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I googled 'Gatebox' , and cackled at the 'Top stories'...



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New to me. Seems like prime material for an already active thread.

Michael Emrys,

With you on that sentiment. Japan, though, has, in terms of relationships, sex, marriage and reproduction an increasingly fractured culture resulting from its own success on the one hand and a grinding uncertainty caused by quakes, nuclear meltdowns and other disasters.  The net effect of the various stressors which work against the societal ideal of married salaryman and wife at home has resulted in a situation in which many men are opting out, with stats in 20 years projected as being 1 in 3 will be a bachelor for life, and the women aren't far behind. Currently, by age 50 only 1 in 5 men and 1 in 10 women will remain unmarried. By contrast, Japan used to have a 98% marriage rate. This is where the market for that sad to us robot comes from. People need human contact, even if it's artificial. That's why we have Siri and such. Siri and her ilk personalize the oft impersonal. This is why stall warning devices have female voices, too. Men and women alike pay more attention to a female voice than they do a male. Believe this is because of the maternal first voice heard (even in utero), as well as that both sexes find female voices more pleasing. As per usual, a Japanese firm has identified an untapped market, targeted it and is selling to a burgeoning demographic.


John Kettler


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Lest my observations be deemed Japan bashing, I'd be remiss if I failed to mention that the global success, er, internal pressure relief Fleshlight was invented here and is also manufactured n the USA. Weirdly, the firm is headquartered in Austin, Texas. Texas is so bible-thumping sex negative that Trojan can't send vibrators here by mail! Though barely begun in terms of marketing, Japanese firm Tenga has a beyond bizarre VR sexsuit for the same market segment as Gatebox. The story has gotten tremendous, oft outraged, coverage. The story is easily found, and I think it best to leave out anything more. In other weirdness, a Chinese woman scorned, dubbed the "Mistress Killer," has turned her senses of betrayal and violation into a for pay revenge scheme. Not only does she do the usual PI cheating investigations, but she often outs both parties and has the mistresses beaten in the streets! How's that for a business model?


4 hours ago, sburke said:

Errr that looks "American" to you?  Maybe I should visit Seattle.  

Concur. Definitely not American. Would say the character reflects a Japanese male preference for a sweet and nurturing undemanding nubile woman. Based on what I saw while downtown there for several hours before, during and after lunchtime, may I suggest just about anywhere else but Seattle if seeking feminine pulchritude? Granted, the sample size is tiny geographically, spatially and temporally, not to mention from just one observer, but it also reflects what I like in terms of visuals. Put it this way. I saw more attractive women in pawn shops, gun stores, small restaurants and the like near Ft. Lewis, Washington in the course of an hour tops than I did in the heart of Seattle.


John Kettler

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Re Seattle, I've not spent a lot of time there, but I don't recall a particular absence of female pulchritude there. But the city I'd rate as having the highest average of stunningly attractive females per acre would have to be Los Angeles. At least that was still true up through 1974, the last time I visited there. Contrarily, Port Angeles, WA, I dubbed "the city of ugly women" some 30 years ago. But once again, it has been nearly two decades since last I spent time there, and my evaluation may be due for recalibration.


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As far as Japanese anime are concerned, to me face structure, especially the eyes, and general appearance strike me as what you might see on any big city street in the US. But...their behavior model I take to be strictly an idealized Japanese one. It is certainly possible that a Western man might also find it appealing (if a bit cloying), but it is in no way typical of modern Western women. Hugh Hefner may have gotten rich by presenting an entirely fictitious image of American womanhood, but I don't find it to be a whole lot like Japanese anime.


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