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AXIS CMPzC AAR: Assault on Hex (1,7)

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Minute 25 (cont.)


The British infantry tried again to push onto the road near the crossroads area.  Slebner with his LMG, the AA guns, and the 2nd Zug in town opened up with all they had.

More Brits are hit!








The Fliegerern view:









As always, there is a price to pay.  A Sherman (I assume) lets a round loose:







Slebner buys the farm!

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Minute 25 (cont.)


At the crossroad trench, things go from bad to worse:


1st Zug HQ takes a hit, panics, and bugs out:


1st Squad, A Team, the only "regular" infantry unit with a 'faust, tries to get away from the mortar fire but are hit squarely while upright in the trench:
Scratch one panzerfaust!
By the end of the turn, the HMG and 81mm have recovered from "Shaken", and can now (hopefully) fight back next turn.
Now, what to do about Niedermeyer....   
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Who's telling this story?  ;) With the hand I've been dealt, and considering what he was facing, that's a helluva deal!  Not certain it's immobilized, though.  No one jumped out, and it didn't do anything for the rest of the turn.  Still, they could just be temporarily shook up?


The thing is, Crazy's stats didn't show that he had any grenades.  I know that the status info on grenades is somewhat wonky, so I wonder if he has any more?

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Holy Cow!!!  Just got back from dinner and viewed it fine.  Thanks for un-privatizing it.  That was freaking wild.  He just might have more grenades.  He is very secretive. 


Icevasser in his veins...they don't call him Crazy Hans for nothing.  Sadly that seems to be one of the few bright moments. 


Slebner....[sighs]...moment of silence...wait, maybe it is only a flesh wound and he is hoping to recuperate in one of Tommy's aid stations.


And one of the precious fausts, lost.



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Too much action to cover in pictures, so I made quick and dirty (not that kind, although kohlenklau would prefer those!) movies to cover it all. (These are simple Windows MovieMaker movies...I went ahead and popped for Sony Movie Studio, but Coppola quality will take a few days. :D) 


The actions speak for themselves...and it's all Bad Language!



Minute 24 --Men Against Tanks



The Right Flank Position:




Heinrich's contribution to the right flank fighting:




Let's see how ol' Crazy Hans is doing, shall we?




Then there is the veritable barrage of 75mm guns against the center trenchworks:




I think in a way, this is the worst since, as it turns out, I didn't need to move the Scout Team (3 MP40's) to the building I sent them too to get a better LOS to the enemy coming from the center bridge; enemy which neither they nor any one else could see (except for a couple of sound contact icons) in the Orders phase.  C'est la guerre!




Here, by the way, are the Scout Team killers. Ironic that they appear to be hit by friendly tank fire! 


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Geez, talk about a deluge of action.  Very nice, by the way. 


Crazy Hans...what can be said that hasn't already been said...He might have slipped away if he hadn't kept firing away at the tank commander.   :(


I see the guys in the trench complex are implementing Plan "Run Away."  Sensible, considering the hail of 75mm that is pounding down upon them.


Is Heinrich as crazy as Hans?  It appears that he is putting small arms fire on two tanks.  Was ist los???  Kinda like poking a sleeping bear in the eye with a pointed stick, eh?



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Gentle people;


It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that although I requested my erstwhile opponent, Chappy, to surrender to me unconditionally in order to stop this senseless shedding of blood, he demurred, even after I proposed that his officers could retain their small arms as a gesture of my respect.  Alas, being the humanitarian that I am, I felt duty bound to take the high road and offer to surrender to him, again, in an effort to save the lives of not only our young warriors, but of England's, too.  Terms are being discussed.  I do not think he will agree to turn his numerous Shermans into plowshares, but we will see.


Yours respectfully,


Leutnant Stephan Burke.


P.S.  Guyver lives.  Heinrich was vaporized in a pink mist.


P.S.S. Some pictures and analysis tomorrow.  Well, in short, green troops can do little more than cower once the firing starts, even armed with a panzerfaust as a Sherman rumbles by not 20 meters away. (Happened twice, with 2 different teams!) You get the idea.  Bad initial placement, too...should have had all the pf troops lined up along the roadway, spaced several actions squares apart.  I think chances to take down a sherman would have increased a bit.

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Well, this is interesting!  The turn after I hit "Surrender", I get this: 



Surrender usually takes several turns, at least I thought so based on past campaign battles over at FGM. Anyway, Phil, this showed up when I hit the BRB to give commands after the playback, and the game goes to the loading screen when I hit "End", so I have no turn to send Chappy.  Maybe he giot to vierw the turns before I did...I thought it was the other way around.  Anyhoo, I put the file in our Eindhoven DB.


