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Feedback to scenario designers - some guidelines

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So you've just downloaded somebody's work from the Repository, fired it up and played it through. Now what are you going to do? For most of you, the answer to that question seems to be 'nothing'. For you guys, I have nothing to say. :rolleyes: However, there may be others who want to provide feedback but don't feel competent enough to say anything. Or you thought that the scenario played out fine and you don't have any recommendations to improve it. For you guys, here are a few pointers.

First, is the mission you're playing under development? Still a work in progress? If it is, the designer is really looking for critical feedback on his mission. He needs to know what improvements you'd recommend and he'd appreciate all the help he can get. This is beta-testing a mission and the feedback can be quite negative when necessary as it helps the designer to improve.

However, quite a few of us upload missions to the Repository that are already playtested. We're not nearly so interested in critical feedback as we are (well, me at least) in hearing what you did during the mission. I'd like to read an AAR of your experience. What was your plan? What happened? What was the outcome? Things like that really matter. Screenshots are a bonus but are not necessary. Just a few lines of text are enough to keep me happy. Here is an example of what I'd like to see.

'At set-up I noticed that there was a forest on the right between me and the objective and large open spaces to the left. Figuring that the enemy would have some units in that forest I decided to plaster it with my artillery at the start of the mission. The entire company was positioned to attack the forest as soon as the barrage lifted.

As soon as the fire mission was in full swing I gave my forces the order to advance. Upon entering the forest, I discovered that there had been no enemy units in the forest and that enemy artillery was now zeroing in on my boys positioned there. That resulted in a lot of casualties and I was unable to get my force into sufficient order to perform the assault on the objective.'

Reading that, I would know that you got AI plan 3 (the abandoned forest set-up) with the TRPS in the forest. That one's a trap. :cool: I get to know that my trap worked. Then the next time you play the mission you find that the enemy does indeed occupy that forest at the start of the mission and your artillery barrage produced results, etc. Or that you neglected to bombard it at the start of the mission and got pummelled, etc.

So, next time you play something, why not take a few minutes just to type up your experience with it to keep the community's most valuable asset, the content designers (missions or modders), happy? Doing so would result in more content coming your way as well as a few interesting discussions to boot. It's just Win all across the board. Nobody loses.:D Think about it. Being polite might actually get you more free content to play ;)

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So, next time you play something, why not take a few minutes just to type up your experience with it to keep the community's most valuable asset, the content designers (missions or modders), happy? Doing so would result in more content coming your way as well as a few interesting discussions to boot. It's just Win all across the board. Nobody loses.:D Think about it. Being polite might actually get you more free content to play ;)

Point taken. However remember that (for me) sometimes this forum can be quite intimidating due to the vast knowledge that abounds here. But that being said I will do my best to give future feedback and will post a disclaimer of my ignorance.:D

As I have stated before... I do not know if I should bow to Paper Tiger as a Demigod of scenario design or put his likeness on my dart board. :P

I hope that statement is taken as a compliment...and to all those who take the time and effort to produce (missions and mods) I know Valhalla holds pedestals for you all. (SALUTE)

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Good post. I'll give that a try.

My problem is that because I've spent more time testing game mechanics that playing the game I have scenarios that I downloaded a year ago that I still have not played. In some cases I don't remember if I downloaded them or they shipped with the game.

Speaking of which, is this type of feedback needed for "official" scenarios? And where should feedback be posted? In the Maps and Mods forum, in the comments section on the Repository download page, or on the main forum?

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Speaking of which, is this type of feedback needed for "official" scenarios?

Needed? No. Desired? Yes please! :D

And where should feedback be posted? In the Maps and Mods forum, in the comments section on the Repository download page, or on the main forum?

Anywhere you think appropriate (although .. there probably aren't Repository pages for the release scens anyway. So; Maps & Mods forum is probably the best bet).

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The dartboard will do. And it would probably be therapeutic for you too:D

You don't have to be a grog to post your experiences playing a mission. Just what happened is plenty. Feedback can be posted in an existing thread either here or in the scenario and mods board. Some folks start up a thread when they post something at the Repository just for this.

And while it's very nice to get feedback on the content that shipped with the disk, I'm more concerned about providing feedback to the Repository posters.

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... but your fabulous campaigns came with the disc PT - don't exclude yourself from this party! ;)

Hope I earned myself a couple of virgins when I go to eternity with my mini AAR's from your campaign ;)

All this said though I'll try to be more diligent about my comments from now one.

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However, quite a few of us upload missions to the Repository that are already playtested. We're not nearly so interested in critical feedback as we are (well, me at least) in hearing what you did during the mission. I'd like to read an AAR of your experience. What was your plan? What happened? What was the outcome? Things like that really matter. Screenshots are a bonus but are not necessary. Just a few lines of text are enough to keep me happy. Here is an example of what I'd like to see.


So, next time you play something, why not take a few minutes just to type up your experience with it to keep the community's most valuable asset, the content designers (missions or modders), happy? Doing so would result in more content coming your way as well as a few interesting discussions to boot. It's just Win all across the board. Nobody loses.:D Think about it. Being polite might actually get you more free content to play ;)


Good and helpful post. I see how your suggestions help the designer. Any thoughts on what an AAR should provide to other/potential game players?

Specifically, I'm wondering whether too much detail might spoil someone else's own gameplay experience. When I explain how I succeeded (because I am not inclined to elaborate all my boneheaded screw-ups!!!), does that give too much away? Do such revelations diminish the fun (and frustration) of discovering for oneself which plans work (or not) and why they do (or don't)?

I'm about to post another AAR (La Fiere Causeway - June 9th) and would like to apply your advice. Inquiring minds want to know . . . Thank you!

Good luck and good gaming.

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Good and helpful post. I see how your suggestions help the designer. Any thoughts on what an AAR should provide to other/potential game players?

Specifically, I'm wondering whether too much detail might spoil someone else's own gameplay experience. When I explain how I succeeded (because I am not inclined to elaborate all my boneheaded screw-ups!!!), does that give too much away? Do such revelations diminish the fun (and frustration) of discovering for oneself which plans work (or not) and why they do (or don't)?

I'm about to post another AAR (La Fiere Causeway - June 9th) and would like to apply your advice. Inquiring minds want to know . . . Thank you!

Good luck and good gaming.

Great idea, PT.

@Badger73's comment: People should just put "SPOILER ALERT" on their posts, or if there would be a dedicated thread to these AARs, a similar warning should be put in the Title. Then again, we are all adults here--some unnamed people excluded--so we would know that the whole thread is full of spoilers in the first place.

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Any thoughts on what an AAR should provide to other/potential game players?

That depends who you see the audience as.

You might be talking to other folk who've already played the scen, on eitehr side, and comparing notes on what worked and what didn't, and what different approaches 'looked like' from the enemy's POV. This is basically what AARs are, and detail is important.

You might be talking to folks who're currently struggling in a scenario, and want or need advice or a few tips. Detail is important here, but usually only in relation to the specific problem the player is currently having.

You might be talking to folks who're looking for a scen to play. Here you'd want to be quite general, and descibe the scen at a fairly high level so as to not break FOW.

But, which ever way you go, **SPOILER** tags are a good idea.

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I didn't read the bit covered by the SPOILER tags, and the rest looks good - great! - to me. In general, and despite what I wrote above (and despite what PT wrote), I think it's really helpful when people write something, anything, rather than nothing. Ideally that 'something' would be positive* and constructive, which your review of LFC strikes me as :)


* not positive in the sense of blowing smoke just for the sake of it. If something is wrong, or you don't like something, say so and say why. But try to be nice about it :)

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