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[WIP] Fester Platz Polozk

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Working on a new scenario depicting the brutal fighting in Polozk.

On 1 july 1944, the Soviets are trying to reach the railway bridge over the river Dvina. On July 2, Soviet forces were involved in fierce fighting to capture the main railway bridge over the Dvina, which formed the main link between the German forces in the north and south of the city; the bridge was eventually taken by the 156th Guards Rifle Regiment. There were intense street battles until the evening of July 4, after which the surviving German forces withdrew.

Here is a picture of the main railway bridge:


A few near misses by an earlier air raid are clearly visible; water filled craters. A part of the city is just to the right of the railroad track; the scene of brutal street fighting.

In this battle you will play the German defenders, trying desperately to stop the Russian advance on the bridge on July 2. The map is nearly done.

One last picture of the city of Polozk itself:


It has seen better days...

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Thanks! Size is 704x544. It is still in development though. Still chipping away at it.

Another screenshot of this WIP:


The scenario is designed for play as the German defender vs. AI. There are not that many scenarios that have you playing the defender. Which is not that strange, since the AI is not particularly good at it most of the time. But playing a defensive battle can be refreshing.

During my test runs, some really cool streetfights developed. Playing WEGO, it is really fun watching some scenes over and over again. This scenario would be a prime candidate for making a video I think :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi PM,

Pretty good map. Looks like the Reds will have a bloody fight to assault and clear that small urban area. Do they have to rush past the bridges to get in town ? Do you have a fording site for the Infantry and or the armor if they have some ?

The German player will have quite a challenge defending against the Red horde.

If you want me to have a look at it let me know as usual.


BTW you wrote "still chipping at the map" Is it a modified QB map ?

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Hi Snake,

No, not a QB map, but maybe it will end as one in some of the upcoming releases. The map of Trainspotting did for example.

This map actually, is a completely overhauled crop of a map Benpark did many months ago during development of CMRT. As far as I know it has not been used anywhere. Ben makes great stuff. I will credit him of course in the notes.

Making a map from scratch is a lot of work, to start with something raw made by someone else and take it from there really speeds up things. Sometimes I make my own maps (Bunkers Burning for example), sometimes I take other peoples work and tailor it to what I need (Vorposten used a small part of the map of Red Hordes, by Pete Wenman, but you will have a really hard time recognizing it). Or I use the master maps. Gates of Warsaw uses Master Map 1 by Pete. For CMBN MG I used a master map for King of Oosterbeek and Betuwe on Fire.

The Polozk scenario is in the final stages of development. I am working on the briefing text and graphics. In fact, it is ready for playtesting I guess. This battle is something different I guess. You play the Germans defender against the Soviet AI attacker. It is a brutal urban slugfest. The Soviets are trying to reach the bridge, sealing of the Northern half of the city of Polozk. They do not have to get across in this battle, only occupy the northern end of the bridge.

Players who are tired of attacking all the time are going to like this. It is sort of large, but since you play the defender, you do not have to work very hard. Also, Urban scenarios are relatively scarce. The CM engine received significant improvement in MG that work out well in urban battles. But urban environments are still not the forte of CM engine. I hope it will be improved upon before we get to Berlin. But still, Polozk is a lot of fun IMHO. Some scenes I have seen during playtesting were 'cinematic'. If you play WEGO (like I do) there is a lot of reruns you want to check out up close, :D he he he.

I will take you up on your offer to playtest. Will upload it soon on the Beta FTP server.

@all: if you want to playtest this battle too send me a PM and I will send you the BTT by email!

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Ah, dipped your toe in, did you Snake, he he he. Hope you enjoy the rest of the battle too. Looking forward to hear your experiences. This puppy may need some tweaking, but I guess as it is now, it's a good start.

With some nice mods the city looks even better. I also use the 'rubble' mod tag. This battle just begs to be viewed at level 1. Street fighting is really something else.

I have done something somewhat similar to this scenario with "CMBN In the heat of the morning", my very first scenario I ever made. But the scale of this one is larger. I tried to keep the size of this down though, frame rates start to suffer when the battle rages in full fury, at least on my rig.

I have given the defender the freedom to create his own setup within the setup zones. I think the setup is pretty solid however, no real need IMHO.

Do keep a reserve to plug the holes in your line. You do NOT want to commit all your forces.

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PanzerMike asked me to post some shots about the battle. Some kind of a "marketing preview" lucky dogs you are. The battle you will be able to play very soon can be qualified of fantastic. I really enjoyed it.

The following pictures will give you an insight of the fierce fighting we testers have been in. For our pleasure needless to say



The Hetzer is about to kill by a flanking shot this ISU 152


It is about time to bail out from this T34 don't you think so ?


Guess I was right , no ?


In these conditions , I think that I would also raise my arms. These reds are taking no chance.


Just taken seconds after the flamethrower had burned that squad. Flames are still flickering around


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