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US Campaign, 1982. On to the second mission!

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I will not try to drop any spoilers!  I just finished the first mission with a major US victory and I still can't believe it was a major victory.  That battle was, how shall we say...harrowing?  I lost more than I wanted to so we will see how that plays out.

I just started up the second mission.  As the first battle was just so much fun in feeling out where the Soviets were and how to get my troops back safe, this second one is entirely a whole different world.  Literally.  We'll see how this goes.  No plan survives first contact and this one has me completely nervous...

I haven't had so much fun playing any CM title since I don't know when.  I'm completely pulled back into Black Sea now too and, of course, I had to also get the Fire and Rubble pack.  Mwuhahaha!  

Now, if you can please, let's all cross our fingers and pray to the gods of war that brave lonely 2nd Platoon can pull this little gambit off.

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1 hour ago, danfrodo said:

was 2nd mission the one w the big purple hill on your rear left?

No.  Evening, fog, dusk-ish.  One platoon ambushing a pursuing Soviet FSE.  The objective is to defend the highway and crossroad and bloody their noses as much as possible.  I have about 12 minutes remaining and I'm hanging in by tooth and nail.

I have to say that Soviet artillery certainly does it's job.  I cringe so hard when I hear incoming.

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8 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

No.  Evening, fog, dusk-ish.  One platoon ambushing a pursuing Soviet FSE.  The objective is to defend the highway and crossroad and bloody their noses as much as possible.  I have about 12 minutes remaining and I'm hanging in by tooth and nail.

I have to say that Soviet artillery certainly does it's job.  I cringe so hard when I hear incoming.

This was a great battle. I played it twice after getting walloped the first time. I used the reverse slope and turned the crest of the hill into a meat grinder while also avoiding the Soviet artillery.

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ohhhh, that battle.  I re-loaded a save to see which one was #2.  That was a nasty fight.  I definitely learned some lessons the hard way, and sometime I think I'll replay it to see if I learned the lessons properly.  I got a victory of some level, don't recall, but my losses were much higher than I would've liked.  And I am seeing the attrition now in battle #4 when I need those recon units and there's not much there.  I took a week off because my wrist was sore from work but back at it soon

Battle #3 is absolutely epic. Remember that M60s are somewhat outgunned at long distance and you can do well. 

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8 hours ago, danfrodo said:

ohhhh, that battle.  I re-loaded a save to see which one was #2.  That was a nasty fight.  I definitely learned some lessons the hard way, and sometime I think I'll replay it to see if I learned the lessons properly.  I got a victory of some level, don't recall, but my losses were much higher than I would've liked.  And I am seeing the attrition now in battle #4 when I need those recon units and there's not much there.  I took a week off because my wrist was sore from work but back at it soon

Battle #3 is absolutely epic. Remember that M60s are somewhat outgunned at long distance and you can do well. 






#2 was just as nail biting as the first one.  I did realize right away that this one was all about the reverse slope defense on the highway and over on the left I pulled everyone back across the road into the treeline and moved them far right and left of the approach road creating a crossfire point.  I had it all mined and pre=sighted at the bend and down the farm fence.  Both teams did well but the platoon on the left eventually was wrecked by the end.  I only had 2 survivors.  A couple of my M113s were also knocked out. 

The engineers did fine in their foxholes and half a team with the Dragon knocked out a few of the enemy APCs. The rest were killed by mines and the infantry squad on the left with their Dragon. 

My two squads on the right with the TOW M113s did much better hunkering down in their foxholes and waiting with target arcs out to the crest of the ridge.  As expected, pretty much everything coming over that ridge was subjected to Dragon missiles, TOW missiles and pre-sighted mortars.  I also had the mines set up to stop things right at the ridge and then have the arty come down on top.  It worked very well.  The only problem there was the Soviet artillery that still managed to find me in certain spots.  I lost one of my TOW M113s to it as well as some of the men. The foxholes offered pretty good protection though with my men on Hide.  One of my other M113s was also KO'd by one of the tanks cresting the ridge who got in a bit closer by coming down through a bunch of smoke.  He didn't last long though.  Overall it was pretty epic and I felt I did ok other than losing pretty much the whole infantry squad on my left.

