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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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My first resupplytruck have arrived and my men are about to equip themself with some more panzerfausts.


With my possition in the corner building neutralized the enemy where able to move their troops forward unopposed. I did not observe any major movements but some any troops did adavance.


Troops from my second platoon killed some russians trying to move into a building infront of them.


Other troops trying to reach that location where killed by my HMG team in Kruzhka Inn.


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I did not get any possitive sightings of the assultguns in the center this turn but by the looks of it from the floating incons atleast one of them seems to have moved north.




I will wait atleast one more turn before moving the reserv halfsquad into the corner building.

No more artilley fire infront of my battalion HQ this turn but one more spotting round landed in the factory compound on the other side of the river.

My only order for next turn will be to have one of my halfsquads climb aboard the truck in the north to be able to resupply...

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Another fairly quiet turn...but what did happen was for the most part NOT GOOD !

Let's start with the only 'not bad' thing...

The second supplytruck arrived at its destination.


In the north and as well as in the south all was quiet except for some artillery falling on the other side of the river.

Fortunatelly the rounds impacted on the riverbank and did not hurt any of my troops.


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In the Center however...My line is starting to fall apart !

With no friendly troops in the 'corner building' the enemy where able to advance more troops into the buildings infront of my hard pressed defenders.


Soon my Crack tankhunter-team takes a casualty.


A few seconds later my machinegunner from this halfsquad get killed !


This entire possition is now in big trouble.


Besides the A-team from 1st squad/ 2nd plt that has been quiet safe behind the wall so far i only have 1 man with a rifle, one man with a p38 pistol and one man with a MP40 defending this corner against the increasing number of russians showing up here.


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Due to the serious situation developing in this area i have spent some time trying to decide what to do to prevent the russians from pentrating my line.

I have come up with 3 basic options of wich i have to chose one...

Option ONE:

I will withdraw all of these units...


to here.


I will surrender my two rows of buildings and withdraw my troops to the other side of Lieninradski square. This will hopefully give me somewhat longer engagment ranges to be able to avoid the worst of the enemy SMG firepower.

The biggest downside to this plan i think will be that if i surrender this area...


My second platoon will be very exposed to enemy fire from multiple directions and might also be forced to withdraw.

Option TWO:

I will only withdraw my troops defending the courtyard...


and move them to the second line of buildings.


This plan could work if the enemy will enter the row of buildings infront of my new line with only one or a few squads at a time.

If the russians move alot of SMG guys into these buildings at the same time i think that my men will soon be overwhelmed by the the enemy firepower.

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Option THREE:

Try to reinforce my defenders of the courtyard.


This is my best defensive possition i think and until now i have been able to hold up a large amount of russians from here and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy.

I have a few fresh halfsquads around the map that i can order over here. I also have my company HQ-teams that could be brought forward.

With some luck i might be able to get a panzerschreck team into the same building they used a few turns ago to fire HE-rockets into the enemy occupied buildings.

The enemy on the other side of the courtyard have a strong possition but i don't think that they are 'all that terribly many'...I have killed alot of them trying to get there.

If i manage to get some new units into possition i might be able to stop the russians from here.

On the downside...I currently don't have any supporting possition in the 'corner building' like i had before. The enemy will be able to bring more troops into this area at will.

As long as that assultgun is likely to be there i can not move any new troops into that building.

Another thing to considder is that before i had my men possitioned and established in 'my' buildings but now i would need to move them into there under enemy fire. They might take casualties and become suppresed before they get into possition.

Decision, decision....Uuuhmmmm....

I might regret this but i have decided to try and reinforce my defenders of the courtyard. My hope is that if things shows signs of falling apart within the next few turns i will be able to pull my men back then.

It is somewhat of a gamble. If this fails i will be in BIG trouble for sure...I will need to commit most of my fresh troops to this idea and if it fails...

Polozk might very well be lost !!

The outcome of the battle will most likely be decided in this area.

I have devided the map up into a number of sectors...


...and i think that apart from sector B things are under control right now.

Sector A

I belive that my hetzer and HMG team will be able to prevent the depleted russians that remain in this area from advancing across the park.

If they do i have some limited forces left amongst the buildings to the west.

Sector C

Provided that my troops in sector be will be able to hold the line my 2nd platoon defending sector C feels strong enough to defend their possition.

Sector D

I currently don't se any signs of a strong enemy force that could be able to threaten this sector. This might obviously change but for now sector D is under control.

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My orders for next turn:

This halfsquad from my reserv platoon have equiped themself with a panzerfaust 30 and will be moved forward to the same ambush possition behind the pyle of rubble in the street that another halfsquad (now dead) previously held. For now they will be given a hide order at their destination.


The other halfsquad sent back to stock up with At-weapons will get aboard the second truck to be able to get themself some at weapons next turn.


This turn i will order my two company HQs (1st and 2nd) to move forward to the second row of buildings to be able to quickly reinforce the 'courtyard defenders' when needed.


I have an MG42 equiped halfsquad from my first platoon that i will move across the street.


The next turn i will move my second panzerfaust-equiping halfsquad into this building that they have just left.

I will order my 1st platoon HQ forward to be able to etablish C2 with my 'courtyard defenders'


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I will order this MG42 equiped halfsquad from my reservplatoon that i had originaly intended to replace my withdrawn HMG-team in the corner building forward to this building.


From here they will also be able to fire at the enemy possitions across the courtyard.

I will move this team from my original reserv platoon up to replace them as potential 'corner building' defenders.


I will change possition of this halfsquad and move them up to the toop floor and have them face into the courtyard to help defend that area.


