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Demo Driver Conflicts post here! #2

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

I needed to close up the last thread beacuse it was getting too long. First of all, here are some tips:


- make SURE you have DX7 (DX6 is OK) and the latest drivers for your card. Can't stress this enough wink.gif

- make sure you have custom Windows cursors OFF. Some drivers don't know what to do with this. This can then cause all sorts of problems, including freezes.

- if you get a black screen, you might have unzipped the demo incorrectly. Make sure all BMPs are in a "BMP" directory, WAVs in a "WAV directory (both off the root of the CM demo folder).


- Make sure you have SoundSprocket or you WILL NOT get any sound.

- Update to the latest drivers for your card.

- You must have the RAVE exensions that come with your cards enabled. Glide and OpenGL do absolutely nothing for CM.


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I saw a post about Mac Voodoo talking about a "black screen" on launching the game. I had this same problem on one of my systems that had both an ATI rage 128 and voodoo 2 card installed. Disabling the voodoo card's drivers fixed the problem. Could there have been a conflict between the two cards? Here's the system config info if it helps.

Beige 400 Mhz G3

ATI Nexus 128 (32 MB vram)

IMC (Micro Conversions) Voodoo 2 card with their drivers. I didn't test it with 3Dfx's reference drivers though.

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I have a AMD 350, 64 meg RAM, ATI Rage Pro Turbo w/ 8 MB, ESS Solo-1 Sound, have update to dx 7 and updated all the other drivers. I have to view the game with graphics hardware acceleration set to basic accelerator functions. This creates choppy, slow scrolling. I also have no sound during playback. Any advise?

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I have a Diamond Stealth s540(?) with the latest drivers loaded. Windows 98, AMD 350, 64 Meg. The video board is an S3 Savage4 based card with 32 Meg of memory. The cursor doesn't work correctly, wiping out portions of video memory. I can probably turn off portions of the hardware acceleration to fix this, but you may want to consider allowing me to turn off hardware cursor, or whatever in the setup screen, or though an .ini file or registry setting, instead of globally.



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Finaly it works, wanna know what i did?

All you guys out there with voodoo2 cards..

use the manufactures own drivers, that did it for me.

I found out that i have 3dfx´s own drivers installed, and had some extra features to configure, but thats it. reverted to orchids´s (righteous voodoo2) own drivers and now it works!

Hope that could help someone else!

Now i need to play and see if i have sound or if i need to update my sounddrivers, i did get the gun-sound when a select exit, but no i am off to see if i get sounds when replaying the round.

MAN I´M happy now. now i only need to make another can of coffee and rip away at these pesky britts.

This game looks SO great, reminds me of an old amiga game called typhoon of steel, same type of order-giving (place your moves and let the computer calculate what happens the next minute), but thats the only thing. Remembered that i wanted just this kind of interface and grapics.

GREAT GAME BTS! i allready preordered 3 weeks ago!

// Jocke

[This message has been edited by jocke (edited 11-04-99).]

[This message has been edited by jocke (edited 11-04-99).]

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Just a note on Mac Voodoo2 drivers...

I had posted "bugs" about not being able to run with my 8mb GameWizard Voodoo2 Card. I had the latest MicroConversions drivers, but they would always lead to the "black screen".

The problem was resolved when I downloaded the latest Mac Voodoo2 "Reference" drivers from the 3DFx website. I was concerned I would need GameWizard unique drivers, but this was not the case.

I'm running a 233MHz original iMac with 96MB RAM and the GameWizard card...

Happy CM'ing!,

Steve C.

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I dunno if this is a device/driver problem, but I expect it is. I'm using a pentium 2 300 with 112 megs of ram, and a Diamond Viper 550 TNT card. DirectX6.1(I think, 6.something) I see no Targeting/LOS lines, and no explosions. Movement lines are there, but often are drawn 'under' hills.

