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New file at the Repository: The King of Oosterbeek (2013-10-21)

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Fierce fighting for the Oosterbeek perimeter on the 25th. Kamfgruppe von Allworden tries to break through and encircle the British para's. This scenario roughly portrays the same battle as the stock scenario "Lonsdale's Block", just later on the day. It is however a lot smaller in scale and thus plays out faster. This is just my version of what the fighting on the 25th could have been like. I used a small part of Pete Wenman's master map and made some small alterations to that.


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I have started you King of Oosterbeek vs AI. Good job getting the action going straight away. Nice to see your using part of Pete Wenman's master map PanzerMike. Thanks.

Thanks, it seems like you enjoyed it?

I designed this scenario so that it could be played almost straight away. I could have chosen a different approach, like by giving the player setup zones and letting the player do the work of placing his units where he wants too. This can take a long time though in my experience, especially for the defender. And yes, the action in this scenario starts within minutes.

All this to give the player a fast playing and intense battle. Mind you, some may find this not to their liking, because this approach is much more constrictive. But for fast play and quick action that is the way to go IMHO.

@Fuser: thank you, modding is hard work too (and hopefully also enjoyable) and your mods rock hard!

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Hi PanzerMike

Just finished the scenario - and enjoyed it immensely!! Great job.

I was actually a bit miffed about the missing setup zones, but now I agree with your decision: You saved me (literaly) hours of setup pondering, by taking that option away from me. So thanks :)

Quick AAR

With a couple of




Very intense and nervewrecking fighting during the first 20 minutes.

From the start I decided to move a large portion of my infantry forward to the foremost line of houses. This was to try to catch as many of the germans out in the open as possible - before they could reach cover in the build up area. This gamble paid off, as no germans actually reached the line of houses - except for a Stug and an AA halftrack, that got knocked out.

The weakness in this tactic was that my infantry would be exposed to long range fire from tanks and SPG´s, but I managed to evacuate almost every endangered team in time.

As I said very intense fighting for the first 20 minutes - and when I spotted the StuG´s and the King Tiger I almost gave up.

But the lads held up - and a full cannister of VC´s must be on the way to Oosterbeek - especially for the PIAT guys.

After 25 minutes the germans seemed to had lost their will to fight. And after 40 minutes they surrendered - without me even having fired a single pack howitzer. So if I were to say something negative it would be that the last part was a bit boring. But I wont. :D




Great fun

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Cheers Umlaut!

Fast and furious is the name of the game in this battle. I too often spend hours placing my units at optimal positions when playing the defender. While this can be fun in it's own right, it can become a bit tedious if done too often.

Hmmm, judging by your screenshots I just may have made it a little too easy :-) Seems your tactic of moving forward to the row of houses on the Ploegseweg indeed paid off handsomely. I had not really anticipated that tactic to be honest, he he he.

Historically the German attack ultimately failed, even though they managed a small breakthrough which was quickly contained. Those British para's just don't know when to quit :-)

Currently I am making a scenario on the attack on Oosterhout by the Somerset Light Infantry and the 4/7th Dragoon Guards. Again using one of the wonderful Master maps provided by BFC (cheers Pete).

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**********SPOILER ALERT**********

Playing as the Germans after 20 minutes I still find the left flank impossible to breach. Lost a Stug and the KT damaged. Lots of inf casualties. the 81 morts were ineffective vs the Brits in buildings. And with their deadly close range weapons, one has to shoot at them at 150m plus and it's hard to get that range.

The RHS flank is more amenable and I shifted one platoon from the left to the right to help out. The reinforcement company was a surprise as there is NO MENTION OF IT IN THE BRIEFING. Knowing I had reinforcements would have changed things.

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@Erwin. You are right, I did not mention the company of reinforcements. My bad.

Edit: I have updated the German mission briefing and uploaded 1.1 to the repository. Might be a day before it is published by BFC. Good catch.

****** SPOILER ALERT *******

And yes, it is really hard to breach the left flank even with so much hardware (a KT no less). This is historical, the German tanks were ineffective during this fight due to the nature of the terrain.

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