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New file at the Repository: CMRT Vorposten! (2014-06-15)

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Please rate it after you have played it in the repository! All comments very welcome (short ones in the repository, longer ones in this thread). Do chime in to tell how you fared in this battle. Too hard, too easy, let me know! All feedback is appreciated (for we all know that feedback is very scarce...).

And most of all: enjoy!

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Thanks Panzer Mike, I will play and post impressions here,...don´t ask me why but I know this will be a keeper. You scenario creators deserve a huge THANK YOU.

Thanks! Hope your confidence that this scenario will be a keeper is justified. Could just as well be a lemon :D.

Looking forward to hear what you think of it, after you have been soundly trashed by the valiant Landsers defending the outpost.

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Comrades, The Hauptkampflinie is crawling up my Gefechtsvorposten removing impaction ... being spanked by the inexorable huns :D

Sterling job :)

I must regroup and restart and pay attention to... "Do not attack yet ...wait for the main body of the company to arrive."

Because I now know what happens when fools rush in... ;)

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My officers came to work after a night of Stolichnaya :)

They had to reincarnate to get a 2nd chance at Berlin bunker busting.

From the looks of it they may need more Stolichnaya & rebirthing. Gefechtsvorposten don't miss much;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I gave it a go, but after my mortars failed to knock out the MG-nests it was near impossible to approach the bunkers etc. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place - then a barrage struck and took out a lot of my units :(

I then abandoned it, cause there was no way to make a push. So, this is not in criticism of the scenario, but my poor tactics and bad luck.

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"I think you may need to try again." He says wit a wry smile :)

I have tried # 4 as of last PM.... but am enjoying the challenge.

Your AI defensive set up is well done. I think triggers are working for you as well PanzerMike and testing crew Daft, Snake_eye, CombatIntman, pnzrldr.

My officers needed a few Stolichnaya to fortify their courage ... heal their wounds as Gefechtsvorposten don't miss much at all.... ever. I think they must have a Blimp with FO's modeled in somehow ;)

My latest attack negotiated the minefield with only a few dead. I have destroyed MG nest, a bunker and associated kills on the edge of taking Zabrezhe with the 4th Squadron just arriving. It was not w/o loss of life of my brave comrades.

...My next plan may be "try again" with the throw everything at once plan of WWI... in honor of today's anniversary.

Enjoying the challenge. Thank you.

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Hi Buzz,

Glad to hear those Vorposten are giving you a hard time! About the blimp with the FO, that is a hidden feature :). If you spot try to take it down.

Actually, this is what I intended for this scenario. Small, but hard. Multiple ways of going at it, but none of them easy. The AI is cunning in this one too, he he he. This makes for a scenario that begs to be played more than once, until you finally nail it.

Ow, and good luck on your next try WW1 style :rolleyes:

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Hello, Panzer Mike

Thanks for yet an other scenario...

I have not finished this one yet but have already run into trouble...



My original plan was to do a two pincer attack (red and blue arrows)

- the recon platoon would scout ahead of 1st squadron and the sappers along the red arrows. 1st squadron would engage or bypass any enemies found by the reconplatoon.

- 2nd squadron would advance along the blue arrows...

- 3rd squadron would reiforce the most succesful probe (red or blue).

- No plans for 4th squadron yet...They will advance as needed dependant on how the battle goes...

This GREAT :D plan soon failed however...

The recon platoon located the enemy possition at the northeast corner (atleast the bunker and 2 foxhole possitions.)

I set up my machineguns in a supporting possition to be able to suppress the bunker and the area around it.

I called for a mortar smokescreen on the enemy possition to allow the 1st squadron, sappers and the recon platoon to advance across the fairly open ground on the far right.

If i moved the entire 1st squadron, some sappers and the recon platoon up there i thought that i would be able to gain fire suppiority on the enemy possition.

But no...

- The smokerounds did not land right on target but close enough...

- I took some casualies from the mines infront of the enemy possition.

- When pushing into the enemy lines more dugg-in troops were encountered

and i was unable to suppress them all. My troops started to panik...

Attack failed ! :(


I had to pull the survivors back...

Aftyer they rally i might try to advance them along an other route (orange)..

but that terrain looks dangerously open...For now they will rest and i will decide later what to do with them...

My hope now lies with the blue route and 2nd squadron...They have just arrived...

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2nd squadron will advance as far as they are able and 3rd squadron will

advance through them along the blue route.

Thats the plan for now....


