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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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TURN 56:00 to 55:00

We had action!

My farmhouse boys put some firepower downrange into the windmill.


Next door, in the farmer's house, a team was upstairs, watching...


Uh, oh...



Trusty thick Dutch walls!

Dastardly Krupp shells!

Which will win?


It is no longer a game.

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The farmstead, held by 4 Platoon, has a busy HQ...


Rock, paper, scissors. I'll drop mortar shells on your open topped reaper of death! Either I'll pin the crew, damage it, destroy it, or drive it out onto the guns of my tanks.

Meanwhile, over to the left, near Contact 2000, I had another spot...


At the end of the turn, here's the situation:


I've got a total of 12 or so PIAT teams. Some are right. I'm pushing 3-6 to my left. Additionally, the Challenger is coming out of the Ardennes (the woods abutting the dunes). The back Cromwell is zooming forward to take a high-risk shot at Zephyr. The other Cromwells maintain their overwatch. If Bil tries to move Zephyr, I should get it. If he keeps it still, I should get it. (Unless one of my tanks gets hit first!) Pinochio is bad news. It'll be another race. As long as it's moving laterally, that gun is not dangerous. I'd LOVE to get a flank shot on it. Barring that, I need to get some hits on the Wirbelwind and then pull out before that long 75 cuts my Cromwells apart.

The PIATs are a bit far back for this fight. Each platoon has 2 organic, each company has 2 or 3, and the support company has a few more. My left is weak...but it won't take much to defend, if I can just get enough forces there. I don't think Bil is inclined to push hard there, but if he is, I need to be prepared.


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And we have...ACTION!!

TURN 55:00 to 54:00

Bil is moving armor from my left to right, both light and heavy. A blitz upon the town? It also seems like some is moving down the road on my left. I'll leave them for awhile. They're inconsequential to the important matters unfolding.

At this point, the Town Center will be my priority. (Yes, slysniper, ANOTHER plan!) I'm already committed to a move that way, so, in for a penny, in for a pound.

However, look what popped up a few seconds into the turn...


The wonders of pause, rewind, and zoom...


Shiver my timbers and brace the mainsail! Or something. We're going to have a bit of an armor fight.

If Bil is unaware of my brace of Cromwells (HIGHLY unlikely), then I've got a chance of getting a side shot as the Panther goes down the road. Fingers crossed for that...

However, if he's moving this to engage my Cromwells, then I won't have much chance. The Cromwell gun is no match for the Panther's glacis, and the mantlet is pretty tough, as well. In fact, I'd probably only get systems damage and maybe some spalling induced crew casualties (if I'm lucky).

Let's see what happens...

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Panther Duel, Turn 55:00 to 54:00

Well, the Panther did NOT continue down the road. So much for the shooting gallery.

Now it'll come down to a bit of a nail biter... Who'll shoot first?



Just visible. Sweet position.

Without trees (below) for visibility




Well, that was a downer. In a fun way. :) Up one moment, on tenterhooks the next.

Now, I just have to survive this turn. If both Cromwells live, as unlikely as that may be, then I'll reverse 'em down and figure something else out. No doubt my next plan will involve an ATTACK!


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...and just next to the Panther is Pinocchio.


Bil has two good armor assets there. Fine by me. They, plus the flakvierling (Zephyr), represent a lot of his firepower. As long at they're milling about the windmill (sorry, couldn't resist that one), they're out of the town center fight. That fight has my attention. (Leverage: I -think- I can gain advantage there.)

Bil's Panther fires a shot as the turn ends...


Ahh. I'll have all my tanks for the next turn. :)

Town Center: my AA tank got into position. The other AA tank and CS tank are in supporting positions.

No shots fired. However, I've got spots on Bil's Germans just entering the outskirts closest to him.

I will seal it off. "Cauterizing" is the term I'll use.



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TURN 54:00 Orders

The first order of business is to neutralize his armor. That'll be the key, regardless of how the Town Center fight ends up.

Step one: retreat. Okay, ATTACK in reverse! ;)

Step two: move another asset up (as previously ordered)


This Cromwell should have a spot on Zephyr. I =think= it is reasonably safe from Pinocchio. If not, his shattered hulk will provide protection for my other tanks! Those who die serve my purposes, as well!

