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New file at the Repository: MG Betuwe on fire (2013-11-19)

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On 22 September the British 43rd Wessex division tries to reach the recently landed Polish paratroopers at Driel. Ultimate goal is to link up with the hard pressed 1 Para division, who are desperately defending Oosterbeek. To reach Driel, the small village of Oosterhout must first be taken. But this is easier said than done. The terrain on what is called 'The Island' (The Betuwe), is not particularly well suited for tank warfare...


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Nice scenario, great atmosphere.

After a 50 minute fight, and suffering many casualties without capturing a single victory location. I came to the conclusion that I should spend less time in the editor and instead work on my tactical skills.

Really enjoyed this one, despite my humiliating defeat:D

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Cheers PvtW!

Don't be too hard on yourself, historically this attack failed. The Brits had underestimated their opponent. The British attacked again later that day, this time with artillery support and broke through.

So, it would be no small feat if you win this scenario playing the British.

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Some extra info: best played as Allies vs AI, but Axis vs AI is possible too. Has not been tested H2H. All feedback is welcome. Practice makes perfect, you know :-) Hope you like it.

Very atmospheric map and not too big. Thumbs up. To render it suitable for H2h you'd need to incorporate a setup zone for the Brits- who are, iirc, fixed in place. The Germ player know exactly where to land his arty.

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The Oosterhout master map is a wonderful map. I adapted it slightly for this scenario. Ofcourse the addition of the drainage ditches is the most obvious, but there are more.

My intention when designing this scenario was to experience just how difficult fighting on the Island was with tanks. Being confined to the roads due to the polders was a real issue. And I hope it shows in this scenario.

Has anyone had some success playing the British?

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I'm playing at the moment and I killed the PZ III's. (I have to confess it's the second attempt after my armor was slaughtered on the dike during the first.)

Without spoiling things I can say that I found (somewhere on this magnificent map) a very small opening for tanks to advance without having to run the gauntlet on the dike. Without it I would have been very frustrated, I fear.

Still, I don't know if I can get my remaining tanks to the far VP's without having to return to that diabolical dike.

PanzerMike, I really love your scenario's. Instant nail-biting excitement, (within three minutes I had an awesome 600m distance point blank duel between a Firefly and a German infantry gun), multiple approach possibilities and a very nice feeling that the end result depends on my own decisions. (Instead of some of the base scenario's that give me a feel that I can't get a total victory whatever I do.)

And boy, do you know how to set up a nice defense..

I'm a fan and hope you can make some more of these beauties.

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Thanks guys. Takes me a few weeks of hard work, but if the end result is pleasing to some, it is worth it.

Perhaps I should have called this one "The Diabolical Dike", good one Seedorf81.

If anyone can achieve a British victory, I'd really like to hear it. It's pretty hard.

You can play as the Germans too, I tried to teach the AI to put up a good fight, but as you will understand that is not easy when the AI is on the attack.

I am not sure if and when I can make more scenario's. I'm a beta for BFC, that will likely eat up some playing/designing time you know :)

And yes, just like the King of Oosterbeek, I like to make a scenario that will draw you in the action sooner rather than later. If you don't have too much playing time in between work and other obligations (like me), I like to get down straight to business. And I admire the guys who make monster scenario's, but they take a lot of time to play. To each his own.

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Just finished this battle. Conclusion: 5 starts out 5. Well designed map (although mud and ditches turned me crazy!!!). Well balanced (a little on the hard side). Very very enjoyable. I had a fantastic time playing it, highly recommended guys. Thanks PanzerMike!!

BTW: I achieved a Major Victory for the poor Brits. Sadly, my final blow came to a halt, my guys were exhausted and had high losses...so I agreed a ceasefire 15 minutes remaining,...

*****SPOILER ALERT******


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Still playing. Just about cleared the right side of the map, but with 29 minutes to go I seem to run into the same problem as Fuser. Distance to remaining VP's and troops exhaustion make a final attack, other than with just three or four unsupported tanks (=suicide), near impossible.

PanzerMike, don't know if it's at all possible, but maybe you could add some playtime for this scenario?

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PanzerMike, don't know if it's at all possible, but maybe you could add some playtime for this scenario?

No can do Sir, link up with the Poles at Driel ASAP! Our brave lads hanging on at Oosterbeek are counting on you to come to their rescue! Now get crackin :D

Just kidding. Anybody else feel that the allotted time to complete this scenario is too little?

One more thing, historically the attack failed. So I designed it in a way, that a succesful attack is no easy feat to accomplish. Not impossible, but very hard nonetheless. So don't feel bad if your victory is not total.

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Well, I got myself just that! Total victory!

No one more surprised than me, because Gerry (AI Gerry that is) gave up before I knew what really happened.

With no infantry support close, I went on with my "suicidal Sherman show". Two Shermans, one buttoned up in front, the other one unbuttoned following at about 25 meters distance, and than leapfrogging. Keeping the front one always buttoned. (I did not use the dike, except for one slow creeping Sherman as bait.)

Got lucky on an AT (with it's barrel pointed at the dike it was too slow in traversing) and after that kill, the Germans surrendered. Glad they did, because they still had something very nasty hidden on the map edge/corner.

Scores will follow, have to go now.

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Ow man, I sure had hoped that nasty thing would be a real partypooper :D

It would have, if

- I hadn't done so well elsewhere on the map, what forced the AI to surrender.

- I hadn't stumbled on the small "armor gap", that made it possible to deploy my tanks without exposing them on the dike.

- my first (utterly failed) attempt hadn't shown that the dike was even more exposed than I realized, and that a particular corner of the map was pretty dangerous.

- I would have chosen a more difficult level than the cowardice "basic training" (direct consequence of too many humiliating losses in scenario's on "Iron".)

Still, I don't know if this nasty sting-thingy we're talking about would have been more useful when placed elsewhere. (Hindsight view!)

My scores:

British: 241 ok, 36 kia, 48 wnd, 0 miss.

German: 43 ok, 117 kia, 63 wnd,22 miss.

I lost just one tank, and two others lost their TC's.

Germans lost more, but in order not to spoil, I won't mention what.

Though I now know where the German positions are placed, I am certainly gonna try the dike approach. Let's see what smoke - an awful lot of it - will do..

PanzerMike, your scenario's made my doubts, whether I was (frustrated) going to stop playing CMBN or not, totally go away.

I had a blast of a time..

Thanks, PanzerMike.

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Cheers Seedorf81!

You know, if you are really bad at playing CMBN you can always do like me: start making scenario's, he he he :D

I really suck at CM, you know. While beta testing a scenario for the MG release I even did worse than the AI did playing the same side. Pete is still teasing me with that one :mad:

CM is just too much fun to put down.

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Hi patrykd. As Vanir pointed out, it is really dead simple to add them yourself. I did not add them to prevent players from altering the starting positions playing the AI. I have a version with setup zones that i can upload to the repository or I can send it to you by email. But it really is easy to do it yourself.

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Hi patrykd. As Vanir pointed out, it is really dead simple to add them yourself. I did not add them to prevent players from altering the starting positions playing the AI. I have a version with setup zones that i can upload to the repository or I can send it to you by email. But it really is easy to do it yourself.

Yes I know, that this is very easy. But I don't want to see any enemy units if I want to play H2h. So if you could you upload on the repository or send me on private mail the file, I would grateful.

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