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Avanti! BigDork vs Penry Reverse - ALLIED DEFENCE


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Better late than never. Spurred in action by the juiciness over in the CMRT forum, I have finally managed to get the ball rolling again. Here's hoping the momentum builds again for the last handful of turns......

Turn 37 - Minute 9 to 8

More of the same. BD pushes forward cautiously and must now realise that I am ripe for taking.

BD now has a R35 on either side of the road leading from the bridge buildings up to the northern forest.

I have a shaken, cowering bazooka team with 4 rounds by the side of one of the bridge buildings and another bazooka team with no ammo running back to the road entrance of the map to try to meet up with the halftrack with the ammo on. Those are my only options to nullify BDs R35s......


BD also pushed on from his bridge, sending a squad of men forward under cover from his 75mm Semovente. I managed to take two men out as they ran forward, before the remainder headed to the cover of the haystacks.


This push was soon backed up by another 75mm Semovente, then a 47mm variety, to further strenghten his hold on the area. With no AT assets left on this side of the river things aren't looking too rosy.




Attempt to get the bazooka ammo from the halftrack at the back edge of the map (not shown) without either party getting killed in the process. Other than that the plan is to keep our heads down and attempt the odd pot shot without taking casualties in return. Yeah right!

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Turn 38 - Minute 8 to 7

BD is really going for it now. He is pushing men down the hill from the northern forest, in a full on advance to the string of trees just north of the bridge buildings. His two R35s are providing assistance to his advance, which is going to make any retaliation a risky affair on my part. My firing arcs are set to the near edge of the trees BD has reached, so if/when he makes his next push my men will open fire at approx 100m. Hopefully my men will make BD pay for their final assault, however with just 3 M1 carbines, 3 M1 Garands, 2 Thompsons and a pistol, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold him off for.


BD also pushed on from his bridge, advancing with his armour, with light support from more infantry. Three main rounds into the farmhouse caused two casualties to my men and resulted in the rest of the occupants evacuating the house. There are just nine men defending the farmyard now. Four are rattled, one is broken and four are in panic. It doesn't look rosy! :(


Here is the position at the end of the minute.



My bazooka team made it to the halftrack without coming under fire. They are to grab the last of the ammo and leg it back to the bridge buildings.

The remainder of the men around my bridge buildings are to open fire on BD as soon as he steps out from the line of trees he is in.

The men around the farmyard are to attempt to get back into cover, if they can stop cowering and recover their composure.....

The halftracks in the southern woods are likewise tasked with pulling themselves together and doing something productive.

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Turn 39 - Minute 7 to 6

More Axis advances down from the northern forest. A squad of six Italian riflemen ran down the hill, to take up positions behind a low stone wall. I think their morale must be pretty suspect too, as by the end of the minute half of them had turned tail and ran back up the hill again, despite resistance from my men being minimal!

BD also advanced one of his R35s, to join the string of men set up along the line of trees to the north of my bridge buildings. He held this position for the remainder of the minute and looks set to further reinforce it and/or push on in the near future.


BDs string of men did prove useful during this minute, managing to catch my bazooka team running back to the bridge buildings. They had almost made it back to safety when small arms fire descended on them, taking out the lead man, who just happened to be carrying the bazooka ammo. I now have just one round and the bazooka, with the last man in the team (the bazooka man) just crawling the last few metres to safety as the minute ended.....


I also lost the bazooka assistant in my bridge building, leaving me with just the bazooka man and one round of ammo. I wonder if he can still fire the round, or whether it has to be loaded to be fired? He is currently carrying the bazooka, so if it was loaded before the assistant died I guess there is a chance of it being launched. The bazooka man is currently cowering while being pinned and shaken, so I doubt he will be up to much anyway in the near future.

The leader of my recon section by my bridge also bit the dust this turn and my light mortar team by the farmyard ran away in panic, so things are increasingly turning to custard. I'd be amazed if I can hold out for another six minutes.....


No prizes for guessing what my orders are. Hold on to your hats guys!

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Bummer about loosing access to your bazooka amo. The tube guy can fire and load him self so no worries there. But the amo bearer that is a casulaty in the field will be a problem - it does not sound safe for buddy aid. If you do get the chance, just make sure you aid him with the tube guys or someone from his platoon.

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Turn 40 - Minute 6 to 5

A bad time to be a bazookaman!

Both my bazooka men at my bridge buildings ate lead this turn. The lone bazookaman in the building at the start of the turn took some more incoming fire, was overwhelmed with panic and fled out the door facing BDs men. Needless to say he didn't get very far before he was on the receiving end of both some small arms fire from the treeline and a main round from one of BDs R35s.

My other bazooka man, the one who had ran all the way across the open field, managed to get to the safety of the same bridge building. He spent the remainder of the turn repeatedly getting the tube to his shoulder, spotting BDs R35 by the trees and ducking down while small arms fire was incoming. Right at the end of the minute one of those incoming bullets found its mark and he stayed down for good.....

BDs riflemen by the low stone wall managed to regain their composure and spent most of the minute peppering the farmyard with small arms fire. My men in the farmyard found this all too much and spent the turn cowering in the dirt or falling back under fire.


BD took advantage of this infantry flank attack by pushing another infantry squad forward from his bridge, all the way to the farm building, advancing totally unopposed. While I did have one final man in the farmhouse - the radioman from Compnay HQ - BD kept firing main rounds from his Semoventes into the farmhouse and my man had enough and crawled out the farmyard door. As soon as he regained his nerve and got up into a crouch he received incoming fire from BDs wall squad, forcing him to break for the rear of the farmyard.

I did manage to get some eyes on BDs infantry advance, from one of my halftracks in the southern forest, but they seemed unwilling or unable to open fire at the crucial time and by the end of the minute the chance seems to have passed them by.