I think that my northern infantrygun and the HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn will be able to handle any more russians trying to cross the street.

I think this will be it for now...Time to hit the play button, uurf, uurf...

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In the north my company HQs and the resupplied halfsquad moves forward to be able to support the troops defending the courtyard.


My machinegun in the building next to the hetzer kills a lone russian soldier advancing out of the 'far left' building.


Towards the end of the turn i spot 2 new assultguns down the road infront of 1st platoons possition. Most likely the assultguns previously spotted in the ceneter. They showed signs of heading this way.


I guess my tankhunter teams will soon have their hand full once again.


Other then this...not much happened in the north.

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In the center:

This part of my line is in trouble. The lone survivor from this 2nd platoon halfsquad have had enough and are bugging out.


Seconds later the last man from the sniperteam gets killed. All my men defending this building have now been killed or forced to withdraw.


For now the last man from my crack tankhunter-team is on his own but reinforcements are on the way.


The MG42 equiped halfsquad from 1st platoon that where ordered to cross the street have reached their possition on the second floor and have begun to fire at the enemy possition across the courtyard to support the tankhunter.


At the end of this turn they have not taken any enemy fire but they are very exposed where they are. The russians have troops in several of the houses across the courtyard that will be able to fire on them.

Moments later the MG42 equiped halfsquad that i originaly had intended for the corner building reaches their new possition. This turn they are not able to help out with the defence of the courtyard instead they get involved in a firefight with russian troops advancing towards my 2nd platoon defending the block of houses further to the south.


They manage to kill one enemy soldier.

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Scattered russian troops advance on 2nd platoon from several directions.


My defenders exchange fire with russian troops at these locations.


As before 2nd platoon gets help from my HMG team deploy in the street.


This enemy soldier that is trying to reach one of the russian held buildings across the courtyard runs into trouble...


He comes under fire from my HMG team as well as a large part of my 2nd platoon. besides smallarms-fire this halfsquad that i ordered up to the 3rd floor fires one of their panzerfaust at him.


He does not make it into the building...

Further to the south everything is quiet apart from some more artillery round falling across the river. They do no damage and the enemy barrage end before the turns is finished.

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As hoped my Hetzer and HMG-team continue to prevent the weak enemy forces still in the 'far left' building from advancing in sector A.

A few shoots are fired at the enemy and they take cover in the rubble.


Meanwhile my reinforcements (company HQs and panzerfaust equiped halfsquads) keeps moving forward...I had hoped that they would be in possition by now but they will require atleast one more turn to get there.

More enemy assultguns show up along the main road in the north. I now count 3...


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In sector B the firefight for the courtyard continues.

My halfsquad on the second floor and my tankhunter trades fire with the russians occupying a building on the other side.

Unfortunatelly my halfsquad looses the machinegunner in this firefight but togheter with my tankhunter the rest of the men are able to get a little revenge atleast. they manage to kill one of the russians


A few seconds later my panzerschreck team gets into possition and puts a HE rocket into that building.


By the end of the turn they manage to get out of the building without taking any returning fire.

My halfsquad in the cornerbuilding starts the turn in a relaxed maner. The man in the middle calmly light a ciggarette while spotting for new targets.


Their peace and quiet don't last long though. They soon get involved in an intense firefight with more russian troops trying to advance into the buildings infront of 2nd platoon.


However. They do get some help from that 2nd platoon.


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One more firefight takes place in sector C


The russians takes one casualty. No losses on my side.

Infront of 3rd platoon the russian supprise my by advancing a FULL squad into the courtyard.


before my men have reacted the russians have opened fire and killed two of my guys and the others are fully suppressed...


an overwiew picture...


I can only pray that russians will not be launcing a major push over here to...That would not be a nice thing to do !

That will be it for now....

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Holy Crap!

Without giving the details because:

1. Don't want to be a spoiler.

2. Not my thread.

3. RepsolCBR is doing an amazing job at telling his DAR.

I have to say that this has become the most INTENSE battle of my CM life and that is saying quite a bit (see my signature). I do not have the poetic ability to describe the 13 or so little "stories" that are happening on my battlefield with 25 minutes left to go. I have watched single replays upwards of 50 times to catch it all.

I will say that there are many spots that are as spectacular as the first 20 minutes of SPR.

Once again PanzerMike, great work.

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I will order my panzerschreck team in Kruzhka Inn to do a 'shoot and scoot' move into the building infront of them to help defeat the russian possition engaging 2nd platoon.


I will move 2nd company HQ into 'the abbandoned building' to help defend this area.


The last menber of my crack tankhunter-team is out of ammo and i will move him back to the supply trucks.


After the recent casualty these guys have very limited fighting power and i will move them down to the bottom floor of the next building to get them out of the line of fire. Hopefully they will be able to ambush some russians if they try to advance across the courtyard.


I will order these four teams to face into the courtyard to hopefully be able to fire at the russian squad.


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In the north my re-equiped tankhunter halfsquad is moving into possition next to their fallen comrades.


In the center my company HQ is also advancing to their new location inside 'the abbandoned building' to reinforce sector B. At the same time my tankhunter is withdrawing and heading of to get some more ammo.


As soon as my company HQ gets into possition they get involved in a firefight with the russians across they courtyard. With the help from my 2nd platoon halfsquad in the building next door they manage to suppress the russians.


To the right of my company HQ 'the smoking guys' and other parts of my 2nd platoon are involved in heavy fighting with the russians trying to advance infront of them.


The halfsquad from my original reservplatoon (1st plt/2nd CO) arrives at the 'corner building' but as soon as they get there they come under fire and takes a casualty ! no, no ,no...not good !


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