it?

Standard disclaimer. Use at your own risk. 
All materials are licensed work of BFC. 
I did this for free. I am not perfect. Holler if you see I made an error and I will address it ASAP. Stuff happens!

Best regards,



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For the next few months I will slowly make a few scenarios for the GOLD and DIAMOND level releases. Actually the below are already in progress, I am Voncqing and Yoncqing.

FR40C VONCQ VIGNETTE: This will be where I get to finally show off @Damian45 's SS Polizei uniforms. It was a tough battle for the Germans. Attacking uphill to a fortified town, they were counter-attacked by French tanks. The FCM36 I would love to TRY and mod but I fear it is well beyond my skills. We'll see. The good thing is that it is probably about equal to the R35 in firepower, armor, speed and number of crew so it would just be the R35 that looks like an FCM36.

FR40D ROUCAUD'S BLOW: This is an all armour battle for you tread-heads. In the valley of the Yoncq River near the town of...wait for it...Yoncq.


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