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Can't Load "A Man Can Die But Once"

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I have loaded all the MG scenarios and campaigns, including all the master maps with no problems at all. I have started playing about MG 7 different scenarios, large and small, without any problems. But although I have tried six times, A Man Can Die But Once always causes a "Crash File" at the 74% loading point. The last time I tried, I waited 20 minutes at 74% before alt-tabbing and, of course, still got a "crash File" notice.

I have Windows 7, and AMD 7700 series HD, with 13 GB free space on my "C" where MG resides. I don't have any problem with any other scenario, including literally hundreds between CMBN, FI, GL and all modules. Could my btt file for that scenario have gotten corrupted during the install? Anyone else have this problem?

I'll go to the Support Desk if no one else is having difficulty loading it.


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I find that very large scenarios won't load unless I quit CM and then restart it. There may be a memory leak involved in going from one scenario straight to another, and restarting clears it up.

If you've tried it from a fresh start, I'm not sure what to add.

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Definitely isn't a bad idea to quit all other applications and then launch CM. Browsers, in particular, are notorious for chewing up gobs of RAM. I recommend a memory usage monitor program of some sort so you can see how your use of the computer affects memory. I started doing that a long time ago and it's really helped me figure out how to get the best efficiency while working. Or playing ;)


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Thanks guys, but I've tried it all. After the first 2 instances, I always rebooted, restarted CMMG, and loaded it (tried to anyway) first. Still the same thing. I haven't had any trouble loading and playing a lot of battles in a row, several turns for one, then load another and play a few turns; rinse and repeat.

I had no problem playing GL's Temple of Mars by pbem, and every other large scenario in all the other games/modules. Once, with my old HD, one of the large CW battles crashed, but I got an OOM notice then. Since then, I monitor my memory usage. So, I'm at a loss.

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I have had - intermittently - the same problem with the Nijmegan battles and maps. Hangs at 39%. Sometimes a re-start will do it, sometimes not. Very odd. definitely a bug going on, I think. There's nothing running in the background etc. As with the first poster, I'm running a decent enough system and have had no issues with other CM titles (FI, for example). I would think someone needs to look at it.

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