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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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Thanks, Hister

Glad you like it...:)

This scenario lends itself well for an AAR.

I'm affraid that i will not have time for a new update today...

But tomorrow i will upload 4 new turns and the fighting will be 'EPIC' !! :D

Truly a kill or be killed kind of fight the next few turn...

Very brutal...

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After the recent fighting in the northern sector the russians started to withdraw their troops both infront of the 'far left' building...


as well as along the main street.


This left the advancing assultgun without infantry support and a prime target for my own infantry. When the assultgun approached the t-section my guys opened fire.

First my 2nd squad / 2nd plt from my second company, that i had deployed here to help 1st platoon with the defence of this sector, fired a panzerfaust.


This one hit well behind the target. The ISU keept moving forward and...

my 2nd squad from 1st platoon / 1st company fired another panzerfaust.


This one hit the assultgun on the left side !

Eventhough it was a clean hit it did not seem to do any damage.

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The assultgun moved right past them and turned left into the small park west of the 'far left' building.

Whitin a few seconds it opened fire...


..and targeted my defenders behind the wall.


Both halfsquads where almost wiped out. One survivor each. Ouch !


In targeting my guys behind the wall the ISU presented my Hertzer with a perfect flank shoot.


And the gun was knocked out !


Two down ! One to go..

In the center.

My HMG in the corner-building continues to engage enemies manuvering down the street.


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Further south.

A russian light machinegun-team challanges my HMG in Kruzhka Inn to a duell.



The russian team are victorious. They kill one and wound another of my men in Kruzhka Inn. Not good ! My machinegun-teams are taking casualties all over...


Unfortunatelly these enemies will be out of reach for my northern infantry gun.


Meanwhile more russian troops advance north from the ridge.


They come under fire from my machinegun at battalion HQ but does not seem to take any casualties.

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My orders next turn.

On my far left. The survivors from 1st and 3rd squads have taken it upon themself to withdraw.



I will issiue some target orders.

I order my south infantry gun to spend its last 4 round to area fire at the location i saw enemy troops advancing north last turn.




And i order my sniper-team to fire at the enemy light machingun. Hopefully their elevated possition will prove adventagious...


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Besides target orders i decide to move a large part of my new reserv platoon (2nd platoon / 2nd company) to the north to assist

1st platoon / 1st company. Those guys have taken a beating and could do with a little help.

I order parts of my 2nd squad to move to the buildings west of the wall previously defended by 1st and 3rd squads. I feel that i'm a little thin there right now.

I have only HQ units over there right now.


1st squad B-team will move into Lieninradski Square to be closer to the action and be ready to deploy to any threatened area in the northern sector.


The platoon HQ commanding these squads will also move to the buildings on the far left.


The MG42 equiped half-squad from 2nd platoon / 1st company that i withdrew a few turn ago when the sniper-team in the same building moved down to the ground floor

will be moved back to that building and occupy the 3rd floor.


Incase the enemies in the center that has been advancing north are planning to advance through here once again these guys will be able to help my crack teams over here.

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No pardon will be given to the assultgun crew. Here men from 2nd squad/ 1st platoon is looking to revenge their fallen comrades.


The crew don't get far...


With two of the assultguns taken out the last of the ISUs is moving forward. This driver don't care about small obstacles. He drives right over the large pyle of rubble infront of him.


And moves up to the T-section by the other assultguns.


My defender over here are now out of AT weapons and are unable to engage the enemy gun. It just sitts there for the rest of the turn. Not being able to decide what to do.

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With the assultgun in possition to support them the enemy makes another attack out of the 'far left' building.

These troops have advanced into the park west of the building.


Despite taking fire from several of my defensive possitions they are still able to push forward. Heading strait for my hiding panzerschreck gunner behind the wall.


Finally ! just as they are about to jump over the wall (and find my AT-guy) they come under fire from my HMG-team in the building to the south west.


and are killed...

At the end of the turn by the t-section my 2nd squad kills some russians moving up to support the assultgun.


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In the center.

Russians keep shifting forces towards the north west.


My HMG in the corner-building is doing its best to try and disturb the enemy movements.


My men are capable of inflicting some casualties on the enemy but there's alot of ruskies slipping through by the look of it.

This HMG team is my only unit at this time that are able to reach out and touch the enemy this far back.

The MG42 equiped halfsquad that i had deployed in the building next to them where ordered to regroup to a possition to be able to assist my crack teams in the courtyard.

They did just that and as soon as they reached their destination they came under fire from this location and took one casualty right away...Damn it !


I wounder if these reinforcements are moving up here to participate in THIS attack or if they are gathering for yet another push later on.

Either way. The reinforcements from 2nd platoon /2nd company that i have ordered north will most likely be needed.

