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Modular buildings and DOORs ?

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I can't quite figure out whatĀ the requirement to be able to toggle a door on any floor above the first one...It's seems more or less random to me...or very variable atleast...On some walls you can toggle the door and for some reason on others you can not. at times even with in the same building (and floor)...

Sometimes you cant place a door if another building is placed adjacent and sometimes you can...Sometimes you can not toggle a door on from the outside but you can from the inside....sometimes you can toggle a door on from the outside...

Is there some simple 'rule' to how this works ?

ThanksĀ šŸ˜Ž

Edited by Glubokii Boy
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Nope, it sounds like you've got it!Ā :P

Doors option will show up on first floor walls and on upper floors if another modular building is butting against it. Or if the upper exterior wall has a balcony. Otherwise doors won'ts show up

Facades that allow doors will ctrl-click cycle through 36 window/door arrangements. Facades that don't allow doors will cycle through a dozen window arrangements.

Now to balconies. First, players hate balconies. You ctrl-shift-click cycle through ten balcony types. After adding a balcony you can then ctrl-click through facadesĀ with doors, 23 (?, I lost count) door/window arrangements.

One big exception is alt-ctrl-click which will change all of the floor door and window together, often with unfortunateĀ results.

Edited by MikeyD
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Thanks for the answer...

Yepp...balconiesĀ šŸ¤•....That is not a place i like to send my trusted old pixel truppen. But it's not really balconies i'm looking for. What i'm cosiddering doing is to perhaps tweak one of the FR city maps and add some internal doors and rubbled walls to the buildings to allow for some more internal movement. Being able to move around inside the building blocks without having to vaste a huge amount of demo charges improves urban fighting quite alot imo.

I had another look at this and it still seems somewhat wierd. In my latest try a placed 2 five story buildings (of the same type) right next to eachother and attempted to add

internal doors. I could do it on floor 1,2 and 5....but not on floor 3 and 4 for some strange reason. Additionally one one of the floors i initially managed to toggle the door on but after going past the door toggle option i could not get it back....only windows.

I toggled and toggled and toggled and it seemed to me atleast that i went through all the avaliable options...and still no doors on floor 3 and 4 and no new door after toggeling away the initial one.

Shouldn't a door be the first option avaliable with the first CTRL-click on the intack wall ? It was on floor 1,2 and 5 atleast...And seems to be all the time when trying this (when it actually works).



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Let me see... (looking at the game)

Ooooooh.... something odd is happening. Cold War title, 7 story butting buildings.Ā We're not getting interior doors on the upper floor. I've put a lot of buildings together on a lot of maps but this is the first time I've seen this. Something to report to the powers-that-be.

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Even stranger goings-on. My test map I had quit out of 3D view, then went back into 3D view again, and suddenly the floors that didn't have door options now have door options.

If you can't get upper floor doors on a building try going to the 2D map then back to the 3D map again. See it the problem has corrected itself.

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Thanks MikeyD for having a look at this...

It is my oppinion also that this does not seem to be working fully as intended. Using various tricks and tweaks its seems to be possible to get the doors in in most situations but it does not work as smoothely as desired i fear. With this being this complicated i belive any major 're-dooring'Ā šŸ˜‡Ā is not likely to happen to any great extent.

It's been a while since i tried doing this last but i don't recall seeing these kinds of problems when i did something simular a few year ago.

I know that this is obviously not the most important feature but if it could be made to work as smoothely as intended...all the time...It might make this kind of tweaking more appealingĀ šŸ˜Ž

Thanks !

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Sometimes I think the buildings interact when they are first placed and I've found that you lose door options if adjoining buildings are on different elevations.Ā  I have found that deleting the buildings and replacing them along with putting the two buildings on the same elevation means your doors return ... well 9 times out 10 anyway.Ā  It is one of the reasons I generally do elevations right at the end.

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I belive i might have found 'the problem'Ā šŸ˜Ž...

You have to pay proper attention to this section of the manual:


"Note: for upper levels without balconies, door configurations are skipped except when the camera view is inside the building. This makes it easier to set up ā€œinteriorā€ walls between immediately adjecent buildings"...


When the manual states that you have to be inside the buildings...it really means that you have to be inside ! the building...It will not do if you are hovering halfway outside and looking in...clicking on any interior wall will not do the trick...atleast not all the time...but making sure that the camera is indeed well inside (very close to the wall you would like to tweak) it seems to be working as intended.Ā šŸ‘

Next question though...How do you toggle on the blown out windows ?...I managed to do it a few days ago using the CTRL-click i belive...but not todayĀ šŸ™ƒ


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Correct - the camera must be inside the structure to get consistent results. I aim for the base of the wall, and that seems to have the least chance of mistaken clicks. Buildings that join will not have doors initially, and need be added.

For RT FR- Blown out windows are only with the Berlin modular set. Those are Mod Tagged with [germany city]. That building is building number "7". Those windows could be renamed to any window from any of the modular buildings to (not) show up.

Edited by benpark
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On 5/4/2021 at 5:03 PM, MikeyD said:

One big exception is alt-ctrl-click which will change all of the floor door and window together, often with unfortunateĀ results.

this one has become my favorite long time. Big time saver when changing all of a multi story building facades (door & window layout) with just a few clicks. Also allows for some facade layouts to show up reserved for balconies only. šŸ˜Ž

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