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Steve/Charles tcp/ip update please..

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At the risk of annoying the two most talented game designers ever wink.gif...

Can you please give an update on progress or lack thereof on the tcp/ip implementation.

For me personally, this is more eagerly anticipated than anything else, I check Combat Mission HQ twice a day for the announcement.

Thanks for your dedication to a great product.


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I don't have any info to add here, but I've got an open question...

Why is everyone so hyped on TCP/IP play? Since the game is wego, I can see that turn planning can be simultanious to some degree, but won't there still be a ton of waiting for your slower opponent to finsih his move?

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I can't speak for everyone, but my personal interest in it is for the LAN play. My main opponent (and business partner) and I have access to a network in the office all day and we've played all the demo battles hotseat but found it to be a little disjointed by the pauses between turns when you have to go do something else while the other guy goes. (like work :]) The wego system is perfect for the kind of game this is as you talk trash back and forth and can stay involved in the game as the stress ramps up, without the breaks in the action.

And the discussion on turn timers, in a variety of forms, suggests that there will be a way to keep the action going and the stress high as you have a finite amount of time to react to the ever-changing battlefield situation.

Plus the pleasure of seeing the look on his face across the room when a hidden AT gun takes out his most prized AFV, hehe.


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Silly question... why not play email? I'd think that'd be perfect for an "office solution" where one might have to actually stop for a moment and do some work.


"You know our standing orders. Out of ammo become a bunker, out of commission become a pillbox, out of time... become heroes." - The Beast

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KingMikeH:


I can't speak for everyone, but my personal interest in it is for the LAN play. My main opponent (and business partner) and I have access to a network in the office all day and we've played all the demo battles hotseat but found it to be a little disjointed by the pauses between turns when you have to go do something else while the other guy goes. (like work :])


Just save the file to a directory on the lan. What's the big deal?

As to the TCP/IP patch, hell, if I can ever find someone who could actaully sit down and play non stop maybe I could use it. As it is now, I have a hard time finding someone who can play email more than a turn a day.

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Not a silly question at all, but not our idea of the perfect solution because it defeats the wego nature of the system and turns it into ugo/igo.

I know that that is not entirely true because the turns are processed simultaniously (?), but for me a big part of wego is the time saved per turn for parallel order giving and movie watching, and the anticipated turn timers.


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I understand what your saying about the technical ability to play on a lan, but my ideal is still sitting at two computers doing our orders phase at the same time, for the same turn, and watching the movie, etc.

And again I think the turn timers will be a great addition to the system with tcp/ip enabled, even for the internet gamers.

I realize not everyone has access to an opponent in the same location, but there have been many people talk about friends and family they have introduced CM to, and with homeLAN kits at less than $100 it makes for a great oppurtunity for a little face-to-face action in less time than the workarounds, which are all variants on the email system.

My personal feelings only, of course..


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Email games are completely "wego"... each player submits their turns, then both watch the "Action phase" before submitting new turns.

Many of those anxious for TCP/IP want to play without the hassle and delay of email, and/or want timed turns. In your case, where you have two dedicated players and the time to play hours at a time, TCP/IP or LAN would be ideal. I still think email would work for you right now... and you wouldn't have to keep swapping seats at your computer. The delay needed to get emails off the network and load them up would be next to nothing. Of course, you admin might notice the traffic, but then I assume he'll see it playing on LAN anyway.

As clumsy as email is, it's great for those who can play for awhile each day w/o making a big commitment. My opponents and I have pretty much kept to 2-3 turns a day (I usually check in the morning, twice at night) and having 3 or so games going on at once ensures I almost always have a turn waiting to watch/submit.


"You know our standing orders. Out of ammo become a bunker, out of commission become a pillbox, out of time... become heroes." - The Beast

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If both players can do their turns at once then you save time. I personally play hotseat games on the weekend with players who are efficient. We could squeeze in an extra 2-3 games a night if we could use TCP/IP. No rush though Steve and Charles because I am a proponent of CM regardless and would rather have it done right than early.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 09-01-2000).]

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Actually, it's just we two and one employee, so we are the admins :}.

I know your right about email being wego inside the game, and not being too big a deal to play, (look at the Cesspool!)this was purely a request for an update on my personal most anticipated feature.

Right now we distract ourselves by designing battles and operations for the other to playtest, and then have the defense reset by the player and played by the designer to refine our understanding of force balance, pacing, map size, operation parameters, etc.