-John Hough

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I have a P2 450 with a Voodoo3 2000. Directx 7 loaded. I get a black screen if I don't turn down video acceleration, which requires a reboot. Someone responded before that this was because my machine is running CM in software mode. Is there any way to correct this?

I've tried reloading, redownloading. I have the latest drivers, etc, etc.

What are RAVE extensions? Would this apply to my Voodoo3? How would I enable them is so?

I'm determined to keep trying. I want to play this game. Any help would be appreciated.


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Guest Big Time Software

Mike, this is probably due to a driver bug reporting that your card can handle a higher resolution than it in fact can. We have coded up a work around for this already. Took two bloody days to do, but I suppose one has to expect this frown.gif

Right now I think you can bypass this problem by dropping to a lower screen resolution and/or refresh rate. If not, the final Demo will have this fixed for real.


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System: PII 333, LeadTek TNT2 32MB, 192MB RAM.

Bugs: (1) blinking at left and top edges of the screen. (2) game freezes when I when I try to quit game (alt-Q, click YES) or abort scenario (alt-A, click YES). It doesn’t freeze when I select NO, or when I save game (alt-S).

Other than that, the game runs VERY well. But, the freeze problem is a big pain.

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I have the same story as jocke; problems with the game "blackscreening" my system, only cured after I d/l'ed the latest drivers (from diamondmm.com for my Monster2 and Stealth cards)

Mike, what BTS suggests was how I played the game until I could get the latest drivers for my cards. I have my desktop set to 1024x768, and the game would blank out on me. Backing the res down to 8x6 ran the game. Now that I have the latest drivers, I have many more options for my res, and have found one that works quite well: 1024x768, 16 bpp (bit paint pallete?)

Just giving some more feedback on problem/solutions.


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I made the mistake of downloading new drivers for my Wicked Metabyte Voodoo 2. What a nightmare. Couldn't get CM to work properly after it worked great with my old drivers. I tried everything--reloaded drivers several times, reloaded Directx 7, but nothing worked. The sky would pulsate with different colors or the graphics would go crazy with wild colors and shapes. I had to reload drivers that came with the card which are even older then my previous ones. CM works fine with these. I am going to be a little gun shy loading new drivers in the future. Hopefully, the final version will work ok with my card's latest drivers.


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I have a very inconsequent bug. In all the scenario's my screen goes black and my computer crashes, except with Riesberg playing as Germans. Then the game works well and speedy. There might be an insufficient memory problem for the other 3 scenario's, is this possible ?

Specifications: P266, STB riva128/4Mb, 64Mb Internal, Latest drivers, win98 and directX7.0

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I saw a post about Mac Voodoo talking about a "black screen" on launching the game. I had this same problem on one of my systems that had both an ATI rage 128 and voodoo 2 card installed. Disabling the voodoo card's drivers fixed the problem. Could there have been a conflict between the two cards?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


It's been a while since ya posted, but...

Yes, it might have been a driver conflict. I run a similar configuration (ATI XClaim VR and a Voodoo2 on a hopped-up 7600). It's probably best to disable the Voodoo drivers and use the ATI drivers.

I'm using the 3dfx reference drivers. Those drivers include a separate "3dfx RAVE" extension, as well as the "GlideLib" extensions (dunno how this compares with your IMC drivers, tho). The "3dfx RAVE" extension conflicts with the ATI drivers if you try to run a RAVE-enabled game.

For general use, my default config is to have the ATI driver enabled but to leave "3dfx RAVE" off. (I can still leave the GlideLib drivers on with no problem - but they don't do anything for CM).

If you REALLY want to try the 3dfx RAVE, make sure to disable the ATI driver. You'll probably find that you can run at higher resolutions on the ATI card, tho (with the reference drivers, my 12MB Voodoo2 is limited to 800x600), but my 8MB ATI is quite happy at 1024x768. The only difference, tho, seems to be a somewhat wider camera field-of-view with higher res.