Great game to Chappy, a fun, erstwhile,  and very effective opponent!


P.S.  Lt. Burke bought it afterall...no more worries about being in a penal unit!  And despite the "Draw", I got my ass kicked as you all know, and the Allies get the hex. But maybe, just maybe, Guyver slipped out in the smoke and chaos of battle and the collection of prisoners, etc.  Or maybe he managed to sneak away from his tired, battle-weary captors that evening....

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What a fun read!  Koh said I could jump in here now and have a look from another perspective (I'm not cheating! lol).  I enjoyed reading your analysis at the start about your setup. 


My AAR was a little more narrative, less analysis, as you will see.  I was also a lot more conservative with screen shots.  I usually included included 3 screen shots for every 2 minutes of action or so...when I try an AAR again I will include more.


Congratulations on guessing my long left flanking...it appears we think the same.  Both combat appreciations led to the same conclusions.


Nice kill zone - I knew I was in it with one of my sections.  Those fast firing 50mm mortars are killer accurate and killer deadly. I want some!!!!


Who was the HQ guy in the 2nd story house that I nailed?  I included a screenshot in my AAR showing it.  He was knocked backwards.


I had my share of characters within the action as well. They bring life to the AAR, IMO.


Thanks for the battle mj...I had lots of fun figuring out what the hell you would do to me and with what.  I would have been more aggressive had I known you were without AT guns...but that is a crystal ball I lack!


That damn sniper.....lol

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I thought we weren't supposed to read the opposite side battle AARs until after the campaign?  ;)


This battle should never have been fought IMO.  You never stood a chance and those casualties are horrific and will impact the game in a bad way as we move forward.  There was no way you could ever hope to stand toe to toe with the amount of armor that Chappy brought to the party... not in that terrain anyway with the long lines of sight and open flat terrain. 


That being said you did a great job with what you had on hand... just probably a bit too far forward with the majority of your forces with no way to extricate them.

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I thought we weren't supposed to read the opposite side battle AARs until after the campaign?   ;)


This battle should never have been fought IMO.  You never stood a chance and those casualties are horrific and will impact the game in a bad way as we move forward.  There was no way you could ever hope to stand toe to toe with the amount of armor that Chappy brought to the party... not in that terrain anyway with the long lines of sight and open flat terrain. 


That being said you did a great job with what you had on hand... just probably a bit too far forward with the majority of your forces with no way to extricate them.


Hey Bil.  I asked Koh afterwards when we could read each others AAR and he said we could now, as it had little impact on the future.  Feel free to read mine.

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Doggone it, I knew it was a bad idea to open up on the freaking tanks with small arms fire.  RIP Heinrich.  ;)


On that low note, I shall go to bed....


What a fight.  Yep, once the lead starts firing, the green troops look for cover and hug the earth.  I wonder if having the anti-tank assets further up would have been telling.  They might have cowered anyway, unless you had an HQ unit very close by to bolster them.  Now, had they popped a few of those scary monsters with treads early on, your opponent would have gotten a lot more cautious and that might have kept some of your troops from getting pasted by tank fire.  


A bit lopsided, but the interesting part of these battles is to see if the lesser side can bloody up the attacker a bit before going with Plan "Run Away!!!"


I kind of like these types of engagements because they present two very varied and different challenges to both sides.  The one side is challenged to see if they can hold on, and the other side is challenged to see if they can crush the enemy while not losing many men or assets.


It was a good fight and I enjoyed the story that went with it.  It is an important part of immersing us in the battle along with the pixeltruppen.  You did a good job with what you had.



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Yes, it is okay for this battle. Enjoy the read. 

It is best to take it one battle at a time for the green light to read AAR's. 

Maybe another battle will have survivors and fog of war is best preserved by waiting 1 more battle afterwards to read the opponents AARs.

But this one is not one of those battles.

All is well.  :D

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P.S.  Lt. Burke bought it afterall...no more worries about being in a penal unit!  And despite the "Draw", I got my ass kicked as you all know, and the Allies get the hex. But maybe, just maybe, Guyver slipped out in the smoke and chaos of battle and the collection of prisoners, etc.  Or maybe he managed to sneak away from his tired, battle-weary captors that evening....

You got me killed?  WTF!!!  Now how am I gonna play CM?

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Lol, what are you crying about...he was like your third cousin 5 times removed! Besides, he was hiding at the time, or at least started the turn that way. Beleve me, it's better for you that he won't be around to sully your good family name anymore. In fact, you should thank me (and Chappy, who actually pulled the trigger, in case you happen to be in revenge mode).

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