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BigDork vs Tiresias - A CMBN AAR

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Excellent action. I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for posting. Your screenshots are really getting us into the action.


Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it. :)

Was it possible for both sides to buy artillery on this battle?

We didn't place any restrictions on the forces prior to the battle. I didn't buy any and I haven't had any dropped on my head yet.

Thanks for the aar,really enjoy them. Keep 'em comin' :)

I appreciate you reading. I'll keep it coming as quickly as I get them. ;)

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As 3rd platoon continues to move right in a flanking move several of my units including one of my MGs engages the German team further back in the village.

It's now been 9 minutes and I've barely spotted any of Tiresias' forces. I'm starting to get nervous and wondering if I've totally overlooked something.


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As 3rd platoon continues to move right in a flanking move several of my units including one of my MGs engages the German team further back in the village.

It's now been 9 minutes and I've barely spotted any of Tiresias' forces. I'm starting to get nervous and wondering if I've totally overlooked something.


That's half the fun in playing another person. Psyching out the other guy, or vice versa, doing things to keep him guessing, all the while worrying like you are that you missed something big.

Good AAR!

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Great stuff BigDork. Very atmospheric.

Parking a MkIV so it cannot easily reverse ...ouch! And IMO MkIV's mainly lose to Shermans so discretion is necessary. Ian.Leslie quotes are from June 2011 and there have been two patches since then so hopefully Ver 2 will nail it. I am assuming BD is using V 1.10!

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I think that can be said for most of the AFVs in this game. Though I don't think that's what Tiresias did in this game. From his positioning I think he had it in the back watching for my units to appear. He just suffered from my Sherman spotting is Panzer IV first.

Huh, I atleast expected a mortar barrage on the forest.

You and me both. Though I'm starting to think that it might be coming. It's been too quiet and I'm starting to think Tiresias has something incoming and is waiting to move forward until after my guys have been blown up some.

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I think that can be said for most of the AFVs in this game. Though I don't think that's what Tiresias did in this game. From his positioning I think he had it in the back watching for my units to appear. He just suffered from my Sherman spotting is Panzer IV first.

You and me both. Though I'm starting to think that it might be coming. It's been too quiet and I'm starting to think Tiresias has something incoming and is waiting to move forward until after my guys have been blown up some.

Well unless he has already requested some heavy artillery, which takes forever to commence not to talk about spotting, I guess that he has anti-tank gun or a tank destroyer hidden somewhere.

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TURN 10 & 11

As the next two minutes quickly tick by my MG team traded shots with the Germans on their side of the village. Into the 11th minute of battle, two more German units did appear in a house and started firing upon my sniper team and CO. The ripping sound of a MG42 was mistakable. I know for sure that at least one more German is out of the battle. My only casualty so far is the A Company commander who got a flesh wound at some point. He's still up and leading his men but he'll keep his head down a bit more from now on I'm sure.

As my men fired upon the German positions a sudden explosion rang out over the gunfire. It wasn't the boom of a tank cannon, more of the slapping noise of something lower caliber. The house that my sniper and company commander were in took a hit to their roof. From the size of the explosion I think it was either a rifle grenade or a 60mm mortar. Except for spooking the men inside the building there were no lasting effects but it has increased my nervousness. Is the anticipated artillery barrage on its way?



There had been an unknown contact in the back of the map for several turns now that I suspected to be another AFV of some sort. Finally my Sherman got a positive ID on it, a second Panzer IV. From basically the same hull down position as he was in when he got his first kill, my tank let loose on this new Panzer. It only took one shot for the 76mm AP round to go ripping through the front of the tank and exit out the rear.


Here is a look at the deployment of my forces as I prepare for turn 13. 3rd platoon on my right flank continues their movement around the right side. As they follow the tree line closer to the Germans I may have to pull them up short due to lack of cover and concealment. Their progress and how far I push them has to do with where the Germans will be positioned a few turns from now.

I called up my reserve platoon in the center and I am sending them forward in an offensive move. I'm going to try and have them take position at the hedges closer to the Germans and engage. I don't intend on leaving them there long but hope to further bog down and bunch of Tiresias' men.

In possibly a move I am going to regret I am repositioning my Sherman more to the right on the other side of the trees. I'm pretty sure there is no more German armor to worry about and so I want to bring the Sherman's armaments to bear on the infantry. The Sherm is going to have to cross a muddy field however and there's the possibility for some bogging/immobilization. I'm willing to risk it though because with how bunched the Germans are, if I can start lobbing some HE in there this battle will soon be over.


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Maybe I missed something but how do we know what it was clearly doing? Has Tiresias given you any indication of what he had been doing with his armor? For all I know it sidled over there hoping to line up a shot down the road from further back and was not in LOS/LOF prior.