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I am running on a 7500/200 604e with a Game Wizard 12mb VooDoo2 Card. I have fixed my initial problem with the black screen. But I had to kill my Glide Drivers and the Rave Drivers just don't wana work. Well as a second attempt to get my acceleration to run I installed the 3dfx ref drivers. Well no graphics acceleration on that route either. Now I know it's not working cause I put CM on a Rev B iMac and it has smooth textures and motion. On my 7500 the textures are blocky and motion is jumpy...software mode. Any help here on this situation, I realy wish that CM had full Glide Support cause that would cover the second of the two main API's in use on the mac and would be better then OpenGL.

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Hello again,

Well I found my glitch and for all thos interested here I go. After routing through my extensions I look at my Monitors. I had the screen set to 832x624 this was enough to screw up my graphics acceleration (VooDoo2 only likes things below 800x600). Though I also suppose it was foolish to think that CM would ask if I would like to switch resolution to 800x600 or even 640x480 to use the graphics accelerator (Hint Hint). The 3dfx drivers work great though I am still going to be using my GW glide drivers for my other games. Any way something to think about on both sides. It's a good game but there are some frustrating bugs...like that resolution think I mentioned. Well happy gaming all and have fun. I am going to sleep!

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Okay, It's been about a week now that I've been trying to get this darn game to work, without any luck. I get to play just enough to make 1 turn before it freezes up on me (not black screen). Sometimes it freezes while scrolling, sometimes while still, sometimes when pressing GO, although never during 60 second playback. It's driving me crazy.

I have tried different resolutions and colors, I updated 3dfx drivers and direct x (7.0). I even played with BIOS settings (!!!)

I can run any other 3d games no problem (Half Life, Rogue Spear, European Air War), but not this.

Does anybody have any suggestions???

I have:

amd 350 k6/2

128M ram

voodoo3 2000 (with updated drivers)

direct x 7.0

Award motherboard

win 98

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A hassle but not a fatal problem...Bear with this novice please--

I still cannot get the 60 second replay to work. "Real time" action and gameplay work FINE!!! When I try to replay the turn: things stop, sound whigs out, or it simply jump straight to the turns end.

This doesn't seem like a driver conflict, more like an unzip problem... right ??

Should I delete the demo and download it again ?? What files handle "replay" because everything else is fine ??


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I just d/l and played the demo for the first time and although I liked what I saw, I did notice the lack of 3D acceleration for my system. I decided to drop by to see what the specs were for hardware acceleration and found that you support RAVE, which we both know is a dead-end street as far as any future development/support from Apple. You're also aware, I'm sure, that 3dfx cards are hot items for gaggles of Mac users right now; so, my question to you is, will there be a switch to OpenGL (at the minimum) or Glide? I know you're almost through with the game, but even the promise of a future patch would be encouraging.

BTW...my card is a V3



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Guest Big Time Software


Oddly enough, most peole feel that Glide is a dead API smile.gif We will support OpenGL in the future, but Apple was too slow in getting it out and it is too late to change such a fundamental part of the code at this stage. Other people have had luck with the 3Dfx reference drivers, as there is a RAVE extension. See a couple of posts up in the thread for details. There are other folks with Voodoo3 cards on the Mac running CM in hardware mode, so it is possible for you to do this as well.

SyberSmoke, we made some checks so that this sort of thing can at least be detected by CM. Unfortunately CM is unable to make the corrections itself, but it will let you know that you need to make some tweaks to resolution.

Pieter, there shouldn't be a RAM problem, but your card only has 4MB of VRAM, which isn't much. But other people have been playing on 4MB cards, so that shouldn't be an issue in terms of crashing. There was an unrelated graphics problem that could cause crashing. That has been fixed, so hopefully this is what is gettingyou.

Hundminen, VERY strange. First one to have that behavior. I'll pass it along.

David, it is not a driver or an unzip problem so far as I can see. I don't know what it could be, but how much RAM do you have?


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