By the end of the minute BD managed to turn the screw even tighter. He now has men in the farmyard victory location and I can't see myself managing to evict him. The more likely scenario now is BD pushing me out of it! My only chance is if my halftrack opens up from the south forest road, if BD shows his face long enough.


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Turn 40 - Minute 6 to 5

I did manage to get some eyes on BDs infantry advance, from one of my halftracks in the southern forest, but they seemed unwilling or unable to open fire at the crucial time and by the end of the minute the chance seems to have passed them by.


From looking at the photo of your half-track I did not see anyone in the back of the track to operate the machine guns. Unless I missed them that may be the reason it did not fire. In my PBEM games MG gunners die pretty easily. When that happens I replace them with troops from under strength fire teams. (One or two men left) This gets the MG back into operation.

I enjoyed your AAR. Good luck.

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MOS, there are two men in the halftrack, a driver and a gunner, but the gunner sat low for the whole minute! I'm not sure why he did this. The only thing I can think of is that the cloud of dust kicked up by the halftracks movement obscured his vision? I have decided to move the halftrack forward a touch this turn in an effort to fix the problem.....

Thanks for the kind words!

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Turn 41 - Minute 5 to 4

Another turn of BD picking off the odd man here and there. Trouble is, I don't have many men left to be able to absorb these casualties!

My halftrack in the bottom corner of the map made it all the way across to the bridge buildings, then stopped just a bit too short and copped a round through the door, killing the driver.....

My men by my bridge tried to get back to the empty halftrack behind them. Just as they were about to board BDs R35 fired a main round which didn't knock out the halftrack, but did kill one nearby man. The other man got into the driver's seat, panicked and pulled out, only to be on the receiving end of two more rounds from the R35. The first knocked out the halftrack, the second killed the driver.....

The two men left from the bazooka team, in the bridge building, spent the minute taking pot shots at BDs men under the nearby trees. I did manage to cause at least one casualty, but by the end of the minute BD had managed to bump off the pair of them.....

My halftrack in the southern forest finally fired down into the valley, but it didn't look like he found his target, at least I didn't see any red crosses for confirmed kills.

In the meantime BD advanced his other R35 and yet another squad of infantrymen down from the northern forest, right up to the trees by my bridge. With four minutes left it looks like there will be little I can do to prevent BD controlling all the victory locations by the end of the scenario.


Here's how hopeless my situation looks at the four minute mark!

There is now just one man defending the farmyard - a loader from one of my SPGs. He armed with a pistol, is pinned and rattled, so I don't give him too much longer on this good planet!

Four men defend the northern side of the bridge, armed with two M1 carbines and two M1 Garands. One is rattled and the rest are OK, so they last a couple of minutes more.

My four man light mortar team defend the southern side of my bridge. Three are wounded and they are all tired and broken. Don't think they will put up much of a fight.

The halftrack on the southern forest road is manned by three broken men. If they can avoid being on the receiving end of any fire they might be able to provide some flanking damage as BD overruns the farmyard.

The halftrack by the southern barn is being driver by a wounded, nervous driver. If he can meet up with the other halftrack I could swap a man over and have a man on each 30 cal for double the fun!

That's the sum of my defences, thirteen shattered men!!!

It's a lovely bloody war!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Turn 42 - Minute 4 to 3

Back from walking in the NZ hills! :)

More deaths in the desperate defence of the valley. I thought about thowing in the towel this turn, but figured, as I still appear to be dishing out the odd casualty to BD, it is still worth clinging on to the situation.

I suffered two casualties at the bridge, both from main rounds from BDs R35 by the treeline. The remaining defender by the bridge had enough and fleeded back to the edge of the river. There's just him left defending that side of the bridge now and one man in one of the buildings.


I also lost the last defender of the farmyard, but managed to inflict at least one casualty in return (I think) via 30 cal fire from my half track at the top of the hill. The bazookaman, also in the half track, found it all too much and bolted out the back of the vehicle, but hopefully he will recover enough to man the 30 cal in my other halftrack following up behind.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Turn 43 - Minute 3 to 2

Two more casualties and the towel was finally thrown in, as all resistance has finally crumbled. BD pushed some infantry right up to the buildings by my bridge, killing one of the two remaining defenders in the process.

BD also pushed forward his armour right up to the edge of the farmyard, killing the gunner in my forward halftrack and forcing both half tracks and the lone bazookaman to withdraw back up the hill.

Surrender offered to BD. Great game mate! :)


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Thanks for the feedback guys. I really enjoy playing CM and doing these AARs, even if spare time seems to be an ever diminishing commodity as the months go by. Sooooo need to win that lotto!

Turn 44 - Minute 2 to 1

Got the results screen and the map revealed.



Looking at the casualty list, in particular the number of men remaining at the end of the battle, I don't think I stood much of a chance in this one! Even though we lost nearly identical numbers of men, and had identical numbers of men injured, BD still had 121 men left at the end! :eek:

Looking back at the setup posts I had most of my men (41) restricted to starting at the farmyard, 11 at either bridge and 12 & 8 at the barns. With 63 men out of 83 stuck in the bottom of the valley I was very much restricted in my ability to maneuver. I had no idea where BD was going to come from and it turned out that he came from both hill entrances and from the far end of the valley. I simply couldn't cope with the number of men he could chuck at me and the number of tanks he had either. My SPGs put up a good fight, but half tracks are just too fragile when faced by small arms fire, let alone main rounds from armour!

I'd be interested to hear constructive criticism regarding what I could have done better and what howlers I made during this match up. I feel like I am progressing with each game played, albeit slowly, and I welcome all the feedback you guys can send my way.

Looking forward to our next match up. I wonder if we can squeeze one in before the Red Thunder starts to roll in?

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