Finally, an overview:


What's what, by the numbers.

1. Piat team (just offscreen, left, from the hunting Cromwell), will BRAVELY run into the wheatfield and begin to stalk the Panther. This should be fun! (If they don't get hosed when they skyline against that dune crest.)

2. Hunting Cromwell, opened up. He =may= get a shot on Zephyr. That'd be nice. Maybe not, if Zephyr gets a shot on him.

3. Reversing Cromwells. Flee, like cowards.

4. Positioning Challenger. Big stick, sitting up top. Not a great position, for now, but it'll pay off later.

Now, 2-4 has all my Cruiser tanks in a little pocket. I'll shift them out of there. I feel Bil's grasping talons trying to clutch at my forces. They'll close on thin air, leaving him befuddled and confused! Then I'll attack...again!

5. Town Center stuff. Green boxes are buildings my Pilots will enter. They serve alcohol and have women of ill-repute in them. Perfect for pilots. Green line is the second AA tank. Yes, I'm being aggressive with them, but the buildings shield their flanks. Kind of tough for the TC. He cannot button up. The CS Cromwell is moving up, as well.

Earlier I said I'd pause that B company platoon at the edge of the wheatfield. No pauses for them! They'll rush across the open plowed field and hope for the best. I don't think Bil's got anything covering that yet. If he does, I'll find it. Err, my men will find it.


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TURN 54:00 Orders

The first order of business is to neutralize his armor. That'll be the key, regardless of how the Town Center fight ends up.

Step one: retreat

Save those tanks they may come in very handy later. Are you able to ambush him with the Piat teams?

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Come on c3K i am rooting for you

Oy. With a handle of "para", I'd hope so! ;)

Edit: LOL, funny cross posts. Yes, my Piat's are going to ooze into every nook, crack, crevice, shallow spot, or hidey-hole that they can, and rain projectiles down upon him.

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Deep in his backfield, I spied this little vehicle...


You can see how rapidly Bil is sending out orders in a vain attempt to salvage this battle! The temp gauges are flickering into the red, the tubes are burning out, the radiomen are about to faint. Yes, Bil, try as you may...you will be mine!



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Oy. With a handle of "para", I'd hope so! ;)

Edit: LOL, funny cross posts. Yes, my Piat's are going to ooze into every nook, crack, crevice, shallow spot, or hidey-hole that they can, and rain projectiles down upon him.

I would love to see his face if you KO the panther in a piat ambush :)

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TURN 54:00 to 53:00

Let's see how my Cromwells make out...


Yes! They start to back out. They may make it... Meantime, the one on the left is coming into position. Excellent location. The knoll next to it will protect it.


Gah! Incoming from the Panther...


A hit. Of course.

At least the crew all survived. Once they bail, I'll give them a better assignment.

The one on the left is also opened up. He should spot Zephyr soon..

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Meanwhile, near my left Cromwell, Zephyr opens up on the sniper team, killing the spotter.

My UNBUTTONED Cromwell has no clue. Sigh.


They died. Perhaps, some would say, deservedly so. (I -think- this was the Jagdpanzer IV/70. It doesn't really matter to them, does it?) I really thought they'd at least get some licks in on the flaktrack. I will not mourn.

Oh, the other Cromwell which got hit? A second impact immolated the crew. No need for them to worry about my next orders. Lucky for them...

So, 2 tanks down. NONE of them spotted the German tanks or flak. Are they blind?

I've got one Cromwell left, and the Challenger. The Challenger has no LOS despite what looks like a good position.

3 tanks, all with good "player's eye view", none with good in-game views. Sigh.

I rely, once more, upon my men.



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I have kept silent although from the beginning I've had a premonition that you are indeed doomed in this battle. Now it is clear that that fate is inescapable.

I rely, once more, upon my men.


That's the spirit! Even though you and your men are DOOMED, you can still extract a moral victory from the debacle, and we all know what that is worth. As your brave paras hurl themselves beneath the treads of the inexorable Panzers, they can detonate as their final acts the satchel charges they all carry. Give the lecherous Nazi scum a bloody nose they won't forget! That should put a damper on their celebratory Schnapps!

[insert inspiring latin quote here]


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