I'm not here to try and justify tcp/ip as a feature, except as it applies to me personally, but just to see if there is any light Steve or Charles can shed on the progress of the promised feature.


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I too am a little bit concerned about the "waiting on your slow arse opponent while playing tcp/ip" issue. But I've also noticed that I continue to move and plan faster the more I play CM (much to my delight! I'm so professional now!) I guess what peeves me is that I can play an entire game in 30 minutes which would take 30 DAYS against another person. Well the AI just isn't challenging and I want the best of both worlds dammit! TCP/IP vs. a fast opponent still won't be as fast as against the AI, but it will be a helluva step up. I send well over 10-15 turns a day and I STILL get frustrated at the snail's pace. It'll be quite a time committment to sit down and play some tcp/ip with someone, but I think I could find the time =).


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I too am interested in a progress report on this.

It's a lead pipe cinch that they'll get it done. But just when that might happen is another story. My general impression is that although the initial push was to have it out a few months after the release of CM, the project has been somewhat more work than originally anticipated.

I'm wondering if Steve and Charles will spring it on us as a nice surprise in the next few weeks, or perhaps we should temper our expectations and hope for a Christmas release.

I'd love to have the tcp/ip patch any time that they want to release it, but I have this confidence that they'll get it right even if it does take a longer chunk of time.

Guys, you have a lifetime customer here, and there are thousands like me. CM2-5 done. I'll preorder as soon as you let me. Vehicle add-on packs, done. Scenario packs, done. I know your work, I know your ethics, I know your dedication.

An update would be appreciated, but we'll just take the patch whenever it's ready.


Scouts Out!

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That's the big question, shep: when can we expect it. Not an exact date of course, but just an update on whether this looks like a one month or a six month thing.

I have had an uneasy feeling about when to expect it based on the "cone of silence" that has surrounded it. I know it's been brought up several times since the release and I've never seen an official response from Steve or Charles.(Mind you, I may be wrong on that, but I've been watching those threads closely.)

Anyway, I agree, great game and I'll preorder CM2 now if you let me.


[This message has been edited by KingMikeH (edited 09-02-2000).]

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Another reason to have the TCP/IP option is for players who are used to playing games on Mplayer and Game Zone ect... It has been my experience that most strategy players there would have a difficult time sending the email attachments and placing them in the pbem directory. Since I have a few personal friends that indeed have trouble doing this they are waiting until the patch (would save the damn tech support calls smile.gif ). In short the patch would not only give the game a good addition but also bring in a fresh batch of victims...err players which also mean SALES!


Cya on the Battlefield,


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I'm looking forward to TCP/IP not because we can play a whole game in one sitting, but that we can play a good chunk of a game in one sitting. This assumes there will be a 'save' function, of course. I can't imagine there wouldn't be one, given the length of the games. I play better against the computer (lame excuse coming) because I am more in the flow of the action. I'm hoping to get this same feeling with TCP/IP. And I always want to know what happens quickly, it drives me crazy waiting 2 days to find out if my ambush succeeded. In fact, it's still hard for me to not click on 'GO!' right away when I have a tense situation somewhere. I have to conciously think, 'no no, move the rest of your guys first'. Ooops, OT again. Anyway, I too would like to have some official word on how it's coming, even in vague terms.


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I am with Mike. I do not want to try to convince anyone of why TCP/IP will be a great feature. I KNOW I will have time (or make time) to play entire games in one sitting. I am also like deanco, I feel I play better when I feel the flow of a game.

I also know TCP/IP is coming at some point. A staus update would be cool.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Guest Big Time Software

Hey there,

First of all, if TCP/IP didn't have certain features that make it better (in some ways) than PBEM we wouldn't be including it since it is a major pain in the arse to code up smile.gif I too am looking forward to TCP/IP because I can probably crank out 2-3 turns before one or the other has to wash dishes or something else "pressing" smile.gif

As for progress... not much to report at this point. Preliminary work has been delayed because of the need to support what everybody is playing today. This has taken us a bit more energy and time than we predicted, but we seem to have everything under control and the technical reasons to patch have largely been overcome. So work has been progressing, but slowly. We have at least another month of coding and testing before we release something that is final. Until then we will all (including me smile.gif) have to utilize PBEM to get in some friendly ass kicking. Not that I have time to actually do much of this... frown.gif


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Good to see u are actually doing somefink.

Alot of game companies would not even reply let alone do the coding.

Cheers BTS


Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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