I have enjoyed the scenario so far...Let's hope that 2nd squadron will be able to do a little better...;)

I will report back...Now...2nd squadron...It's your turn...

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Thanks PanzerMike,

"Small, but hard. Multiple ways of going at it, but none of them easy."

Accurate description.

"This makes for a scenario that begs to be played more than once, until you finally nail it."

Success. You accomplished this goal.

RepsolCBR... Thanks for your input.

My artillery didn't land very well either. Panic? I never but my pixel fighters did "Run Away!" under the spanking from the... "blimp with the FO, that is a hidden feature.." :)

Hang in there. We will overrun the Huns ;)

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Very interesting to read! Thanks for this. It is always great to see how players experience something you have been busy with for weeks. You hope you got it right, and put it out there. I always get this little knot in the stomach when I push the upload button in the repository.

I have given some advice in the briefing how I think you will have the greatest chance of succes. Read carefully, it might just do the trick.

Good luck, and if someone achieves victory, do share the story!

Thanks again!

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I have given some advice in the briefing how I think you will have the greatest chance of succes. Read carefully, it might just do the trick.

Eventhough my first attack at the north east corner failed missrably i don't think that this nut is impossible to crack ;)

I wish i had gone with HE instead of a smokescreen with my mortars. That would most likely have caused atleast some casualties to the germans in the foxholes.

having 2 machineguns suppressing the bunker from different locations ought to be enough to keep that bunker out of the action..(hopefully).

With some of the defenders killed by my mortars i guess that i would have been able to defeat that possition...

I will try that approach next time if i fail to achive a victory with my remaining troops...

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A Tactical Victory in run #4 got demoted to a Minor Victory in run #5. This was all my fault… well sort of.

I followed the “coordinated attack with mortar support” but my coordination was not so coordinated. :) The ”blimp with the FO hidden feature.." ;) put some accurate mortar mayhem on 3rd and 4th Squadrons as they began their assault up the open filed while I thought was hammering Zabrezhe and it’s defenders with my not too accurate mortar fire. This German pounding panicked the comrades to a halt.

1st and 2nd Squadrons assaulted the the route RepsolCBR noted along the road into Zabrezhe only to find some determined surviors still ready and willing to fight.

I was enjoying RT fire fight and advancing from building to building so much I simply ignored 3rd and 4th Squadrons :roll eyes: to see what I could do without them. I eventually subdued the village defenders and hit the cease fire before crossing the bridge with @ 5 minutes left.

I will work out the timing and coordination in another run. Certainly improved over my first few runs where I was spanked before getting close to Zabrezhe and it’s defenders.

Fun scenario for sure.

Thanks PanzerMike and all.

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Well done Buzz! You have proven that you can certainly win this one, but it may take a few tries (and good tactics of course...).

And you are welcome!

I see my new scenario (CMRT Gates of Warsaw) is now up on the repository. It is so fresh, I have not even had the time to give it a thumbnail, he he he.

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I was having so much fun at level 1-2 Elite RT vs AI that 3rd and 4th Squadrons got neglected in the field :)

When the firefights get fast it is entertaining to see how few pauses I can manage and still get the job done. Impossible if the force size is too large so smaller scenarios firefights are very satisfying w/o pauses.

I know next run through I can work out the timing and coordination with 3rd and 4th Squadrons and that could put “Vorposten!” in the Major Victory category.

Your composition Force size: CompanyMap size: 784x624 is great for those who want an AI challenge but don’t have days to ponder moves over huge maps and forces.

I will fire up CMRT Gates of Warsaw after the Holidays.

Thanks PanzerMike

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and failed where you failed as well. :)

I feel your pain !

However...Those germans will soon regret what they did to 1st squadron.

--- SPOILER, SPOILER !!! ---

Their sacrifice will not be invane. They were able to pinpoint what i belive to be the entire german defencive possition at that location.

Besides the bunker they spotted 5 dug-in fighting possitions maned by the germans as well as some mines.

I have 2nd and 3rd squadrons located in a possition to flank the german defenders in Zabrezhe and when the 4th squadron arrive they will make a second assult on the enemy possition defending phaseline 4.

Thanks to 1st squadron this assult will hopefully be more succesful...No smoke this time...this time it will be HE dropping on the germans. A linear fire-mission will be able to target 3 of those foxholes. (hopefully it will land on target).

Have you finished the entire mission ? or are you still playing it ? where you succesful in Zabrezhe ?

cheers :)

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