Ordering the bulk of my reserv platoon north already leaves my pretty much with no future reservs. Atleast not that can be shifted around at a moments notice.

I do have the southern part of 2nd platoon from my first company that are defending the buildings east of Kruzhka Inn.

These guys have had very little part in the battle so far and are by far my freshest units in terms of health, moral and ammo left.


Should the need arrise to shift more toops around these are my prime candidates.

The enemy are launching attack both in the north as well as in the south but the center has been pretty quiet and by the looks of it will remain so for the near future.

To the south...



My HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn scores a hit on the enemy light machinegun. The gunner is 'taken out of the picture'...(eventhough he still remains here as a casualty...Ti-hi, hi, hi)

Sorry, bad joke !

My southern infantry gun depletes their supply of HE rounds and fires the last 4 rounds as ordered. No casualties are observed...

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There sure is alot of lead flying around at the t-section.

Some russian survivors from the previous assult opens fire on my half-squad from the 2nd platoon / 2nd company.


In respons to this my 2nd squad from my 1st platoon changes possition in the building and engages the russians below.


However...One man managed to survive and is bugging out...


This victory is short lived for the men of 2nd squad...


What looks like a fresh SMG-team moves across a large pyle of rubble down the main street and pours massive fire on 2nd squads possition.

One of my men is wounded and the squad decides to withdraw from their possition.


To make things worse for my 2nd squad...The enemy assultgun turns towards my retreating troops...Hoping to be able to fire at them...

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By the start of the turn it looks like the russianss have decided to withdraw from the 'far left' building once again.


enemy troops in the rubble and the courtyard are withdrawing under protection from...


russian troops inside the buildings. These troops are able to lay down impressive firepower !


What looked like defeated russians at the start of the turn might ver well not be so.


Later in the turn a few russians are able to advance across the small park and threaten my hiding panzerschreck gunner once again.

This time the russians actually manages to advance past the wall and spot my gunner...

Bye, bye to this AT-guy a though...



A short machinegun burst from my Hertzer...


...solved the situation !

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In the center.

The enemy have turned this building into a strongpoint.


They have troops on both floors that are engaging my defenders to the west.

In the fire fight this turn the enemy looses atleast one man.


In the south the situation is quite this turn.

Orders for next turn:

Only one...

I will order my panzershreck-team to unhide and target the last assultgun.


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The panzerschreck-team that i ordered to engage the last assultgun spring into action:


"Look, look ! That blody assultgun is turning its flank to us"


"My god ! you're right...Let's get that guy"

"copy that. Taking aim...."




"damn !"

"The rocket went high. It hit behind the gun..."

"OK...damn it. Reload !"



"weapon ready !"

"taking aim...Fire !"


"Son of a bitch !"

"No, no ,no, high again. For christ sake ! Kill that ****er..."

"come on now, hurry ! Reload..."


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"my god ! It's turning towards us"

"hurry, hurry !"

"holy crap...It's pointing strait at us ! We're not going to get another shot off."


"jesus christ !"


"Uuuh, oorff Are you OK"

"Yeah, i'm alright. We got lucky. The shot must have hit infront of us..."


"Look ! he's turning away again...He must think that he killed us."

"oooh, uurk...You're right ! OK, we might get another shot at this."

"Don't you dare to miss again. Come on...this is not the first time you have fired that thing...get him !"

"I will...Come on now. Reload !"


"weapon ready..."


( to be continued...)

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Meanwhile my HMG-team in the building next to the Hertzer engages enemy troops in the area around the exit from the 'far left' building.


Towards the end of the turn this machinegun-team looses their leader. He gets hit by shrapnel from the blast targeted at my panzerschreck team.

This far into the scenario i don't think i have a single HMG-team left at full strenth (out of 6 to start with). Maybe one !

I will try to make a full summary of my overall situation after this turn.

What looked like a pretty secure defensive line a few turns ago now look far more fragile...

More on my overall situation soon....

For now lets move on further south...

A member of my Crack sniper team get killed by fire from the enemy occupied building to the east.



My other troops in the area returns fire and the enemy also takes atleast one casualty on the bottom floor.


By the looks of it the enemy withdrew from the second floor towards the end of the turn and the russians at ground level looked to be fully suppressed.

A bit more of area-fire on the bottom floor next turn and the will hopefully rout out of there. If not i will consider using my panzerschreck team once again to fire HE into that building.

On my right flank.

Not much happens here.

But finally...The enemy decides to commit their armour, that has been held in reserv, to the battle.

One of their assultguns start to move.


But what happened to all that infantry advancing north from the ridge ? Where are they ?

I have seen very little of them the last few turns...What are they up to ?

I guess we shall soon find out...

End of todays update...

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