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SPOILER**   Yeah, phantom captain, I did similar thing on the right, but ran into trouble when a TOW113 popped smoke instead of firing, allowing tanks to advance more than they should've.  If I play again I'd still do similar thing on the right.  But on the left I think I'd have my guys all in forest behind road where I could pull them back and then sneak them up, kinda shoot & scoot ambush.  Once spotted they are dead unless they retreat out of visual ASAP.

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20 hours ago, danfrodo said:

I just finished battle #4 last night, that one is a real treat also :)

Battle #3 is big, epic fight, I'll be interested to see your take on it

I will indeed let you know.  However, on first run it crashed my little laptop out.  I am getting a new desktop next month that will run everything fine so I may have to wait til then.  I'm going to give it another go though...


Update, so I just loaded it up and ran a couple turns and it works (be it a little laggy) fine right now, so I think I'm good to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/21/2021 at 11:54 AM, danfrodo said:

I just finished battle #4 last night, that one is a real treat also :)

Battle #3 is big, epic fight, I'll be interested to see your take on it

Haha!!  New desktop has arrived and oh it runs everything at very high spec!  On to the third battle now!  

Man, the new computer is so smooth I have to go dive back into everything again.  The detail now is ridiculous!  I have no lag for anything!

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That sounds fabulous, Phantom Captain.  Good luck on the campaign.  I got a draw in battle #5 and campaign ended w soviets winning.  Darn it.  But still just a great campaign, every battle was epic.  I am going back to F&R to finish soviet campaign then will return to replay this battle. 

I thought I did a great job in battle #5, I really tore up soviets.  But unfortunately the scorekeeper disagreed. 

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How many of you hit the mines in the first mission? Those felt a little cheap, I even sent a vehicle down the whole length of the road and it didn't touch a single mine, only until I send the rest of the convoy through and they nail three vehicles before the turn is over do they go off, of course. I'll admit that made me frustrated enough that I quit the mission right then and there but I'm sure I'll go back and try again eventually.

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2 hours ago, Codreanu said:

How many of you hit the mines in the first mission? Those felt a little cheap, I even sent a vehicle down the whole length of the road and it didn't touch a single mine, only until I send the rest of the convoy through and they nail three vehicles before the turn is over do they go off, of course. I'll admit that made me frustrated enough that I quit the mission right then and there but I'm sure I'll go back and try again eventually.

The road on the far right?  It was mined???  Haha!  I never even used the road, I went off and around it far far to the right through the fields. I only had the stragglers jump back on the road at the top of the ridge.

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23 hours ago, danfrodo said:

That sounds fabulous, Phantom Captain.  Good luck on the campaign.  I got a draw in battle #5 and campaign ended w soviets winning.  Darn it.  But still just a great campaign, every battle was epic.  I am going back to F&R to finish soviet campaign then will return to replay this battle. 

I thought I did a great job in battle #5, I really tore up soviets.  But unfortunately the scorekeeper disagreed. 

My new desktop has an i7 processor, 32gb RAM, 1 Terrabyte HD, and an Nvidea GeForce GTX 2060.  It hums!! Oh, and I got a 27" monitor too! I've never seen combat mission at this level of detail before.  I'm pretty blown away at how smooth it all runs.  Some of the 1982 US troops actually had face paint on!!  I have all my 3d models set at the highest now.  Last time I got a new computer was back in the Shock Force days!  Ha!  I didn't realize how behind I was.  And, mind you, I've been playing since the 1st game, back in 01.  Sheesh, time.  Is there any other game system that I have played for 20 years straight?  Nope.  Pretty impressive.  I jumped into Fire and Rubble too just to take a peek and just wow.  Everything looks incredible.

So I just started the third mission around Neuhof and am still scouting and setting up.  Not a hitch graphically!  This computer just handles it like nothing.

