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BTR 82a in Syria

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Maybe it's politically incorrect, but has anyone made an ISIS mod so we can try Red on Red and Blue on Red missions vs ISIS?  We already have black uniform mods, we just need the flag (we already have Al Nusra flag mod which is similar).

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  • 9 months later...

I've created improvised ISIS units, as I mentioned in the Neptune Spear thread, but decided they were in bad taste so I junked them.  You can do a reasonable job of modelling the 'head-choppers' without mods, but why would anyone want to play as that filth?  

I never went to the effort of testing my improvised ISIS units fully in an OpFor capacity, but it would only be the work of about an hour to do so.....EDIT - OK I did a quick test and they work OK but you can't get the Fighter Groups to dismount from the Humvees as far as I can tell.  Will play around a bit more.....The quick test file's at the bottom if you want it.  Play as Blue, don't expect much.

I am working on some FSA stuff.....It was inspired by the Zawiya Uprising campaign oddly enough, which we both seem to have enjoyed, and I've used a few 'CM:SF Classics' in a new way. 


Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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40 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I've created improvised ISIS units, as I mentioned in the Neptune Spear thread, but decided they were in bad taste so I junked them, you can do a reasonable job of modelling the 'head-choppers' without mods, but why would anyone want to play as that filth?  

I never went to the effort of testing my improvised ISIS units fully in an OpFor capacity, but it would only be the work of about an hour to do so.....EDIT - OK I did a quick test and they work OK but you can't get the Fighter Groups to dismount from the Humvees as far as I can tell.  Will play around a bit more.....The quick test file's at the bottom if you want it.  Play as Blue, don't expect much.

I am working on some FSA stuff.....It was inspired by the Zawiya Uprising campaign oddly enough, which we both seem to have enjoyed, and I've used a few 'CM:SF Classics' in a new way. 


The 'no dismount' thing is not a showstopper though given that you can use regular technicals to transport red units so a mix of crewed HMMWVs and normal technicals will achieve the aim of being able to dismount troops and recreating the flavour of an ISIS mounted unit.  By the way, thanks for finding out your trick of getting Blue vehicles crewed by Red - every day is a school day as they say.

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Oddly enough I was just loading pick-ups when your reply notification came in.....

If you chuck the HQ in a Humvee with a RPG or sniper from the Command Group you can get him to bail as the test shows. 

The other option is Tiny Fighter Teams, which IIRC often have three members, so they can be teamed up in a similar way to the HQ.....It seems to be a bit random which one bails though, in my test 1 RPG & 1 HQ bailed.

PS - I'm going to put some Syrian Tank Crew In Leopards.....Turkish operations anyone?  ;)

PPS - Actually might this be a use for all those bloody Taxi Drivers that you inevitably wind up lumbered with?  Assign 'em to the same group, stick 'em in the Hummer first and hopefully their driver MOS should kick in.  This then leaves you four seats for other flavours of 'head-chopper'.

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"You can do a reasonable job of modeling the 'head-choppers' without mods, but why would anyone want to play as that filth?" 

I get that.  But, CM2 is a simulation - so my thought is that it would be interesting to see what the Red capabilities may be, if only to play Blue better.

That's why I continue to be amazed that we haven't seen any scenario on Mosul for example.  I loved Zawiya Uprising.

Edited by Erwin
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'Hammertime' is a scenario, I thought it shipped with the game, but apparently I downloaded it from the repository, I really like it, the map's great:


There's a modified and more difficult version in the NATO module called 'Halt Hammerzeit'.....Mine's yet another modification and it's yet more difficult.



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I've done some more experimenting and sadly it's not possible to crew-swap anything that requires the crew to 'Bail-Out' rather than 'Dismount' in the editor.....This seems to rule out using the Taxi Drivers (unless perhaps their own vehicles are set to immobilized).  Either way it looks like ISIS crewed tanks are out.  :unsure:

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On 19/02/2017 at 8:19 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

'Hammertime' is a scenario, I thought it shipped with the game, but apparently I downloaded it from the repository, I really like it, the map's great:


There's a modified and more difficult version in the NATO module called 'Halt Hammerzeit'.....Mine's yet another modification and it's yet more difficult.



Glad ya like em - they're a couple of my creations :) Long time back now it feels!

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Top work fella.  B)

Would you be interested in taking a look at my Free Syrian Army variant, "Hammer Of The Faithful" once I've got it all wrapped up to my satisfaction (I've made a few changes, but most of it will be very familiar to you).....There are two versions, a standalone which can be an utter swine and another variant which draws from a campaign core-file and is just a little bit more generous.

