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Seeking one pair of pbem players to playtest...

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Here's the thing about the videos... I don't think watching them gives one an advantage. One of the remarkable things about CM, IMHO, is how situations can play out differently many times. In the battle with Ken one of my soldiers fired a rifle grenade into an occupied building and put a major hurt on the guys in there. I managed to take control of the building after that, but prior to the rifle grenade my guys were in a dire situation. If that rifle grenade hadn't hit when and where it did the battle probably would have had a different outcome. I knew there were guys in that building, btw, and that didn't really help me because I played as though I didn't know.

Also, I'm playing this scenario against 2 people, one from each side. As the creator of the scenario I know (generally) what their force is and in Ken's case what his initial deployment was. Since we're playing "iron" it is easy for me to ignore enemy units my units don't have contacts for. Also, 15+ minutes into the battle I know Ken has moved a lot of stuff around, so really only his support stuff is where it was originally, which means I am going to be willfully driving into AT gun kill zones, but I will do so the way I would if I didn't know they were there.

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Well, since sfhand says it's okay for me to be here...here I am!


Some fun events: the rifle grenade sfhand fired into my farmhouse totally gutted that building's defense. Sure, some guys were upstairs (the squad was split in teams: NEVER put a whole squad in tight space), but their morale plummeted when they heard the screaming from the abattoir downstairs. The upstairs guys got a few more Ami's, but they all died in the end. (Don't we all?)


There's SO much going on:


I've got some schreck teams taking shots from the woods. Great ambush territory.

I've got mobile units setting up defenses that sfhand shouldn't expect.

I've got flak trying to destroy soft-skin vehicles and stripping away optics, etc., from armor.

I've got air support putting the hurt on any movement in the open.

I've got machinegun teams aching to find a target.

I've got weak armor trying punch above their weight.

I've got artillery support that seems to be too little, too late.

I've got an enemy coming over the hills in about 4 locations.

I've got one bridge.


Without giving an AAR (which I don't have time to do), or giving away too much to sfhand (because he is my opponent and I want to finish him off!), this is a LARGE undertaking, but seems to have a lot of rich possibilities.


(As the starting defender, I seem to be totally outclassed and outnumbered. That may bother/annoy a lot of players. Some guys quit when the game is "unwinnable". I enjoy it any which way. My goal in this is to inflict as much death and mayhem on sfhand as I possibly can. I'm sure he expects a certain amount. I'm sure he's prepared for a bit more. I want to surprise him with an even higher body count. It's like a gift from me to him. ;)  )



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(As the starting defender, I seem to be totally outclassed and outnumbered.

I'll cover my eyes for that part. I am playing the attacker (rather slowly I can say for sure) in the other matchup. My attack feels stalled and my guys feel trapped in the hills.


That may bother/annoy a lot of players. Some guys quit when the game is "unwinnable".

Well nuts to them :-)


I enjoy it any which way.


Edited by ian.leslie
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A quick note about the initial battle.


The defender is totally outclassed in many ways but also has a few small advantages. One can do a lot with a little in this game sometimes as Ken is. The defender also has a large setup zone to place the forces in any way he/she chooses on both sides of the waterway. Ken told me he went with the stock setup, which is great and which probably needs tweaking (I went with a tweaked version of it against Ian). When I looked at the turn Baneman (also Ian) sent me I noticed he made some pretty big changes to the stock setup. None of this is to say the Allied player is in a cakewalk. In the game with Ken, where I'm attacking, I am nervously looking at the clock. I need to balance speed with caution because any force advantage I may have now will be gone soon when reinforcements start arriving.


I really hope someone can step up and take the plunge with Baneman. Not for me, not for him, but because I think you will have a blast. So far we are talking only about the first battle, which is like an attack/defend scenario, the other four battles are supposed to be evenly matched "meeting engagements". Three out of the five battles are between reinforced infantry companies, the other two battles are between forces that are ~twice as large and are the last two battles of the scenario.

Edited by sfhand
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Bah! Tell him just to pony up and buy the pack.


More observations: The Stuart's are driving me nuts. They spot first, they shrug off hits, and the nail whatever they deign to aim at. Grrrr.


I won't even mention the shooting on the move hits that sfhand's tanks are getting on mine. Not one word...  ;)


The battle progresses as I'd hoped: sfhand is clearly flailing and desperately seeking for an honorable way to surrender. I will not allow it. I'm exhibiting weakness in an attempt to lure him into my kill-zones. Okay, kill-zones is an exaggeration: there is only ONE, the size of the whole map! Bring it... :)


Ken out.

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i5 Quad core 2.67GHz

Radeon 5850 video card

The bottleneck is probably RAM, which only has 4GB available because of 32-bit W7.

If I've got any money left at the end of the month I'll think about the pack, but on balance being able to play this scenario isn't worth 20 bucks...

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Heh... I'm not the one to put a value on playing the scenario, admittedly I am very biased. But, given the size of the battlefield and the varied terrain I can see playing this scenario h2h many times with it always being new and different depending on the opponent. Now, if you were to say "testing the scenario for force balance" isn't worth $20 I would agree... The larger question, of course, is whether the vehicle pack and modules are worth what BF charges for them. As one who has purchased them I think they are. Creating a scenario that requires them is one way to insure people who bought them get more return on their investment.