I know a whole MRB is coming and I'm trying to think about their approaches and find spots that I can hold.  This is gonna be good...

I am also thinking about your tip to remember M60A3s are outgunned at long distance, they are (and please no T-64s!) and to set up accordingly.


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US Tactical Victory at Neuhof.  That battle was insane and just too much fun to see the whole incoming MRB. It was intense, and intimidating.  I can't believe I pulled a tactical victory.  It was costly though, I lost 7 tanks and quite a few TIFVs.  By waiting and letting the Soviets get in close it definitely allowed me to attrit them more than trying to stand toe to toe at range.  And even so I still lost a few of my precious M60s.

I knocked the crap out of them though.  

CMCW at this point is by far my favorite CM.  This campaign is just amazing and I am having so much fun with it. I mean, it's WWIII.  I am REALLY looking forward to trying the Soviet Campaign now.  Man, do I have new found respect for the beast that those T-64s are.

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9 hours ago, The_Capt said:

How far did you make it?  What was your final fight?

So, after Neuhof was the fight to interdict the Soviet Column moving through the valley and I annihilated them there scoring a US major victory!  The battle after that was the find, fix and destroy and I also won a major victory.  I don't know if that was luck or what but I scouted the map and guessed on their objectives and then just raced them to those spots.  I occupied the town on the top of the hill and waited for them to come over the ridge where I was in a reverse slope defense again.  On the far right I scoped out some great positions along the lower end of the hill and raced to take up those positions and then knocked out the Soviets as they pushed for the town on the far right of the map.  It started with an E, can't remember the name of it!

The campaign ended in the fight after that.  Marborn, and the sewage plant.  Here I suffered a minor defeat but I knew I was being cautious at this point and was really trying to conserve my men and equipment.  I pushed along the left and reduced a bunch of their positions guarding approaches to Marborn but then balked at how well defended the town itself was though.  I did cause quite a few casualties in the fights around Marborn and by making some long range kills with my TOWs against vehicles out by the highway bridge and the buildings close by the sewage plant, but never took any of the objectives out of fear of taking more casualties.  I had already committed my whole force around the left to try to go backside into Marborn but after all the fighting in the woods at the top of the hill there and drawing some of their tanks out of town towards me I just couldn't justify my losses I would take going into Marborn with the much too short of time I had left.   I really balked at committing my armor as I knew I was coming close to the end and really didn't want to lose any more of my brave and tired men.  

Final aftermath was a US Minor Victory but I felt proud to do my part in stopping the invaders and ultimately leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.  

Final Stats...


96 KIA

33 WIA

0 Missing

13 Tanks lost

10 Armored vehicles lost

3 Other vehicles lost 

1 Aircraft lost


Soviets suffered

639 KIA

107 WIA

0 Missing

35 Tanks lost

93 Armored vehicles lost

3 Other vehicles lost

4 Aircraft lost


So yes, I feel we really put a hurting on them and ended any dreams of theirs to walk into the West.  


I have to say this was the most fun CM campaign I've ever played!  I don't know what it is, the familiarity of the time, the facing off the old enemy of my youth, or what but Cold War just checks all my boxes for wargaming fun.  This one really felt like the intense short invasion we all feared back then and I felt the responsibility of leading my combat team to victory and putting a stop to it right then and there!  It was a slog and felt like it and I was always dreading the big red bear coming to eat me!  Their artillery was brutal, and so according to their doctrine, and man those T-64s!  After brushing them off because of CMSF, fighting them in the actual time period, toe to toe with M60s was EPIC!!  I have a whole new respect for them now.  I watched one turn, maybe it was two turns, where a T-64 sat at about 2000m with a couple M60a1s and just shrug off 9 frontal hits.  Just awesome!  I can't wait to give the Soviet side a go now and use those tanks for myself!! Ha!

