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Allies Side - 20 000 point Quick Battle DAR

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I'm very pleased with the performance of my Stuart crew. Not only did they manage to get that 20mm half track they were hunting, they also managed to bag another in the process and wiped out all the fleeing crew members to boot! Kind of mean they nailed the last crew member with the main gun....

I'm working on posting a video.

He's lost his forward eyes which is nice and I can see a convoy of stuff coming in behind the dead half tracks. I need to get some serious fire power over there...3 Stuarts, no matter how well crewed, cannot handle Panthers. My troop of Churchills I dispatched is just about to cross the river and be in position in time. If not, I will retreat the Stuarts and wait for him to assault the Railway objective and face 4 Achilles waiting in ambush.

In the center of the map, near the Road crossing my White scout car took fire and eventually died. I did not see the shooter but I suspect it is from the same group of Stugs that nailed the Staghound.

Near the Town object is a sound contact of some sort. I'm not pleased that something made it there without my knowledge. I need to know what is is. I'm taking another troop of scout cars out of reserve and sending them to investigate. The Stuarts in the town are closer, but I want to leave them there just in case something else pops up.

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I just wanted to add a note here to remind everyone that this weekend was the 70th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid. I don't think I have to tell people here what happened and why it is important day to remember for Canadians. Instead, I wanted to say "we remember" and "thanks" to those who participated.

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You might find this entertaining.


Note I hate videos. I have lots of trouble figuring out which format to convert it too. I created this in Adobe Premerie and converted it using Handbrake.

It is very dark but remember this is at dawn and I did up the brightness significantly in the video. It captured darker (with Fraps) than what I see on my screen.

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Nothing too exciting. He's got a large convoy of vehicles come up behind the half tracks I wiped out. I'm taking another 2 troops of Chruchills out of reserve and moving up to this location. I'm also retreating the 3 Stuarts so they don't get taken out but the armor in his convoy.

Also, he seems to have gotten a few Stugs across the river and near the town. Bad news.


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Nothing much to show for these two turns. I just see more contacts and I am moving out more units to met the threat. I hear from my opponent that the next turn (he sees the results before me) that stuff got real. So, I will be checking that turn out tonight and maybe posting some exciting videos or images.

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the best way to post pictures is to load the image into Photobucket, save it, copy the IMG text line, then post that in the relevant thread.

Yes I see. Sorry for the trouble. I did not realize (or remember) that I could put html in here. I should have done that in the first place. Future images will be done this way (as you suggested). This turn however will not have them. My screencaps did not work well. Instead I have a couple of videos. I'm processing them now with handbrake.

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Question: Do you guys like the videos or not? I will probably do some no matter what because I know Ian likes to watch them after the fact, however, if you guys are not really interested I won't do as many. If you are not interested in videos I will just take a few screen caps instead.

Let me know if you have an opinion. Thanks for following!

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Question: Do you guys like the videos or not? I will probably do some no matter what because I know Ian likes to watch them after the fact, however, if you guys are not really interested I won't do as many. If you are not interested in videos I will just take a few screen caps instead.

Let me know if you have an opinion. Thanks for following!

Videos are better than pictures so carry on making them :)

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You guys must be good luck. I never have this much success against Ian.

First fun news is that the troop of Churchills I moved out of cover bagged a Stug. First a Panther fired at them and missed, then the Stug fired a number of rounds and missed badly...well one hit the wheels to no effect. The Churchill crew stood there ground (I hate that phrase now) and fired back getting a penetrating hit. I believe the Stug in the background getting a weapon mount hit was from one of my Stuarts. I'm reversing him....a 37mm at that range cannot take out a Stug.

Here's the video of the exchange:


The next bit of news is even more exciting...and intense. One of my advanced scouts stumbles into a German convoy. What luck! It was the last few seconds of the turn so no fire yet...just anticipation! Watch it unfold in the video below:


I ordered the Humbar to wheel around and go up the road a bit. Its only got a Bren so I don't know how much havoc I can cause. It will be interesting. Clearly he is going to dismount his infantry. I hope surprise counts for something. Also, at the head of the convoy he has at least one Stug. I hope I can decimate the platoon before he can wheel around and get me.

The far armored car near the top of the video is a Daimler II with a 40mm gun. I also have another Humbar with a Bren close. I don't know if they can get there in time to do anything but I'm trying. Watch next turn...its going to be something. Usually Ian plays his turns early in the morning and I play mine in the evening. Perhaps tomorrow morning you can see what happens in his thread from his point of view and mine later that night.

(fingers crossed)

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The next bit of news is even more exciting...and intense. One of my advanced scouts stumbles into a German convoy. What luck! It was the last few seconds of the turn so no fire yet...just anticipation!

...(fingers crossed)

That's gonna hurt !

It's great when recon units get opportunities like that, treasure it. :)

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Would be nice to have some screenshots in this thread.. not all of us have the patience or time to sit through the videos.

I'm with Bil on this - videos which show overviews leave you largely watching icons moving.

Screenshots can show the overall picture much easier with the added benefit ( some people do it, obviously not all ) that you can add arrows and informational comments too.

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I'm with Bil on this - videos which show overviews leave you largely watching icons moving.

Screenshots can show the overall picture much easier with the added benefit ( some people do it, obviously not all ) that you can add arrows and informational comments too.