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First reinforcement wave has arrived in my battle with c3k... we now move into the second phase. Even though Ken had a lesser force in the first phase he has successfully held ground which is preventing me from crossing the bridge at this point in time. He also still holds key terrain on "my" side and is in a very good position in my estimation. He is also using knocked out tank crews (also one roaming schreck team that I know of) as a guerrilla force to good effect. I had intended the Allied task in the first battle to be a little easier in an effort to move the battle across the map. Time for a big push...

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I just wanted to post a quick update.

I'm currently at turn 12 in my battle. The tempo should be picking up soon now that those pesky annoying holidays are all over and done with.


I'll be writing a narrative AAR as best I can with the leftover saved turns, but I don't want to post anything yet until I can guarantee some regular turnover.



You definitely drew the short straw going up against c3k. You're going to have to clear every road, house, tree, bush, and shellhole. You never know where the snipers are going to be hiding!


I hope you two have fun!



I'd love to get another game going, but I don't like to run two instances of a scenario. I tend to get confused with numbers greater than 1. ;)

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Clear every road/house/tree/bush/shellhole ? You forgot "remove every rock or stick or he will charge you with them !" :lol:



No problem, sfhand is taking me on too :o ( cos no one had the cojones ... :P  )


All he knows is that I tend not to stick to the default deployment... :rolleyes:  B)

Edited by Baneman
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I'm currently playing 3 instances of this scenario. I have also made some tweaks to it. No more fixed AA guns for the Axis and no more foxholes. In the games where I was Allied I couldn't spot the fixed AA guns (which didn't seem right given the amount of fire they were generating and the amount of eyes I had on their location. What I could spot was their foxholes. So, in order to remove the lure of decoy foxholes I got rid of both. I may still have to nerf the Axis side a little more, time will tell.


My ongoing games were restarted with the modifications and it is too early to tell how things are balancing out. In our orginal game Ken was defending and did a masterful job of denying my force control of the north side of the waterway (with the default deployment scheme). We have switched sides and I am hopeful he will be able to take the north bank in the first 45 minute battle - even though I am going to do my best to deny him.


In the games where I am defending I am not sticking to the default deployment either...


poesel, I'm stretched a little thin right now, but don't give up hope! If/when we do another reset you can go against one of my oppo's or maybe you can lure some unsuspecting type into the fight of their lives...

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First reinforcement wave has arrived in my battle with c3k... we now move into the second phase. Even though Ken had a lesser force in the first phase he has successfully held ground which is preventing me from crossing the bridge at this point in time. He also still holds key terrain on "my" side and is in a very good position in my estimation. He is also using knocked out tank crews (also one roaming schreck team that I know of) as a guerrilla force to good effect. I had intended the Allied task in the first battle to be a little easier in an effort to move the battle across the map. Time for a big push...


"Second phase"? There is but ONE phase: kill mine enemies!!


That so-called "guerilla force" is my main strike force. I had not intended it, but they begged me to let them stay in the fight. Their honor demanded it. I acquiesced.


Kidding aside, sfhand did stumble upon what I think is key in every battle: position. The first role is to assess the terrain and pick out the key features. Then, based on mission and forces, allocate what you can. The key terrain needs to be held (or taken). Everything else is noise. Sprinkle with balance and experience, to taste.


That was our first battle, where I was Axis.


In sfhand's and my second battle, as modified, I am Allied. We're only a few minutes into this one.


My first push through the hills has shown several Axis armored contacts, contesting the roads. He has sent them right up the roads at me. That, in my opinion, is a mistake. Maneuverability is critical to an outnumbered defense. sfhand seems to've split his mobile forces onto 3 locations, where they are hamstrung. Sure, I've lost 3 jeeps. I laugh at that! Sfhand, if you are listening, tell me where you want my jeeps, and I will send them there, with tight covered arcs, so that you can convert them to scrap at your leisure! The board is best fought with the pawns swept aside. ;)  (Of 3 burning jeeps, only one sprouted crosses. But that one was full!)


In the same light-hearted tone, I do not think sending the armor as recce up the roads will benefit sfhand in time or space. Sure, I'll have to shake out of convoy formation to deal with them, but that's a good tradeoff. He has split his armor and come face to face with my columns. Now I don't have to wonder where they are.


I think I'll order a jeep crew to dismount and board his tanks. A little hand to hand inside the turret would be good for everyone, no?



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A few turn on from my post above... Sfhand's cunning plan has been revealed: he shoved his tanks up those wooded roads so that their wrecks would become roadblocks and slow my advance! Brilliant. ;)


Early war tanks are no match for mid/late tanks.


Our battle has focused into 3 prime areas of contact, as the main roads over the hills are being contested. Lots of little fun actions.

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Some highlights from tonight.




Pushing some jeeps and armored cars forward to scout the roads.




Can you spot the German in this picture?




The guy with the Thompson should always ride shotgun. At this point I thought I had avoided an ambush...




Apparently not, that one hit cost me nine casualties. Not to mention all four of the crew from the Stuart.


At this point, my recon through Wolf Grade is going well with no contact. My recon group going around the top of the map has suffered casualties, but has spotted two trucks, two AA guns, and possible tank. Judging by the incoming rounds and sounds I've heard, I have an MG and an AT gun shooting at me right now.

In my last game, that dirt road was clear all the way to the bottom. However my opponent laughed a bit and said "I'm gonna ambush you everywhere!"

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