PS - Just downloaded your CM:SF Scenario Design Manual.....I thought I'd picked the repository dry, but I missed that one completely!  Just out of interest do you play CM:A at all?

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17 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Top work fella.  B)

Would you be interested in taking a look at my Free Syrian Army variant, "Hammer Of The Faithful" once I've got it all wrapped up to my satisfaction (I've made a few changes, but most of it will be very familiar to you).....There are two versions, a standalone which can be an utter swine and another variant which draws from a campaign core-file and is just a little bit more generous.

PS - Just downloaded your CM:SF Scenario Design Manual.....I thought I'd picked the repository dry, but I missed that one completely!  Just out of interest do you play CM:A at all?

Cheers - glad ya like em! :)

Aye I would be ta :) Bit tight on time (family and work commitments) but keen to have a nosey at what you've done with it.

The manual is a wee bit dated now - but guess it focuses on the key design elements - so it's an easy one to pick up and get started. Core elements in the game engine (when it comes to scenario design) have not changed that much.

No I don't play CM:A. My main interest is Eastern Front both from a historical and wargaming perspective, so I spend a bit of time (especially as my time is a bit limited right now) in CMRT. Working on a series of scenarios for a CMRT campaign right now which is chewing up any CM time right now.

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Just now, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Shame.....I'm having a nightmare with some artillery that I cannot seem to get to fire (unless Mujahideen have targeting delays measured in hours).  I'm using all the same scripts I would in CM:SF, just don't get it.  :unsure:

At the risk of teaching you to suck eggs...

I'm assuming it's the same game engine as CMSF? If so are you talking AI Plans? 

Other option, assuming not pre-planned fire is ensuring you have a dedicated Muj FO who is linked into the senior command chain - and bump up their experience as high as you can. Then make sure they can defo see something. I found in CMSF it can take a few turns for the AI to react and call in fire i.e. the target has to be sitting still for a while. Liberal use of TRPs also helps.

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Cheers fella, yup it's the same engine as CM:SF and it's for AI controlled FO directed fire mid-scenario.  I'll give the high quality FOs a try.....Their uber-stats won't affect much else as they are largely there just to spot.  I've already attached them and the artillery to groups in case the problem was related to the inactivity issue which can occur when units join a group.


I'd always thought Hammertime was a Blue only scenario, but I've very recently discovered you wrote it to allow Red to play too.....I haven't done so yet, but I suspect I probably will in a later iteration of the standalone (might be a bit of a massacre though). 

Here's a preliminary Blue only version:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/4lic3x9kze95y98/[Test] Hammer Of The Faithful v-100(nobrief).btt?dl=0

As the name implies I haven't written a briefing yet, but in summary, you control a mixed Syrian rebel force nominally under FSA leadership.  This force consists largely of former soldiers along with a smattering of local armed groups and a significant number of rather well armed foreign jihadists.

Your orders are to attempt to establish a foothold in a major Syrian city (pretty sure you know the drill).....At your disposal for this mission are:


Elements of Mechanised Battalion:

Mech Recon Co. HQ

1x Platoon Mech Recon (BMP)

1x Platoon Mech Recon (BRDM)

3x T-62 Tank


Elements from Motorised Infantry Battalion as follows:

Batt. HQ

1x Company Motorised Infantry

Weapons Co. HQ

1x AT Platoon

1x HMG Section

1x Medium Mortar Section

1x Heavy Mortar Section

1x Howitzer Section


Local Syrian Irregulars:

Approximately 40 individuals, lightly armed primarily with small arms & RPGs


Jihadist Fighters:

Approximately 75 individuals & around half a dozen pick-up trucks, very heavily armed including sophisticated ATGM & other heavy weapons.  Have access to VBIEDs, Heavy Mortars & Grad Rockets.


As you will see the changes are minor, but with a rather different starting force (& background premise) the battle has a very different 'feel' IMHO.....You don't need to avoid casualties to the same extent a NATO or US force would, but the bad guys are better trained and much better armed than your forces, so they are quite capable of inflicting those extra casualties.  By and large your forces do have a morale advantage, but it's not wise to press it against such quality opposition.

One final word of warning.....The Syrian Regime maintains air-dominance, so if you hear jets or rotors it is NOT good news. :mellow:

Please let me know your thoughts.  B)



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