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[RELEASED] Juju's Hi-Vis TRP's


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Well, really, Juju...considering there are nearly 16.8 million colors in the RGB space (without the alpha channel which you seem to have lackadaisically neglected as well), 10 variations is a little narrow-minded, don't you think? ;)

Seriously, thanks for this! Will be trying them out.

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I also made some tests with this object's texture, but I found it very gross: what I don't really like is its 3D appearances, and I tried to mask it using the Alpha channel, but there are some parts that will not disappear.

In CMX1 the modded TRPs where much nicer than this pancake!

Juju have you tried to render it as a flat aiming grid instead of this cookie?

That I would like... ;)

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Great idea as I tend to miss them. Is there any chance of making them bigger too or is there some kind of constraint on that?

No, Sadly I can't make them bigger. Unless someone is able to modify the 3D model for this. I would have loved to do a larger CMx1 style TRP, but alas!

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