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Multiplayer improvement

Albe Pavo

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I think that the best thing to add to Combat Mission games is a multiplayer improvement.


- multiplayer campaign, with linked scenario, to play against a human opponent a linked serie of battles (THE BEST NEW IMPROVEMENT);

- cooperative game, with campaigns or scenario, to play with a human friend against AI (A VERY EASY IMPROVEMENT TO GET);

- multiplayer scenario playable with other 2 or 3 people (maybe 2vs1 or 2vs2)(A VERY INTERESTING IMPROVEMENT).

What do you thing about it?

Combat Mission multiplayer is simply wonderful and improving it will be great!!!

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I think that the best thing to add to Combat Mission games is a multiplayer improvement.


- multiplayer campaign, with linked scenario, to play against a human opponent a linked serie of battles (THE BEST NEW IMPROVEMENT);

- cooperative game, with campaigns or scenario, to play with a human friend against AI (A VERY EASY IMPROVEMENT TO GET);

- multiplayer scenario playable with other 2 or 3 people (maybe 2vs1 or 2vs2)(A VERY INTERESTING IMPROVEMENT).

What do you thing about it?

Combat Mission multiplayer is simply wonderful and improving it will be great!!!

I really love those ideas :), they were also suggested in the "new features" thread. What about giving a different colour to icons to distinguish your troops from other players? Or the possiblily to choose different nationalities in the same army for quick battles? (ie italians and germans vs americans and british).

And yes, they are very easy improvements to get, aren´t they? If things like these are not difficult to get why in the world aren´t released? :confused:

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Whiterider, i totally agree with you.

Cooperative scenarios and multiplayer scenarios are very easy to get, in fact they just need to add the option.

Multiplayer campaigns maybe could be more difficult if you want to design them properly, but i would like the same to play the already existing campaign in multiplayer!

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Cooperative multiplayer with 1vs1 teams of n players is possible by swapping save files (QBs and scenarios, not campaigns). Not build into the game but with a bit of communication very well possible.

I've played through a 2vs2 and am playing another one and a 2vs3 and I know of at least another one huge 2vs2 going on.

If you are interested in the specifics search the forum for '2vs2'.

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