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No Emails


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I recently purchased a module from the store but didn't receive an email like I had before months earlier. Now I was automatically logged out and forgot my password (oops) and am not receiving password reset emails (yes i checked spam..) so I can't even login to download from the repository. I have the sales@battlefront.com email whitelisted but for some reason I can't add it to my contacts. Did Yahoo Mail block this email?? I had also sent a password reset 10 hours earlier so now I'm getting very frustrated.

Thanks, Ketsa


EDIT: It looks like it isn't just me


But I've received emails from other addresses prior and during the time when yahoo was experiencing most troubles so I can't confidently say that its only Yahoo's fault.

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Its been an entire 24 hours, resent the email again and no emails received. It must be on battlefronts end because I'm getting my regular daily mail. Yes I've added a filter allowing their email but for some reason I still cannot add it to my contacts.

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Its been an entire 24 hours, resent the email again and no emails received. It must be on battlefronts end because I'm getting my regular daily mail. Yes I've added a filter allowing their email but for some reason I still cannot add it to my contacts.

Message Steve or Chris, Steve being the owner of BFC proper.

Steve- http://community.battlefront.com/profile/36389-battlefrontcom/

Chris- http://community.battlefront.com/profile/36407-chrisnd/

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I got the email added to my contacts list and everything suggested when you reset the password and nothing still.

I've sent a PM to Steve as well, thanks Raptor.


I made a new account to access the repository for a temporary solution but I can't buy any new products until this is fixed.

Edited by Ketsa
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The password reset feature has been down for a few days. It's being worked on. If you submit a password reset and don't receive a reply, check your spam folder. If it's isn't there, create a ticket on the Help Desk and we can reset it manually for you.

I made a Ticket got a reply saying they were moving it forward. To the people that manually reset my password, but that was almost 2 hours ago. I also dont remember my helpDesk password lol I am assuming it is the same as the website password? If thats the case I think I am screwed lol  

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Yeah, sorry for the problems guys.  I'm knee deep in PHP scripts trying to figure out where things are going wrong.  Stupid thing, I'm sure, but computers aren't self aware (yet) to fix themselves.

People that need their passwords reset can file a Ticket and it will be reset.

One good thing about digging around in obscure corners of our scripts is I found the text for the Password reset dialog.  I'm going to change that to "Don't bother!  File a ticket because this stupid thing is broken" :D


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Thank you sir! I think I did file a ticket...but I am not sure, so I tried to send an email to the help desk email from my personal gmail account, and it did come back undeliverable(i know, what luck right?)  Well i may or may not have got a ticket sent in, I will just wait a little bit and then try again.  Plenty to play for now. 

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