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The Blitz is restarting its Scenario of the Month program

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Full disclosure I have been asked by the fine people over at the Blitz to help out in spreading the word about happenings over there.

The CMx2 Blitz ladder is about to restart the 'Scenario of the Month' project and you all are invited to participate. The goal is to playtest scenarios in order to determine how well balanced they are for H2H play.

The scenarios for the month of August are:

CMBN: H2H -Breakout

CMFI: Casa Nostra

If you are interested in participating post a response to this thread:


If you are not already a member you will need to sign up to post. There are more details at that link but you will be paired with an opponent randomly to play out the scenario.

The blitz holds a database of all scenarios that have been played by members of the ladder. For CMBN you can see it here: http://www.theblitz.org/scenarios/Combat-Mission-x2/cmbn/action=list&game=153

From it you can see how many games have been played and what the outcomes were. For example you can see that Barkann's corner has been played 15 times and is pretty heavily weighted in favour of the Allied player. No big surprise there. If you look at Le Desert you can see it has been played 18 times and is about as close to evenly split as you can get.

The goal of the scenario of the month is to get players playing some new scenarios and increase the amount of information recorded in the scenario database.

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I had not thought of that because the data is available for members to see. But that assumes that the designer is a member - bad assumption.

I will do my best to do that. And by that I mean I will report to the designers and if I forget a reminder will get me to do it forth with :)

Just FYI these things take a long time to run through - you will not be surprised. For example my opponent from the August game and I are not even half way through the scenario. I personally will not be playing any of the September matches - too many games going to add more.

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Hi Ian

Thanks for the reply - leastways contacting the designer would allow them (if they wish) to amend the scenario based on some specific and good feedback meaning more scenarios suitable for H2H being available.

I appreciate the time involved in testing these H2H. I must admit this is one reason I tend to release as AI and make an educated guess as to whether it would play out H2H. If I did not do that it could take years to get scenarios out! :)

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A slight correction to what Ian has already said. The collected data is public and not restricted only to members.

Oh, thanks for that correction. That is even better than I expected...

I looked at the site for the scenario above and I am now concerned that contacting the authors might be tricky. The download site for H2H - Break out does not have contact information: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1537

And since on the BFC site there is no guaranteed connection between the repository account and the forum account...

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Oh, thanks for that correction. That is even better than I expected...

I looked at the site for the scenario above and I am now concerned that contacting the authors might be tricky. The download site for H2H - Break out does not have contact information: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1537

And since on the BFC site there is no guaranteed connection between the repository account and the forum account...

Ach nae worries - if you are announcing which ones are being tested on this forum then at least designers can keep an eye out. Accessing the info as it's public means designers can keep an eye out and if needs be, I guess contact the players for any clarification etc. Great idea though so I'll be keeping ma beady eye on it ;)

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March scenarios are a bit delayed. The blitz team is doing a major update to the site. To improve security and add some ladder play features. As a result things are bit behind.

The new site goes live on March 15th and with the improved security of the site every member will have their password reset and a new default password mailed to them (along with instructions for setting to your choice). For full information on how to verify that your email is correct read this thread.

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The Blitz is running three scenarios this month.

Sign up for the September (yes we skipped July and August) Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are:

CMBN: Attack on Verrieries Ridge

CMFI: Palma di Montechiaro

CMRT: Minsk Express

The form post on theBlitz for sign up.

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The Blitz is running four scenarios this month.

Sign up for the Feburary Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are:

CMBN: CW Flowers of the Forest

CMFI: Venafro Back into Hell

CMRT: The Woroblin Bridgehead

CMBS: Gagarina Ave Checkpoint

The form post on theBlitz for sign up.

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The Blitz is running four scenarios this month.

Sign up for the March Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are:

CMBN: MG Counterattack at Son
CMRT: TWC Hill 621 Redux
CMBS: Galloping Horse Downfall

The form post on theBlitz for sign up.

Edited by IanL
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