OK. I understand. I'll try to do a mix then. This big turn though is all videos. Works best to see the dynamic nature of this turn. Will be up soon.

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I'd like to add that for me, it's the close-ups that are the best. I like to eyeball action in CMBN from the ground. I could barely tell those were vehicles in the vids, and wouldn't be able to tell which vehicles were which without the icons. Just sayin'...

Understood. That's why I asked. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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FYI (just in case you don't know and unless it's different on this board)... to post a pic in the thread just put square brackets with img in it at the start of the image url and then square bracket /img close bracket at the end. Apologies if you already know this. I saw the pic links earlier and thought you might not be aware.

Example, replacing the brackets below with square ones, [ and ]

(img)url link to pic somewhere on the interwebs(/img)

Anyhoo carry on :)

ps - I like pics and vids so am happy both ways.

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First let's talk about that convoy. From my perspective it did not go so well for me. I had hoped to chew up a number of trucks with the Bren but it was not meant to be. Seems there were way more Stugs then I expected. Also, I had thought that I was at the end of the convoy but seems I was in the middle. Watch the poor Humbar turn around only to get nailed from the rear:


In this video you can watch down the road and clearly see the Germans scrambling to dismount their trucks. They take a lot of fire from the Daimler that is approaching so that's not too bad. Note that the audio is awesome in this clip. You can hear the gun blasts, the ricochets and the crackling fire.


This last video is taken from a higher angle and shows the context of the battle. You can see the railway objective in the upper right hand of the screen and the road crossing objective just at the edge of the upper left. You can also see the TON of armor units I have just in this one location. This is a MASSIVE engagement.


Intel reports [meaning I squeezed it from my opponent] that he did take some bad casualties. I'm not so sure since for him bad casualties are any casualties. I want serious blood! He did say too that he had some blue-on-blue casualties so at least I caused lots of confusion. That's good. The convoy is stalled and they are shooting at each other.

So if you look carefully, I had 4 recon cars approach the convoy. I only have one left. He"s up close and surrounded by assault guns. The best thing to do I think is reverse. I hope he can survive, but I don't expect it.

And just for fun, here is a short video of a Stuart going up against 2 Stugs and losing....complete with screaming crew at the end (might not come through in conversion).


I have a turn waiting for me so I will check it out now. In consideration of the recent comments on the thread I will try to do a mix of screenshots and videos.

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For the Daimler at the convoy battle, not only did he live, he got a penetrating side hit on a Stug! The Stug retreated so its not dead...I just hope it is combat ineffective. However, he bounced a ton of MG rounds off another Stug that is slowly traversing to face it....they were face to face in the last second. I'm guessing the Daimler is going to die in the first few seconds of the next turn. Unlikely the Stug is going to miss at that range. I guess I can only hope he gets a shell that passes straight through it. That happens sometimes with high velocity shells and thin armor.

Never one to give up, I ordered it to fast move toward the convoy and the road this time. I'm hoping the trees provide cover if he survives against that Stug. Also, it seems to be the fastest way to get out of the Sug's covered arc.

You can watch the action in this video:


Here's an embedded image (yes, an embedded image!) showing the final state of things.


Now there is an interesting battle going on between a line abreast troop of Chruchills and a ton of Stugs and a few Panthers. It has been going on for a couple of turns now. I think I have mangled a few Stugs though it is hard to say since there are no burning hulks [yet]. I did get a penetrating hit on the turret of a Panther...what luck that was! Let's hope he's combat ineffective too. One of the Stugs did hit my Chruchill and immobilize it...that's the first real damage I've had on my major combat units.

NOTE: I consider my major units to be the Churchills and the Achilles. I can tolerate losses of other units but not these guys.

Now he is zooming another Panther around to try and flank me. I can't move the immobilized unit, so instead I'm just turning his two troop-mates to face him. It could end very bad for me. We'll see.

He's a screenshot of the end of turn showing the Chruchills and the flanking Panther:


Here's another shot of the flanking Panther to give a perspective of where the battle is at:


The convoy where I destroyed the two half tracks seems to have stalled...maybe now I regret having no artillery. In any case it is giving me time to prepare. I have all the lane ways and road ways covered. Anything coming into view is going to get nailed by an Achilles (those guys are deadly) or a Churchill. He can't attack head on. He's nuts. If he's smart, he will flank me by approaching from where the flanking Panther is. Maybe that is what he intended to do and I disrupted him. I don't know.

Here's a shot of what my setup looks like:


Overall I am doing not bad. Better than I expected. I have interdicted his convoy and caused havoc with a few recon vehicles. I have stalled his convoy of assault near the railway crossing and I hold all the objectives. Well, one of them, the road crossing is just a Staghound touching the edge but it still counts.

I think I have the initiative and so far I am happy with my choice of units. Not missing infantry yet.

Thanks for watching! Its starting to get exciting.

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In this video you can watch down the road and clearly see the Germans scrambling to dismount their trucks. They take a lot of fire from the Daimler that is approaching so that's not too bad. Note that the audio is awesome in this clip. You can hear the gun blasts, the ricochets and the crackling fire.


The Damlier seems to have dodged the proverbial bullet in the form of a faust projectile in the later part of the turn with it very luckily hitting a tree instead of the side of the vehicle.

Cool vid.


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