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Dang Steve you closed the thread too soon.....

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Everywhere I go I have to pay more for things these days. I remember as a young boy I could buy a candy bar for a nickel. Just yesterday I paid over $20 for a take out dinner. I have a choice though, I can accept reality for what it is or I can complain about how others (the world in general) aren't meeting my expectations (do I ever turn that around and wonder how I feel about not meeting the expectations of others?).

Here's the thing, I have never seen anyone go into a restaurant and ask them to lower their prices. I assume most people just go to a different restaurant if they are unhappy with any aspect of the restaurant in question. I know I do. Why not go somewhere things please you rather than whining? All this whining about pricing reminds me of the beggars I see every day in the city (a large reason I don't like spending time in the city).

I get you guys don't want to pay what BF thinks is a fair price. Why are you still here? Why not go picket a restaurant you think is overpriced and let the world know how you feel about them instead, thereby sparing the contented customers here the endless whining about your not getting a free or discounted ride?

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Everywhere I go I have to pay more for things these days.

That pretty much says it all. As I posted elsewhere a few weeks ago, a lot of the things I buy cost on average about ten times what I paid for those same kinds of things 40 years ago. And there is no end in sight for that trend.

I get you guys don't want to pay what BF thinks is a fair price. Why are you still here?

Because they are as addicted to CM and crave ever more of it, just like everybody else here. And because they are addicted, they seem to feel that they are entitled to have it dished up when they want it, as often as they want it, and all without any cost or effort on their part.


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Let's just say that is one guy I will not be going out of my way to help in the future. Not after the way he spoke to me when I was kind enough to explain where he had gone wrong and what he might have done better. I won't be s quick to ffer him help the next time - or even help him out at all. Frankly the individual concerned was behaving very badly IMHO

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yeah, $20 - that's about £15.

That'll buy me 1 Dominos pizza. For the price of 1 Dominos pizza I can get a mine-clearing tank !

And 20-odd other odds-and-sods.

I just simply do not understand some people. Sure, when I was unemployed ( recently ), $20 is not money I had available ( in fact, a kind friend donated CMBN to me because I could not afford it at the time ).

But for anyone actually earning... it's ludicrous to complain about $20. If you play the game using the vehicles more than once, you've paid for it in terms of entertainment cost.

And every time you play with it, the cost per vehicle per hour of entertainment goes down.

<shakes head>

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I wanted to say "I bet you'd charge for used toilet paper if you could. :{)

If all you guys were willing to pay for is used toilet paper, guess what we would be selling? You got it... used toilet paper. That's because we don't have a magical tree that grows this stuff at no cost. More stuff for you means more costs for us which means SOMEONE has to pay for it. If it's not the people using it, then who do you suggest we go to for money?

I never saw someone so greedy for money as you guys. What happened you didn't used to be this way years ago. Why so greedy now?

If you think we're greedier than others, then you live in a cave.

What you fail to notice is that we are doing MORE stuff than we did before. That comes at a cost to us. So it's a simple equation. We release more stuff, we charge more money. If you want to save money, don't buy it.

I've said this before and I'll say it again... we are a business. If you guys do not want to pay for stuff, then we will not make it. If you do want to pay for it, we'll keep making it. There is no third option where we make things at a loss because we'll be out of business with such an asinine strategy.


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That pretty much says it all. As I posted elsewhere a few weeks ago, a lot of the things I buy cost on average about ten times what I paid for those same kinds of things 40 years ago. And there is no end in sight for that trend.

In general yes, but not in wargaming. Do you remember how much SSI used to sell it's 5 1/4 disks in ziplock bags for in 1985? $79.99 + Shipping. That's $176 just for the game in 2014 money. For a 48k, 2bit graphics game that took one guy about 3 months to make. People are getting a CM Base Game for 1/5th as much and it took a few dozen people 1.5 years to make. Ask me who I think is getting ripped off. :(

Economics... it's a big mystery to some people.


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