And thanks for the AAR, nice to see several of these going on right now. This forum needs more.

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That's a good point, we're making some assumptions only knowing my side of things. I'm hoping T will come into the thread after the battle to join in the discussion.

And thanks sburke, glad you're enjoying it.


The Germans continue to hold up in the buildings on the far side of the village. I think without the armor support to help him move forward Tiresias' approach has bogged down. Over the past two minutes (turn 13 and 14) my center-right flank continues to trade fire with the German forces. In the center itself I continued to push the reserve platoon forward to lead the offensive.

As the minute ends a German MG42 fires out across the field at 3rd platoon's HQ unit. I think the men will get rattled a bit as the bullets start flying by them but at this range I like the chances that no one will be hurt.


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TURN 16 & 17

Sporadic gunfire rings out but for the most part things are quiet. Suddenly bullets start impacting the ground all around the 3rd platoon commander. And then it happens... the first US casualty. The LT's assistant takes a bullet to the stomach. As he shouts out in pain the LT and his radio man hug the ground.


The next minute is spent with the 3rd platoon LT giving first aid before his assistant bleeds out. In the center my men have moved forward to occupy buildings closer to the German forces and I reposition people on the left flank forward to make contact with the Germans there. As the minute ticks down suddenly the scream of incoming artillery fills the air. As everyone hugs the ground harmlessly the shells impact in front of a sniper team. I believe they were just spotting round and I'm not sure yet where Tiresias is aiming for. My guess though, the woods. I intend to disperse the forces that are left there.


Here is my force deployment after turn 17. I continue to flank left and right and the M4A3 has successfully repositioned to provide direct fire on the German positions. As soon as I know where the artillery is going to impact so I can reposition forces, I'm taking the fight to the Nazis


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TURN 18 & 19

The sounds of gunfire were drown out momentarily with the whoosh of a panzerschreck firing. I found myself holding my breath as I tried to figure out if my Sherman was in danger. Thankfully I quickly noticed the shot was going to fly high over my tank.


The panzerschreck round sailed high over my Sherman and right into the woods where my infantry were hunkered down. As the rocket impacted the trees it exploded sending shrapnel and splinters flying all around. Unluckily for one of my men, he's in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The 18th minute of battle proves to be the costliest one yet for the Americans. Besides the infantryman in the woods who's taken out by the panzerschreck rocket, one of my advancing men in the center is taken out of the battle by a grenade and the spotter for my one sniper team is wounded by a tree burst from an artillery shell. It's not all bad news though. The panzerschreck team is spotted and dealt with.

As the next minute starts ticking down the Germans spring to life. On my left flank German infantry floods out of a building and out of hiding and starts streaming forward. Several of their men are cut down but it isn't enough to slow the Nazis from moving forward and trading gunfire with my men.


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This was Tiresias' first PBEM and so he played it pretty cautious. Through experience I've kind of picked up you can't be cautious in the beginning. Like you said, it's a race. We've already talked about it and pretty sure we're doing an attack/defend next game. Hopefully in CMFI.

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My hats off to Tiresias for having his first PBEM appear as an AAR. It might be a little intimidating throwing yourself open to anyone second guessing your tactics, but it is far more appreciated that you allow us to watch the game. Bravo

Oh I think he did pretty dang good for his first outing and has been great going back in forth in our e-mails. When I first started playing CM I learned a ton from AARs. It's one of the big reasons I like doing them now. I hope that new players can pick up a thing or two, though I am far from good at the game. It's my hope that seeing the other side of the battle, T might be able to see my thinking and improve.

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TURN 20, 21, & 22

The 20th minute passes with my forces holding strong in the face of the German push. Tiresias' forces are only able to push up to the treeline before being stopped. They tried to find cover behind the trees but my men were better protected. From their superior positions the Americans are able to keep up significant firepower and inflict heavy casualties.


Suddenly more German soldiers appears. In the center roughly two platoons of infantry burst out from their hiding spots and rush forward. Like their counterparts on my left flank, they are only able to push forward to the treeline before going to ground. Fortuitously for me, I had called in a mortar strike several minutes ago in preparations for my own push forward. As the Germans rush forward they have to contend with 60mm mortars falling in their midst.


Here's how the battlefield looks 22 minutes in. My forward squad has taken a few casualties due to the German push and is currently more interested in hugging the ground than fighting. Other than them, all my units are staying strong and providing withering fire on Tiresias' men. To make matters worse for him, he tried to re-adjust his artillery and now it is falling on his own men in the center. Rumors are circulating that the Germans are on the verge of asking for a cease fire.


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