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I hope they work out all the kinks in the patch soon

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I find myself less and less wanting to play CMBO. Which version to play with? Buggy patch 1.05, buggy beta 1.1 or buggy beta 1.1b? I'm not saying they're not working hard on it but that it just makes it difficult to want to play for me. Yeah these are all somewhat minor bugs but thinking about them still nags at the back of my brain.

Here's to a early 1.1 final patch smile.gif


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I for one being a programmer, who has worked on even larger programs then CMBO, can certainly sympathize.

I can't remember how many times when I would fix one little thing and then something else would break and so forth and etc...



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Guest MantaRay

The only thing I am having problems with is remembering which version each of my games are. And I only have a few going, just think of the people with many. I for one cannot wait till the last patch to ditch this minor annoyance.



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Sorry guys, but this is funny. Here is BTS "patching" the game in order to get it right to their liking. (Note: CM worked better right off the bat than most companies final version.)

They could be taking a Holiday break or working on CM2, but they are in effect, patching the thing for us. The patch is called a "Public BETA" for a reason. This is so any little bugs that might be crawling around inside of the code can be fixed before the "Official" patch is released. If it is too bothersome or annoying to keep up with the versions of the "Public BETA", then just play v1.05 until the "Official" patch is released.

Sorry for the rant, but this really is funny if you think about it.



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the only reason i want the new patch soon is because i really want to finish my first scenario, im almost done turn 12/15. but i appreciate their loads of support, just as someone else said, the only company i have see so involved in the community was bungie, with both theyre myth games. those games where both awesome....

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I am working on revising an old computer game from 1992, and the correlation is amazing.

Unfortunately, you cannot have a bugfree patch, and have it fast. If you have a patch quickly, then it will be bug ridden. If you want a bug free patch, then you will have to wait a long while.

When you fix something in the original, you might have created other problems, that won't be discovered without extensive testing. The release of the 'Beta' patches are purely for BTS to solve this dilemma, to keep everyone happy (by releasing at least something quickly) and to discover all of the bugs within it.

Most game usually recieved 1-2 patches, if they were lucky, and these barely touched on most of the key problems. Extensive patching is a new invention, and only occurs for a few dedicated games.

The patch will take however as long as it takes. The best thing that we can do, is to point out all of the bugs that we see, and NOT to pressure them to prematurely release patches unless it is for more bug testing. We don't want to rush the final patches for CM. Releasing it before it is 100% complete will only result in more delays, and complaints of it not being perfect.

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Oh don't get me wrong. I am very grateful for the extra work Steve, Charles, and crew have put in and continue to put in. It's just that I find my desire to play has been lacking a bit because of a few minor bugs. I'm playing SFC2 right now alot so bugs are not unexpected. Great game btw biggrin.gif


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One of the ironies of the openness and support of the game from a developer. Any kind of bug gets quickly noticed and soon everyone's attention is focused on this "imperfection". It's like a "sword of Damocles" hanging over everything. If there wasn't such openness about the problems, there would probably be less fuss about them as people would be a little less concious about their existence (unless the problem is plain and obvious).

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The bug that I agonized over more than anything else was the figher-bomber not appearing during user made operations. It was finally fixed, and thanks to MadMatt's determination, I am now preparing to finish an operation I had given up on months ago. Three cheers for the CM team. Yahoo! John

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Bugs??? I guess I have come to expect bugs in games these days but the bugs that are found in these latest versions are nothing compared to laying out the ole hex grid maps and trying to round up players for a full weekend of ASL or something with 20 million dice rolls! I compliment BTS and their dedication and I suspect it may be near impossible to be totally accurate in eliminating bugs...

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Tiger, my post wasn't meant to be abrasive, I too hope that 1.1 will be the final patch that BTS has to do, and that it will come out really soon, but, I would much perfer having them fix everything correctly by spending as much time on it then rushing it at all. Even well meaning pressure can rush something out before it should be smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Schrullenhaft wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One of the ironies of the openness and support of the game from a developer. Any kind of bug gets quickly noticed and soon everyone's attention is focused on this "imperfection".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly. There never has been, and never will be, a "bug free" game. Never ever. I even remember finding bugs in Atari 2600 games smile.gif And the more complex the game, the more little problems there will be. We are trying to make CM as close to this unobtainable ideal as possible. The easiest way would be to not tweak or add ANYTHING, but rather just fix the bugs people have reported. Easier still would be to ignore all the bugs and refuse to patch any more. Other companies do it, so why can't we smile.gif


P.S. Answer is... because we don't like bugs any more than you do biggrin.gif

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I'm actually REALLY happy that BTS is going the route they are currently on. Releasing the TCP/IP patch as a beta was brilliant.

I too have placed my (important) PBeM games on hold until the next patch release, due to the bogging bug. However, I'm only happy to do that as long as in the end it means a near perfect 1.1 FINAL release.

In fact, I hope that the next release is also a Beta... just to make absolutely sure everything major is ironed out, before the "final" patch is released.

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