I really want to thank you and Bill for bringing this title to us.  It really is my favorite and I just think it sparkles in every way!  Amazing job. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Phantom Captain said:

So, after Neuhof was the fight to interdict the Soviet Column moving through the valley and I annihilated them there scoring a US major victory!  The battle after that was the find, fix and destroy and I also won a major victory.  I don't know if that was luck or what but I scouted the map and guessed on their objectives and then just raced them to those spots.  I occupied the town on the top of the hill and waited for them to come over the ridge where I was in a reverse slope defense again.  On the far right I scoped out some great positions along the lower end of the hill and raced to take up those positions and then knocked out the Soviets as they pushed for the town on the far right of the map.  It started with an E, can't remember the name of it!

The campaign ended in the fight after that.  Marborn, and the sewage plant.  Here I suffered a minor defeat but I knew I was being cautious at this point and was really trying to conserve my men and equipment.  I pushed along the left and reduced a bunch of their positions guarding approaches to Marborn but then balked at how well defended the town itself was though.  I did cause quite a few casualties in the fights around Marborn and by making some long range kills with my TOWs against vehicles out by the highway bridge and the buildings close by the sewage plant, but never took any of the objectives out of fear of taking more casualties.  I had already committed my whole force around the left to try to go backside into Marborn but after all the fighting in the woods at the top of the hill there and drawing some of their tanks out of town towards me I just couldn't justify my losses I would take going into Marborn with the much too short of time I had left.   I really balked at committing my armor as I knew I was coming close to the end and really didn't want to lose any more of my brave and tired men.  

Final aftermath was a US Minor Victory but I felt proud to do my part in stopping the invaders and ultimately leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.  

Final Stats...


96 KIA

33 WIA

0 Missing

13 Tanks lost

10 Armored vehicles lost

3 Other vehicles lost 

1 Aircraft lost


Soviets suffered

639 KIA

107 WIA

0 Missing

35 Tanks lost

93 Armored vehicles lost

3 Other vehicles lost

4 Aircraft lost


So yes, I feel we really put a hurting on them and ended any dreams of theirs to walk into the West.  


I have to say this was the most fun CM campaign I've ever played!  I don't know what it is, the familiarity of the time, the facing off the old enemy of my youth, or what but Cold War just checks all my boxes for wargaming fun.  This one really felt like the intense short invasion we all feared back then and I felt the responsibility of leading my combat team to victory and putting a stop to it right then and there!  It was a slog and felt like it and I was always dreading the big red bear coming to eat me!  Their artillery was brutal, and so according to their doctrine, and man those T-64s!  After brushing them off because of CMSF, fighting them in the actual time period, toe to toe with M60s was EPIC!!  I have a whole new respect for them now.  I watched one turn, maybe it was two turns, where a T-64 sat at about 2000m with a couple M60a1s and just shrug off 9 frontal hits.  Just awesome!  I can't wait to give the Soviet side a go now and use those tanks for myself!! Ha!

I really want to thank you and Bill for bringing this title to us.  It really is my favorite and I just think it sparkles in every way!  Amazing job. Thank you.

You are very welcome and thanks for the feedback.  So in the US Campaign there were two more mission after Marborn.  If you don’t want to try and replay that fight, those missions are “The Citadel” and “Unhook the Leash” as stand alone scenarios. The Citadel was really the climax fight for the Bn just north of Hanau.  Really glad you enjoyed the campaign.

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8 hours ago, dbsapp said:

Yesterday I completed the first mission of US campaign. After Soviet campaign It felt like chatting with human being after cruel experiments at alien flying saucer.

LOL (do we still use this term?).  Well we did say play the Soviet Campaign last but that is a wonderful description. 

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10 hours ago, The_Capt said:

You are very welcome and thanks for the feedback.  So in the US Campaign there were two more mission after Marborn.  If you don’t want to try and replay that fight, those missions are “The Citadel” and “Unhook the Leash” as stand alone scenarios. The Citadel was really the climax fight for the Bn just north of Hanau.  Really glad you enjoyed the campaign.

I would recommend taking on The Citadel as a standalone now. It's quite a struggle, and a challenge to get your US forces to where they need to be the most (and keep them alive). I had fun with that one in play testing.


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