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Steve/Charles tcp/ip update please..

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Thanks for the update, BTS. It made me remember a thing I've meant to ask for a time and now seems lika a good opportunity.

Steve said:

"I too am looking forward to TCP/IP because I can probably crank out 2-3 turns before one or the other has to wash dishes or something else 'pressing'".

Okay, it sounds like you can save the game in progress with TCP/IP. (I thought that would be the case) But what about opening a PBEM file with TCP/IP and vice versa?

When you save a game of PBEM (not hitting the Go or Done) and reload the file later, I've noticed that there's the grayed out option of playing it as a TCP/IP game, besides Hotseat and e-mail. It has made me believe the different forms of multiplayer will be interchangable.

Can you confirm this, Steve? It would be great to know, for then it wouldn't look so daunting starting one of the longer scenarios or an operation as a PBEM game, if you knew you could continue and finish it in a matter of days over the Internet, eventually. Thanks.

Daveman said:

"As clumsy as email is, it's great for those who can play for awhile each day w/o making a big commitment."

Funny how we look different on things. On my part, I see PBEM as a big commitment, over an extended period of time.

TCP/IP would suit me better, I think, because I can find an opponent who's willing to play and finish a scenario in a day or two. Then I can do something else until the multiplayer mood strikes me again. There's no day to day commitment.

TCP/IP will be great. Then I can seriously start convincing a few of my fellow gamers that we should take up CM in our LAN parties, even if it's just two-player. They're not wargamers, but are always interested in a good game, so a quick head to head-challange will be the bait to get them hooked.


Goran Malm

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I'm also looking forward to the "global community" thing that TCP/IP will give us. Right now I play 2 PBEM games at once so that we are both playing a turn at the same time, gives us that nonstop action!

Will this "timed" option be just for TCP/IP or will it be avaliable for Hotseat also? The timed play is a must for some opponents that I play hotseat with, a one minute turn seems to take them 15-25 minutes to play! Goofy


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I can't wait for TCP/IP but I am concerned about how well it will work. With the current data structure of the game, turn files are frequently over 500 kb. Dowloading an email with this attached takes 4 or 5 minutes (over a dialup). Can we expect a 5 minute or more lag between the second player hitting "GO" and the results in TCP/IP? If so this will hurt the appeal of TCP/IP - but is still faster than a half-hour a turn over email and so I will play!



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well, considering that Tcp-IP will involve less file exchanges, and since it's all automated, that it definatly will speed up gameplay. I think it will still take a good portion of an evening to finish a decent sized battle, but every little bit helps.


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